ReikoX's Workshop 2022

Ah, didn’t know ya started with blumats.
Have any problems with them yet?
I have some but too scared to use them, as I’ve heard lots of horror stories of them draining the res and flooding tents


I had one minor flood with them, barely over flowed the tray. I’ve been using them for 3-4 cycles now. They sure make watering easy. I’m using RO with a UVC bulb in the res to prevent any kind of build up.


The floods can happen with what ever watering system you use. Gravity just takes over and can empty your res tank.
Simple fix, place a check valve in the system. When the water stops it let’s air in so it doesn’t keep draining.
Had to put one in my res too.


Would you mind elaborating on this idea @ReikoX? Which UVC bulb? How big is your Rez? Maybe a pic or two.



That would be great if I were using a pump, but the Blumats are gravity fed, no pumps involved. :wink:

So the resivoir is 14 gallons from an autopot system. I usually only fill it to 10 gallons though.

Inside is a UVC bulb used in fish filters. It is on a timer and turns on for three hours in the middle of the night.

Spent a couple hours in the workshop this weekend. I got stuff cleaned up and put away from making the bubble hash. The leftover buds from the Solo’s Stash were top dressed in the beds. The leftover buds from the dried and cured buds went into the bokashi bucket. I trimmed up my bonsai mother plants and put the trimmings in the bokashi bucket as well.

I gave away two clones to my father, and moved four down with my mother plants. That still leaves me with 10 extra clones to deal with. I asked one of my neighbors if they wanted some clones, but he never replied.

I checked over my Dominion Diesel plants for pre-flowers and saw two females. Two other plants look possibly like males, but I will give them a little more time to be certain. The final one (the runt) hasn’t shown either way. If luck holds out, I’ll have three females for the next round. I topped all of the plants, put the tops in rooters, and labeled everything.


I never used the Blue mats or looked into them. Gravity fed seems like a nice option :grin:




Must have gotten some fungus gnats in the peat moss I used to mix up the new soil. The clones had quite the outbreak. Since I had no use for the extra clones, I cut them and threw the soil in the outdoor bin.

I’m still waiting on the Dominion Diesel to show sex. So far I have positively identified two female and a male. Of the other two, I suspect one male and one female. I’m sort of enjoying the break, so I’ll keep waiting. Next round I may splurge on sex testing.

The two Solo’s Stash females in the quarantine tent are about ready for pollen. I’ll likely hit them up some of the saved pollen tonight and make a few F2s.

The flower room is just enjoying a bit of low light. With no plants, the Blumat reservoir is barely going through a couple gallons a week. The beds have already been amended and the cover crop is starting to come back.


I’ve been helping my neighbor across the street grow clone he got from a mutual friend. I hooked him up with an earthbox and some a water-only soil recipe. My instructions were to fill the tube with water when it was completely empty. Saturday night we took the plant down. Glad we did, because it rained all day Sunday and is still rainy today. I told him I would help dry and cure for him. Going to make him trim it though.

There was some caterpillar and thrips damage on my buddy’s plants, so I decided to dry in my QT tent in the master bathroom. In order to do that, I had to shuffle around some plants. First I moved the Solo’s Stash cones that I had pollinated to make some F2s on the top shelf of the veg room. I set that light to 12/12 even though the bottom shelf is still on 18/6.

Next I took the four female Dominion Diesel plants and moved them into the beds. Two plants in the far left bed, and one each in the other two beds. I watered them in with some microbes and amino acids.

The first batch of Solo’s Stash hash has been made, dried, and now pressed into rosin. I got right around 14 grams of rosin off of the first batch. If everything washes the same, I should get another 10-14 grams from the other plant.

This particular press was about 7 grams of fresh frozen hash, pressed at 78*C for approximately 3 minutes.

This particular press was about 7 grams of cured (mixed) hash, pressed at 78*C for approximately 3 minutes.


That looks sooooo gooey tasty!!!

Got a growmie who is into pressing, I am probably gonna bubble hash all the OD buds I have saved up in jars (emergency only stash), then take it over to his place to squish.



Are you going to see if the extract yields increase/decrease/doesn’t change on the F2s of the solo’s stash?


Not very likely, the F2s are for trades and future backup of the genetics.


@ReikoX very cool helping out a neighbor. Caramel hash press looks Great!


That’s some deli looking rosin brother…
It makes me wanna press what’s left of the widow maker buds i have, one day man…


I recently read this paper geared towards speed breeding hemp. Basically they developed the following protocol. Seeds are germinated and vegged under continuous light for two weeks. After two weeks, the plants were placed under 12/12 until they flowered and had set seeds. Thereafter, they remain under continuous light for the remainder of cultivation. After one week continuous light, they are expose to drought stress.

When my buddy asked me to help him dry his outdoor plant, I decided to use my quarantine tent. I’m glad I did, I found a couple caterpillars crawling around. Anyway, I had a couple Solo’s Stash plants that had just been pollinated at day 20. So I moved them into my veg room to free up the quarantine tent and did a modified version of the protocol. I set the timer on the upper light to 12/12, but the lower light where my bonsai mothers are was still set to 18/6. A few days later, I waited until they drooped to water again. There is still enough light from the lower light to prevent the male Dominion Diesel on the top shelf there from flowering.

Top shelf with the lights on.

Top shelf with the lights off.

Now that my buddy’s outdoor is dry, I moved them to jars and the QT tent is free again. I’ll do a decent cleaning, then I plan to put the Dominion Diesel male in there with some clones of Solo’s Stash and Grass Fire OG. I’ve been making quite a few photoperiod seeds in the quarantine tent this year. I’ve made GFOG x GG4RIL, GFOG x SS, and SS F2. Now I’ll be making GFOG x DD and SS x DD and will likely make some DD F2 after that.

I want to follow the above protocol more closely next time. The main advantage is I can make photoperiod seeds in my veg space, allowing me to get more runs in the small QT tent.


Sounds alot a lot like what some hobby breeders are already doing with the: small plants-small containers-short veg time, but then putting them back under veg lighting to ripen the beans, shooting for 60 day cycles?


Got to spend some much needed time in the workshop. I started by trimming my bonsai mother plants.

I also trimmed up the clones and the male Dominion Diesel. I put all the tops into the bokashi bucket.

Next I transplanted the Dominion Diesel clones into fabric pots to make them new bonsai mothers. Plants number 1 and 2 had long roots I had to coil up. Plant number 3 barely had a nub, and plant number 4 had a moderate amount of roots.

Then I up-potted the clones to solo cups, cleaned the QT tent, and moved them, along with the Dominion Diesel male, into the QT tent.

After all the transplanting, I gave the workshop a good sweep. And filled up my resivoir and humidifier.

Finally, I gave the Dominion Diesel a feeding of bokashi lechate (microbes, fpj), malted barley(enzymes), fish brew (microbes) , quillaja (wetting agent), TM-7 (trace elements), aloe (plant resistance), soy aninios (nitrogen), and ful power (fulvic acid).

Dominion Diesel 1

Dominion Diesel 2

Dominion Diesel 3

Dominion Diesel 4

When I was watering I noticed a volunteer plant that popped up. Hopefully it’s a feminized auto :grin:


Looks like a special garden props :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Well hell cuz lol it’s been s minute since I did much visiting. I see I missed some nice growing by you! As always, your garden looks great, and the plants just beautiful!