Romulan Genetics Communion s1


All three ladies are above ground.


Update. Not much happening right now. Ive got 2 long, stretchy seedlings and a runt that im not 100% is going to make it. I bumped my light intensity up and hit them with a mild canna nute mix of a+b, and Rhizo. PH 5.5. Ppms around 490.


Ace carries Romulan. Well actually Romulan Genetics is affiliated with Ace seeds so you can get them directly from Romulan through Ace’s site


Are you going to STS one of the plants branches to get some seeds and for future Communion Babies, :grinning:

We’ll see. Im over my head with projects at the moment.

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Update on the communion. Still not much happening yet. They been taking their good ole time to take off. I still dont know what the deal with this 1 runt pheno. I think someone mentioned that their runt turned out to be the best one, so ill just keep letting them do their thing.


Quick update. 2 of them are out of the dome and resting in some coco. Still dont know whats going on with this runt. Still holding out hope for it, but everytime i run fem seed i always seem to have a few dysformed, weirdos in the bunch.


Unfortunate update on the runt comminion. It ended up developing some mold on the cotyledons out of nowhere. I had my doubts about this plant making it. Not pissin around with it anymore. In the compost pile she goes.


Signed up to follow this one! Love their genetics. Managed to get myself a pack of Pure Krush which I’m very excited about. Recently popped a couple communion seeds myself. They’re at three weeks and just got topped. They look very different, with one of them being semi-mutant like. We shall see, good luck on your end.


I have some Biker Romulan Blowing up my tent right now.These things blow outwards then up later.Will have to do some staking soon the smell on these things is off the chain.


Wow, that is a wild looking plant. Almost looks like lettuce lol. I know someone mentioned earlier the mutants turn out the best.

And congratz on the pure krush grab. Im still pissed i missed snagging a pack.

Almost didnt recognize you with the logo change lol. Those are some beasts.

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Getting there almost think i bit off too much to chew the new IR 730 nano lights have these things on beserk mode and im not even into the end of the second week of flip.bent the top on the one down it was trying to poke my light and now all of the side kolas are racing up to match it.Those lights arent bullshit they actually work.Going to be a bending morherfucker

What brand of lights? Im looking to upgrade my 5x5 lights asap

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Nothing special but thier pretty good.Hyphoton flux hpf4000.Its for a 5x5 flower and a 6x6 veg footprint im in a 4x4 so i can use it at 3 forths power.In veg i only run it at 30% anything more is overkill in flower im at about 80 %max twords the end im at 50 now 100 is fucking bonkers has really good red osrams on it at stays really cool had this one about 4 years now and shes still as good as the day i took her out the box ive had a constant griw in here ever since only time shes off is to dry .Detachable driver so you can put it outside your tent.Very good light bill