Rhai88 & Rena93's Cultivation Station

Thanks to everyone here who’s had kind words. Speaks volumes.

Right now it’s just all to real. We’re used to doing up two dinner bowls for the boys and tonight we only had to do one.

Definitely a piece missing right now and its weighing pretty heavy.


Sorry to learn that Binx has departed unexpectedly…
Hoping you and your family are able to cope with the loss of your loved one.
Will definitely roll a fat one in his honour.
Also, hoping your garage door issue is sorted out sooner. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:
Take care bro!


Sorry for your lose! itś always hard to lose a family member!


Picked up this little 4 zone temperature monitor… actually pretty nice for a cheap find. I’ll grab something fancy down the road that I can monitor from my phone. Until then all funds are reserved for getting the grow going.

The base unit temp reading is in the house.
Zone 1 is my grow room.
Zone 2 is in my seed fridge.
Zone 3 the is outside in hell :laughing:

Seeing the 37 degree difference blows my mind a bit. I live pretty close to hell but I’m super stoked to finally have a space that will be easier to climate control.


Do you need wifi for this device?

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@blowdout2269 nope no Wifi… claims 100ft range to read the probes. So far no issues. Been working just fine.


Hmm, would you please be so kind send me that model info when u got a minute?
I got no web in the woods, lol. Always looking for good tech that doesn’t require internet connection. :wink:


just got caught up… garage door looks good… can’t believe they screwed it up again!!!
wow man you are due for some good luck soon.

Heart is heavy reading about your loss.
Everytime one of our dogs passes on it hits hard.
So sorry for your loss. The good ones are always missed the most.
Rest easy Binx.


It’s been a busy last couple of weeks getting the house ready and setting up for my little ones birthday. The big 7 was quite the bash but now that things are back in order I finally took some time for my garage and started setting up a bit last night.

I got my 8ft desk all set up and picked up a stainless shelf that will hold all my bottles of nutes/microbes/whatever else as well as hold a couple of strip lights underneath to keep the clones happy in a nice little clone station(worked out unintentionally).

I’ll also have my one of my PCs to be able to track information and or possibly stream the garden(definitely a thought).

Can’t wait to have some plants going… I think I’ll need about 2 or 3 weeks. That is if things go according to plans without any hiccups. :laughing: Luck has been hard to come by these days.

Seeds to be dropped…


Dogo is happy in his new chair… :rofl:


Puppers got the good seat. I <3 my SL chair.


Did I label those as Cowboy Cookies S1?

I think they’re actually F2 fems. I may have kept seeds from the plant I reversed, but I don’t remember now. Either way, they should definitely be fems.


@middleman you were correct brother my mistake on the S1. haha


Forgive my stupidity, but if they are fems, wouldnt they be S instead of F ?

I had labeled some of my fems F2 because it was one plant to another, but that seemed to cause more confusion than anything, so i stopped doing that. Not trying to correct anyone here, just would like some clarification.


I would call them “S1” if the plant was selfed.
The seeds I made there were made from a reversed F1 that pollinated a separate F1. So I called them F2 fems.
I might be completely wrong about it all though.


That’s the nomenclature I use. The F stands for filial (family) generation. The S stands for selfed.


Ok, so when I reversed 1 of 2 plants, calling the beans from the reversed plant ‘S1’, and the beans from the second ‘F2 fems’, would match that line of thought, which is what I had done. Thanks guys :smiley:


I recently did the same.
I reversed one of the Scarlet Grapes F1 auto fems. Then I pollinated another F1.
The reversed plant is the S1 line and the pollinated plant is the second filial generation(F2). As I’m told. But, I do have a great amount of respect for the opinions of our fellow brothers here. :wink:


It sounds like everyone is on the same page. I was just confused. :smiley:


Excited for my new pheno hunting station/early veg spot. I can almost smell the green again!