RKS bx1-giving a shot🤷‍♂️

@ShiskaberrySavior @GMan


It’s looking a bit weird but doesn’t look like a herm yet. I’ve just run a couple of testers that looked like they were throwing balls and suddenly calyx’s popped out. Damn plants trying to mess with us.

Edit: With that stunted growth, I’ve had a similar issue and had to re pot the plant and give it a kelp feed. Then try to get it as many hours under light as possible but also try keep it as far away as possible. Sometimes that is enough to get the plant to start stretching again so you can take a nice cut or just trim back all the stunted branches.


Well she started off in 12/12 and then went to 20/4 before dialing back to 18/6. Too bad I didn’t post when she was in veg to ask for assistance. Live and learn.
But I will say that she is starting to stretch out now that I have had her back in 12/12 plus I put her away from the light as much as possible to encourage stretching or that was my thinking.
Time will tell what happens with her but I also think there is also a bit of N toxicity.
But I did notice that my other plant which looked the same (diff genetics) but not as extreme- went through a nice stretch phase and seems to be working it’s way out of the N toxicity.
I got faith she’ll pull through.


Looks like relatively normal re-veg growth to me. Re-veg can be a pain for the added time the plant needs to deal w the switch and also the need to do a lot more trimming back to open up the overly dense branching that results.

On the plus side, it can create monsters


So being a newbie I’m asking if it’s a good thing to go ahead and remove all the fan leaves or should I leave a few behind.

But most definitely she needs that deep haircut.

Looks like reveg growth to me tbh.

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I agree reveg growth

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Try to trim the plant so it looks like a normal plant. So start closets to the main stalk and try remove any leaves and maybe even a couple of grow points from there outwards. Then leave the leaves and growth points on the ends. Almost like a heavy lolipop trim.

Fan leaves provide you plant with much needed energie so you dont want to remove them all. Just keep in mind this heavy a trim under 12/12 will stunt the end results, yield wise

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Not the best example but you can see here where I trimmed a bunch of growth off the main stalk and let the remaining ones grow out.


For next time, allow it to re-veg for longer before you flip back to flower. Trim and train the plant while in veg then flip back.


She just gonna grow away.
I gave a light trimming and looks a little better. I’ll get a better idea when I see more growth.
For now though just glad no herm action… :crossed_fingers:
I noticed however this plant does throw a lot of 3 finger leaves :thinking::thinking:


Yes. When you reveg a plant it can grow single bladed leaves then 3 then 5 as it unwinds from the stress and transitions to more normal growth


Finally came around to giving a small trim and employing some LST to help encourage some of the lower branches to reach for the light so as to make acceptable flowers. No skunk to report just yet but has that really good nice smell of some good ol chronic. Got my fingers crossed that nice smells erupt from her later in flower :crossed_fingers:
Open to input if more trimming is needed and a little guidance. :pray:




Gave some more bending action and bent all the smaller branches to induce outward growth and hopefully up. Seems to be a fast flowering plant.


The show begins! Noticeable trichome coverage and a gentle rubbing of a flower reveals a smell that reminds me of musky cologne That my grandpa wore or might of been aftershave. Either way very musky and a hint of sourness as well. Like almost sour milk type smell. Hoping for something yummy to come or this plant… :crossed_fingers:


Starting to fill in decently for being the plant she is. Smell is like those non scented rubber fishing lures along with a hint of sweetness.


ha - im imagining my dirty messy tackle box from when i was a kid…
looking good! wish i could smell that one


I’m blown away how much a plants smell can change before harvest and then how it can still change after cure. Such complex plants but I’m blown away how the cannabis plant seems capable of creating a plethora of smells based off certain % of terpenes and their content levels. Just insane!!
But this plant sure has a unique smell to her, smells very “artificial”.
But I thank you for dropping on in and visiting. :call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4: