Romulan Genetics

Yes, we sell directly from our own site. And we ship internationally as well.

It’s a little different than how most people do things because I’ve had issues over the years with credit card processors simply closing my account and keeping all of the money in them. PayPal got me first and then some others did too. So now I have 2 websites: one that has all the info and another that appears to sell photo prints of different cannabis plants. My site explains all of this thoroughly, just click the “Place Order” page and you can read about it. :v:


Yeah, a member here who collects, grows, and gives most all of it away for free has had a nightmare with that situation.

I see, I was mistaken about what I thought was on the sold out page.

Your new testers look sporty. The first one had me. Hope they all work out great. peace


I hate fems. Swore I’d never make more… yet here I am having to eat crow and making more. Gotta keep em happy I suppose.

Fems are a genetic dead end in my opinion and fairly worthless outside of turning clone only plants into seeds. No amount of testing can tell you if fems are stable within a margin of error that I’m comfortable with. And whenever someone sends me a dm, or emails my sales girl about having herms, it outright destroys my entire day. I feel like such a failure even though I know there was nothing more I could’ve done to stop it from happening. Thankfully I can sleep at night knowing I’m still in the 1% range of customers who have intersex traits show up. At least that’s how I justify it and manage to move on with my life… :laughing:

I also want to take this opportunity to let people know… Im an asshole. Always have been. I don’t sugar coat things, and being raised by outlaws and Marines it has made me very abrasive to others. I try really hard to be a nice guy. It wasn’t until I hit my 40’s that I could even come close to being a nice guy on a consistent basis.

I deal with really bad PTSD and nerve damage which causes me severe pain. It wears on me and sometimes I react in an unreasonable way at the simplest of things. Other times I can be pushed beyond what most people can take without even flinching. It all depends on where I am mentally at the time. So I am always trying to warn people and apologize for being so rough around my edges. Anyhow, I’m sorry if I’ve already been a dick to anyone. I work hard at not being that guy, but I’m not always so good at bettering myself.


Psh… Fine in my book, though should you have an issue with anyone, just flag the post and mod team will come in handle it so things don’t get too unstable or off track.

At least we’ve all been warned though lol better than most people give.


I’m sure that won’t be necessary… im not saying I tend to get into verbal sparing matches in forums because I don’t. I might come across wrong every now and then, but whenever people point it out to me, I will always try to calm things down and apologize when prudent.

I don’t have anger issues, just asshole issues. It’s different. I think… :rofl:


I feel this in my own life quite often lol


Thanks for sharing that with us Jake :+1:t2:


Cannabis gossip and lineage/genetics are the closest thing we have to pirate tales these days. I kinda enjoy it even though it is impossible to know WTF.

it has been a very interesting read, I understand a random on the site was passing off as a reputed breeder or something like that?, i hope @RomulanGenetics is not the case cus the crosses and the stories are :fire:, welcome!


Goes with being human bud, I think most are in the same boat. At least you try and that’s all any of us can do from one situation to the next.


I don’t know how to respond to this…

It is me, Jake? How do I prove I’m me? :neutral_face:


nope you dont need to prove anything to me, nor am i asking for proof. I made that comment cus I read something in the thread in relation to a weird incident:

all am saying is i hope you are not the case cus this thread was interesting (in a very good/enjoyable way)


I’m sure that was in fact Master Thai, and I am the same… I’m Jake the actual owner of Romulan Genetics.

I’m pretty sure if someone impersonated me they wouldn’t direct people to our genuine email, website, and Instagram accounts. :wink::ok_hand:


Oh then I am really high and have to re-read this thread. now im just confused.

touché, man as i said, it was more of a props to the thread/read than questioning you directly.


No worries my friend. What was said about Master Thai wasn’t said in stone because he (I’m assuming) wanted to make it clear it was never really certain if that was in fact the real Master Thai. He was being cautious in his remarks is all, again I assume.

But judging on what Master Thai did and said in here… it wouldn’t have been anyone else. It would be awfully weird for someone to threaten lawyers and such over someone else recreating and giving away seeds, if it wasn’t their creation to begin with. At least that’s my 2 cents on it. :grin::v:


Also I can totally understand being way too high… once noon hits I’m usually unable to hold a conversation without sounding like a total burnout. :sweat_smile::+1:

Like right now, I’m behind… so far I only took 1 dab an hour ago, and I really need to stop working and take many, many more. Usually by now I’m about a gram of rosin deep or an 1/8th of flower if it’s bong rips. I smoke too much. :pensive:


Hey @RomulanGenetics just spotted you over in the FSFC thread, super cool to have you onboard here at OG, I heard your episode of doc calyxes podcast and have heard amazing things about the romulan genetics, seen a bunch of your worm with Katsu too, stoked to learn more :v:t2::v:t2:


Thank you brother :green_heart::v:


I totally flipped out on someone here first week I was on OG, not so long ago. People here understand. They’ll tell you what’s what, but they’ll understand :stuck_out_tongue:

Nerve issues, ptsd, and I’m sure there’s some other stuff that comes along, it’s not a fun bag to carry, but I’m carrying it too, and so are many others here. In my view that’s part of what online communities are for.

If I’m being a dick to you, my family will likely have suffered my shenanigans as well so on one hand it’s good to be able to either vent here or escape into the hobby, and on the other it’s good to have another soundboard that reflects back when we’re being too abrasive.

Off to bed.


The ultimate science fiction cross over, coming soon…


Welcome to our world. I’ve never seen so many grown men open up to others regularly, and see others rally up and talk it out. We have a pretty good group of genuine empathetic people. So, blow it off, and if needed we’ll all listen and most likely have already experienced the same thing some time or another. We’ve been pretty good here about policing bullshit and nourishing genuine human interaction.

Damn, I’ve been stoned good lately… I always come back to posts like this the next day or so and say oh, man, wtf…peace