Rhai88 & Rena93's Cultivation Station

Thank you sir! :wink:

Looking good in there!


I’m watching that BC closely.
I swear I seen a pair of nuts on her somewhere like a month before the flip. I’ve been watching the transition, and can find no such thing now.
Probably just swollen calyx.
Maybe I’m trippin…


@Rhai88 Your new setup is making me very jelly! I’m super impressed, Thank you for everything you do. @Rena93 for as long as I’ve know both of you, I can honestly say… Rhai is the camera man and you are the green thumb in the grow room. :rofl:

Gonna be sending ya’ll some new seeds for the fourth, BOG LSD X Celtic Stone it’s first generation. BOG LSD taste like hell, sour gas berry kinda flavor and the Celtic Stone (Sagarmatha’s Stonehenge x Juan Moore’s Dixie Crystal) tastes great.

There is about 60 seeds, prolly 40 good ones so I’ll send yah 10, give away 10 at the 8th OverGrow Anniversary Celebration and grow 10 to see what has been created.

That being said I have 3 fem limited edition Bro’s Grimm Papaya 99 seeds to send. My lights aren’t strong enough to take it the next level, Yours lights could really get these to super bloom.

Have a great…

Stay cool.


Went a little wild with the week three defol. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@hoss8455, your gals on the left. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey @Rhai88, tell me bout this BC F2.
Got any valuable info on her?
I got something weird goin on and cant put my finger on it.
She’s orange’n up awful quick. Like everywhere. I know I was rough with her, cuz she was a bush. There’s no pollen here atm. And shes basically rubbing against the IK & NB. They show nothing.
I’m seriously bout to start dissecting this plant.
You seen any intersex traits? :thinking:


All the BC females I’ve run out have been very excellent plants. I’ve not a bad one except for this round but the only department it was lacking in was terpene profile. She’ll end up getting pressed or used in our salves.

Noticeable growing habbits/tolerances.

  • Handles low and high stress training (took topping as well as heavy defols)
  • Handles super high PPFD well. Took the 3 BC females to the edge and back with light.
  • Handles hot feeds early/mid flower.
  • Absolutely dislikes hot feeds later in flower ( I could have tapered the feed around week 7)
  • Have observed 9 weeks as being a good spot to chop (the further you go she’ll definitely start tell you to fuck off and start to get a bit crunchy in the leaves)

Mind you all this info was gathered from this very last run (SEED RUN) so this was not for flower and I ran very different than I would normally so observances are based around that.

No intersex traits have presented themselves to me.


If I suspect a plant to have intersex traits, I try and inspect or remove the lowers in particular, because types like chem etc will show hermy down there usually. Less light penetration


Here was the best pheno of the BC F2 going into week 7. Example of hating her life at excessive feeds(but still fucking beautiful lol). I was feeding at 4ec and really pushing these plants. To my benefit though I can see that I ramped up seed production because well I’ll have thousands.


Beautiful work @Rhai88


Yeah, all this orange in week four is highly concerning. Gonna get a better pic during tomorrow’s inspection.

Thanks for the input fella’s! :slightly_smiling_face:


I suppose we are coming up on week five since the flip. But idk…


reading thru the cultivation station. you people got it going on! it is always great to check the station out.

best of every thing to all.


The only thing I can assume is since it’s isolated to this plant it may be more sensitive to stress. Which stress specifically I’m not sure. All 3 of mine took a heavy defol fine although I did not go to the extent you did. They all handled about a solid foot of lowers being chopped. So I assume she just may be a finicky one you have there as I have not had these issues BUT some of my most finicky weirdos have been excellent plants! Wait and see my friend. lol

Thanks man I appreciate that and I know @Rena93 does as well. We love sharing what we do. We got a lot going on right now adding storage and cleaning up the space. Hopefully we will come back strong in August! :wink:





very nice.


Well that’s pretty wild and also sucks.

I ran 3 this round without any issues I also had a local buddy here flower out 6 females of the F2s. No issues either.

I will keep this in mind and hope it’s just isolated to this plant.

Sorry man I hate to see that.


Yeah, I had my suspicions.
Shoulda caught it sooner.
Excuse: I have been working 70+hr weeks, lol.

Then there were two!
(And my freshly installed custom High CFM kit) :slightly_smiling_face:

I dont got real high hopes that either the Impure Kush or Negans Bat will be sensemillia. :grimacing:
Meh, whatdya do? :man_shrugging:

On a brighter note, it seems most the autos have put their running shoes on. Still gotta cull them two losers. :joy:



While mister is at work I’m working away get these plants done and put in our bags :kissing_heart: @Rhai88


Diggin’ the manicure!!! :green_heart: :+1:


Which one? The nails or the plant? :grin:


:rofl: :crazy_face: Yeah-- that passed right by me till you said it!!!
The nails-- mine grow UPER FAST and long, but not THAT long…and I can’t wear polish (sux!)