Romulan Genetics

Also I need coffee. Probably not awake enough to be replying right now. Late night Insomnia


Well Iā€™m late here but thank you for joining, and for posting all this info!

Iā€™ve been sitting on a pack of your BX1/IX1 since you released them and been itching to get to them. May just have to sooner rather than later. :yum:


Really great info, I love to hear about the history of cultivars directly from the people involved


Wasnā€™t trying to slam you, just pointing out someone reading that story would pass incomplete information on and not realize, as an example that tribal knowledge and the telephone game end up with a lot of misinfo floating around as youā€™ve seen yourself.

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If you know his real name, just Google it and include the name of the town he lived in and the word ā€œobituaryā€. If he died, there will be an obituary (unless his family are monsters!).


Have you spoke to him since? Because that was the last time I heard anything from him, and since thenā€¦ maybe a few months ago I had heard that he passed and his kids were trying to work through selling his seeds, etcā€¦ and making a bit of a mess of things around Tahoe


Made a bit of a mess of things here for a bit tooā€¦ but mehā€¦ we move on


I know you werent slamming me and I didnt take it that way my friend.

I was informing you that I had already known those things, but since my simple reply is not the source of information for AKBB Genetics, I knew I did not need to be extremely precise. This thread is not a legitimate source of information on anything except me and my opinions and the others who also share them here with us all. Its just people having a conversation, and anyone reading these things arenā€™t going to go playing the telephone game and changing the official understanding of what AKBB used to make his Romulan.

Besides, simply knowing it was an NL cross is close enough in my opinion. The point gets across just fine.


If itā€™s been in the last year itā€™s very possible but when everybody was talking about his passing it was a rumor, he came on here for a little while and some people got packs from him but there were many uncomfortable conversations had in private as a result. He is adamantly against anybody reproducing his work and dident handle some of the conversations about that very well. Last time we talked the conversation wasnā€™t as coherent as normal and I feel like he may have been experiencing some type of decline in mental health , Iā€™m also thinking that is why some of the conversations went to the places they did.


Yes, there was a rumor but that was a while before his passing. He had those initial health scares and backed off for a whileā€¦ people assumed he passed, and the rumors are what got him to start visiting forums and the like. But since then I have heard from locals that know him well from what I gathered, that he did in fact pass away. And that the people running his site and sales are his family and not him. Just what I have heard though.

In any eventā€¦ this is far off topic, lets move on.


I hope youā€™re having a great day! Back on topic, what are you working on lately genetics wise? I know you had a collab with Katsu.


Sorry to come back to this, I see there have some things been deletedā€¦ all the weird stuff aside, did I miss the answer to what the origin of "Master Thai"s Romulan is (if known)?


Unknown and not a great representation he thought @allotment : )


Thanks a lot @ifish!


Hey Jake, will some of the sold out strains return? And, mostly the Rom bx1? thx


My Romulan bx1 isnā€™t sold out, and wont sell out for a very long time. Iā€™ll make more if need be.

Many of my previous creations will be remade or worked furtherā€¦ thats actually my long term plan here. Make a small stable of cultivars, work them further. Im only putting out F1 stuff because i havent been at this very long. Iā€™ve only made a total of 10 cultivars that have released so far, most sold-out within hours or days of being released.

Most of my listed sold-out stuff is actually from the Katsu Collabs. He went a little nuts with my Romulan male and pollinated about 15 different strains with it. Several we didnā€™t release after my testing them and them not passing. We made an RKS x Romulan that was amazingā€¦ except it was totally unstable and dropped herms at about a 30-50% rate. Bummed me out because it was such good smoke.


Iā€™ve got 8 new cultivars that are waiting in the wings. They are all regular seed. I focus mostly on older cultivars, but also I play with the new ā€œexotic cutā€ stuff as you can see with my Berning Cap. A friend requested for me to make a MAC cross, or a runtz cross, and that led to me making Berning Cap. Berner + Capulator = Berning Cap.

Right now Iā€™m testing Grape Ape x Romulan, Purple Punch x Romulan. Both F1 regular seeds.

As for my immediate future plans, I wonā€™t be making many new regular seed cultivars for the most part, and will focus on working further what Iā€™ve already made. Iā€™ll have some new stuff down the road that will be fems (which I stopped making 2 years ago but have had so many people ask for more that I am sort of forced to go back).


LOL ā€œpeople keep asking for femsā€ seems to be a common breeder sentiment lately.


That seems to happen a lot to me. Itā€™s all a balancing act.

Do you sell through your site? I canā€™t remember. I saw the price, and dealers list, but donā€™t remember if I was able to go through your site. Iā€™ll go back and look.

Okay, got it. :+1: :v:


I also have collabs with Kre8 Genetics, UFO Genetics and Gage Green Group in the works.

The UFO collab is already made, but we have to make more seeds to have an actual release.

The Kre8 Genetics collab hasnā€™t officially started in any way, but I sent KC tons of seeds to grow out which he is already doing. He said he will find keepers, make some things and we will talk about it once we are that stage. Could be next year before I know anything more.

GGG collab was in talks for years, just like Iā€™ve talked to Ethos several times over the years about a collab. We are all stoners and busy, so its easy to chat about something and totally forget a week later. But GGG and I finally got things rolling, and I recently pollinated my Romulan momma with some of his NYCSD pollen. NYCSD is basically a loose bx of ECSD, so these seeds should come out close to my Space Fuel fems which were just about perfectā€¦ so Iā€™m excited to see how this goes.

As for my cultivars waiting in the wings, itā€™s possible that some/most donā€™t ever get releasedā€¦ based on them passing my testing or not. But if things go like they typically do, Iā€™ll probably be able to release most or all of them down the road. If things arenā€™t unique enough, I wonā€™t release them. If they are unstable, wonā€™t release them. And if the phenotypes are a total shitshow, I wonā€™t release them. The lone exception being my Ring of Fire, which being a double polyhybrid made entirely from landraces its totally understandable and acceptable that the progeny isnā€™t exactly homogeneous. I did tell everyone this though before, after, and during releasing it.

Anyhow these are my creations awaiting testing, test growers input, and an appropriate release date:

Skywalker OG x Romulan
Blackjack x Romulan
Purple Punch x Romulan
Grape Ape x Romulan
MAC1 x Romulan
Tropicana Cookies x Romulan
Blue Dream x Romulan
Gelato 33 x Romulan
The Sweeties x Romulan
Venom OG x Romulan

Communion ā€˜no. 2ā€™ (S1) fems

Enochā€™s Kush (S1) fems = unreleased creation of mine using Forbidden Fruit x Romulan.

Blueberry Breath x Romulan (UFO collab)

NYCSD x Romulan (Gage Green Collab)