ReikoX's Workshop 2022

nice perhaps a mission to add to my future mission list!! seems my cloning and first plant is a becoming successful from the get go of my canna career!!.. my clones are 4 days into the start of flower and are 2 feet high each they look extremely happy!

not bad for my 2nd try!


hats off that is some dedication on the dial up of info regarding your soil… it’s the extra efforts you put in for what you get out I guess!

nice studies. :beers: :man_farmer:


I have been playing around with different soil mixes lately (recipes posted at the end). Previously I had made my version of Pro-Mix which was peat with 30% perlite and some lime. It worked out pretty decent with the Jacks 321 in the Subway SOG, but required constant feeding. I also have several mother plants in the same mix. Earlier this summer, I mixed up a batch of “water only” soil to be used outdoors in a SIP. This mix was a little on the heavy side with blood and bone meal in it. When I started the Dominion Diesel, I didn’t have enough of the “Pro-Mix” so I mixed it 50/50 with the “water only” mix. This proved to be too much for the young seedlings. I lost a couple to damping off and they have grown quite slow.

I was looking for a better starter mix that I wont have to constantly feed, but also wont stunt seeds or clones. I’ve had my best results in the past with a Clackamas Coots mix that has had a single run of autos through it. So I found a light soil mix on Build-a-Soil that is based of off the Clackamas Coots recipe. Last night I mixed up a cubic foot of the Build-a-Soil light mix and a cubic foot of the standard Clackamas Coots mix.

Now that I actually had some soil mixed up, I decided to test it. First test was with some clones that have been sitting under the dome and are ready to be transplanted. I had four different varieties, with four rooted clones each. So I decided to do two of each variety in the Build-a-Soil light mix and two of each in the Clackamas Coots mix. After that I put them back under the dome and under low lighting to acclimate for the next couple of days.

When I looked at the Dominion Diesel plants, I noticed they were starting to get root bound and circling the bottom of the solo cups. So I decided to up-pot them slightly to the Subway cups. I then put them in the flower room under 12/12 lighting for the next couple of days. This should help encourage them to show sex in the next week or so.

I also up-potted two Solo’s Stash clones into Solo cups with the Build-a-Soil light mix, then moved them into the quarantine tent set to 12/12 lighting. The plan is to pollinate them with some saved Solo’s Stash pollen and make some S2s.

Pro-Mix Recipe:
5 gallons sphagnum peat moss
2.5 gallons perlite
1 cup oyster shell flour

Water Only Recipe:
3.75 gallons sphagnum peat moss
2.25 gallons of perlite
1.50 gallons mushroom compost
1.25 cups dolomite lime
1 cups bone meal
1/2 cup blood meal
1/2 cup kelp meal

Build-a-Soil Light Recipe:
5 gallons sphagnum peat moss
2 gallons perlite
1 gallon vermicompost
1/2 cup karanja cake
1/4 cup kelp meal
1/2 cup crustacean meal
1/2 cup gypsum
1 cup basalt rock dust

Clackamas Coots Recipe:
2.5 gallons sphagnum peat moss
2.5 gallons perlite
2.5 gallons vermicompost
1/2 cup neem/karanja meal
1/2 cup kelp meal
1/2 cup crustacean meal
1 cup gypsum
1 cup oyster shell flour
2 cups basalt rock dust


Hay ReikoX Curious if you noticed any difference in the cycles that had the Ca base saturation over 85%?


I shoot for an 85% Ca based off the Tiedjens stuff Slownickle posted over at ICMag. I don’t think I have ever hit that with the AA8.2 test. Those results aren’t shown on the chart though.

My best yield to date was Cycle #4, Grass Fire OG. Cycle #5 was an autoflower seed run. While the yield wasn’t huge, there were lots of healthy beautiful seeds. Cycle #6 was on par with Cycle #2 (not shown) and had some issues with N and Mn deficiencies.


So they were all different strains? Any conclusions, other than the Mn?

I still go back and reread Slownickle’s thread, there’s a lot in there!


Yes all different strains, I tend to run from seed. I like the variety.

Other than the Mn being low, especially with Slownickle suggesting 1:1 Mn:Fe, I noticed a lack of N which is difficult to test because it is constantly in flux. I’ll be adding some feather meal and some amino acids this round.

I actually made a few trend charts so I could visualize what was happening with my soil, but didn’t post them because I thought they were pretty nerdy. :nerd_face:

I guess I can post them here:
ReikoX-Soil-20220511-Trace Elements

Some other observations… the sulfur keeps going up with all of the gypsum additions. This time my Ca is coming from fishbone meal, will see how that works out.

There was a huge jump in K on cycle #6, but that just looks like I got a chunk of some high K source in the sample they took.

I had this huge jump in Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, and No3 on cycle #5 that I’m still trying to figure out. At first I thought it was the addition of the bubble hash scraps, but turns out that was added after the soil sample was taken. My guess is the dichondra seed I planted as a cover crop had a clay seed coat and that played a roll. In fact, I had a huge jump in TCEC that round, I bet it was the clay. :thinking:


Last night I decided to do a test squish of the Solo’s Stash #2. This particular press was 5 grams of flower in a 90 micron bag. I pressed it for 3:00 at 85*C. It returned 1 gram of rosin for a 20% return. It was a little darker than I am used to, but it gives me a good idea of what the wash should do. I’m guessing about a 3% return on the fresh frozen material.

I decided to take a big fat dab out of the reef cycler with the terp slurper.


Don’t leave us hanging ! How was it?


Pressed at 185 degree’s im surprised it is that dark, so how was it, you still alive :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Delicious, sort of reminds me of the Zak Haze I lost. Potent without inducing anxiety. Left the nail dirtier than hash rosin, but that was to be expected.


Taking notes.

I went to build a soil, wanted to order 1/2 cubic foot 3.0 potting soil for $18 cost of shipping $20… nope!
Glo’s been drying about 10 days, gonna give it a try today.


Yeah, depending on location and item/weight shipping from BAS to many parts of the US can be a real deal killer.


I spent most of last night making some ice water hash. I didn’t get any pictures, but I did get a cool video of scooping out the first pull. You can find that on my IG (reikox420). I started out with about 800 grams of fresh frozen Solo’s Stash #3. The first wash dumped a lot of resin, I literally said WTF out loud when I saw it. The second and third wash were respectable, but still good. I had some issues passing the first wash through the sieve, I didn’t let it sit in the freezer long enough and it clogged it up pretty good, I ended up just throwing the patties as chunked up as I could get them in the freezer to dry. The second wash, went through the sieve as normal, I used smaller size pieces and it was in the freezer long enough to not stick to the sieve. The third wash, I left in the freezer too long. I had to wait a while for it to thaw some before it would push through the sieve.

Since I already had everything out, I decided I would empty a few jars and run a mixed batch for carts. This was mostly autos from the Subway SOG. I did three washes on this as well, no issues pushing it through the sieve. I saved about five gallons of bubble water to feed to my vegging plants.


oooooohhhh yeaaaa. That’s a pretty glob of hash for sure!


Went over and checked out your IG. Love the photo and caption for the red light pic!

Aaaasssssss yoouuuu wwiiisshhh!


Yeah that’s right! Mando in Delo, just wanted to drop this!

@ReikoX the Glo is good, butt… it’s no JLo. :sunglasses:


I just did the same @ReikoX up potted my ice cream cake girl as i need her their future space for 7-10 days for drying my first ever crop!.


Looks like your room is working well for ya man
Sorry if I missed it, but how often do you have to water, and how much?


Depends on where I am in the grow. In full flower the Blumat resivoir drops by about 2 gallons per day. Less when the plants are smaller.