Rhai88 & Rena93's Cultivation Station

Wow that’s some heavy duty commercial grade growing right there! You should be set now :grinning:


Hey you got yourself a nice set up there man congrats. Actually with your set up you could get into mycology if you wanted.:wink:
Nice shelving


thats gone give you a lot of room for hunting purpose! :slight_smile: looking great!!!


@m0sirys I’m in the garage planning and setting things up right now lol

Can’t wait to fire everything back up.

I think I will be doing a bunch of BamBam crosses with the F1 male pollen I collected and possibly drop a bunch of the F2s to look for a keeper female to reverse. Decisions Decisions.


@Rhai88 looking forward to the finished garage! i know pretty good how long it can take to get everything to the point you want it!

old sytem from years ago took me quite some time to build! at that time. alot of planning ect

Bam bam will be yum yum yes? sorry for stupid pun! i love what you do, so i`m in for the fun


@m0sirys That’s a hell of a setup right there… I wish I had rooms setup like that but I’d need two garaged to do that here lol I need a barndominium with one massive garage to make two rooms in. lol

BamBam is yum yum. Excellent smoke. One of my favorites to this day.

Appreciate the words my friend!


@Rhai88 thank you and you re welcome!

yeah the setup was pretty good! i need to repair my n.a.s server to find some more pics of the old sytem.

the biggest advantage of this kind of system is the scalablility. but i don´t need that much space anymore. but it was quite fun at that time.

sounds like bam bam is great! i need to catch up when it comes to strains. did to long the same clone,
even if it was a good one! :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


looks better than good looks well thought out and professional I dig it. Rooms like that make me strive to be better. But damn this sure is an expensive passion. lol

If you ever want to take a whack at some BamBam F2s let me know I’ll get a pack out to you!


@Rhai88 i think what you doing (and all the others) here is already highly professional! :slight_smile:

i just have some experience building large rooms. and taking care of masses of cuttings.
the funny thing is that it takes nearly the same time to take care of 500 or 25 plants :rofl: :joy: :rofl:
sure depends on the setup :blush:

now i`m satisfied with small growing spaces :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

would love to add something new to the collection-! so if you have some seeds to spare iḿ more than happy to add them to my collection.

i had or better sill have alot of trouble with Sour Dee i recieved from Jinglepot. the fault lies with the nutrient company missing the micro nutrients in the mix messed everything up!


Well we all try… haha

yeah you’re right on that when I first started I was taking care of a couple of plants. Somehow it does all seem to take the same time with 20+ haha

PM me your details! I’ll get some out to you! I probably have around 5k BamBam F2s lol Extemly fertile male female combo. Couldn’t believe how many seeds came off the single female I used.

Which nutrient company were you using?


yeah we all try… and retry and retry that is sure!!!
you can get it if you really want !! but you must try try and try i guess :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy:

but today we have quite better information than our bro science from years ago. and that is a lovely thing. but bringing everything together is a pain in the ass… and is taking quite some time.

switching from hps to led and from commercial cannabis fertis to agriculture ferts at the same time was like :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

the company i use is “Compo Expert” they have a shitload of different salts and stuff! i mainly use haka Basis 5 , and haka soft spezial… before i started to us them i always used Advanced Hydroponics 3 part. but they now belong to Bayer Monsanto so im not buying it anymore. ill drop you the link in the pm. than you can scan there wohle product portfolio. the side has quite a lot of usefulstuff. maybe there is some to your liking.

wow 5 k thats a whole lot of seed! male female is always the best! i want pollen to do a cross with my flc. and shre them with community :slight_smile:


Most definitely with the information but you still have to go through trial and error. :laughing:

I’m sure there was a massive learning curve there. I know a few guys who still refuse to leave HPS for LED. Us guys in the hotter parts definitely enjoy the difference in heat output!

I’ll have to check them out… I’ve never heard of them. I’d appreciate it I always like to see what everyone else is doing around the market. I’ve been using Athena pro line for the last couple of years and have liked my results enough not to switch.

Yeah it took forever to shuck them beans! I have a couple of different pollens I’m not sure if they’d be of interest to you I’ll reach out to that PM and give you some details!


I am so sorry…grieving and loss takes a toll on you… our daughter lost her cat to cancer in April, and is still processing…
It will take a while, and you never stop missing them.
We still think about and grieve our past pets from 8 years ago…
They are family…our ‘children’’…our friends.
When they go, a piece of our hearts go with them.
Hang in there!!


@Lady.Zandra63 It’s been a rough go that’s for sure. I’m extremely sad for any one that loses their fur family. I hope your daughter can find a good way to cope. Its not easy.

It really sank in once I had his ashes and his lock of fur show up. He was with me from 20 years old until 35 and there with me through the hardest part of my life so far. I miss him everyday but I’m glad he is resting now. He was having trouble in the end and I’m glad he isn’t suffering any more.

But on a positive note… the lovely ladies in my life helped me deal with it very well and my younger pup seems to be through the woods. He was very sad not having his brother around. He is doing much better. So time has definitely helped.


Maybe in time, your pup can become a big brother… you’ll know when/if the time is right!
Our daughter has decided no more pets for her…she can’t go through this again… and she is on a wait-list for a service dog, and is seriously reconsidering it.
They were together for almost half her life…since she found the half-dead kitten in the middle of the road on the way to a friends Birthday Party 11 years ago
Again- it has only been 4 months…seems MUCH longer…but time will tell…as it will for you.

:green_heart: :pensive: :green_heart:


:pleading_face::sparkling_heart:🫶🏼:innocent: miss his old man wondering the house


Anything for you and the baby dog 🫶🏼💖


just to let you know !! today this was in the mailbox!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

thank alot my friend for the extra!!! ill treasure them!!! When im done selecting a Sour D. Bx3 mother
Bam Bam is going to be next to make it yum yum!!!

wish you and your family a great day!


Hell yeah glad they made it safe! Those went far! haha


they came in fine no damge on the envelope! if iḿ done with my first seedruns i`m going to spread the seeds with your method!!! rock solid i would say! thanks again!