Sacred cacti, anyone?

I’d very much appreciate that. Thanks again for your assistance Eudaemon.

Sending good vibes your way.


No need to DM. They’re legal to buy and sell. I can help you get them. The most popular source is Uncle Willy’s Emporium. They have a website, but their LW stuff is on their FB page and pastebin link

They don’t appear to be in stock at the moment, but they often are. Never fear:

The next most popular source, I’d say is

It’s German, but they’re quick and their packages always arrive. Their selection is… wonderful.

Then there’s

I don’t know as much about them, but I’ve heard good things and I believe they still ship actual buttons. It’s very, very easy to buy peyote buttons from Asia. They’re a big deal over there, for luck, I think.

Anyway, the seeds are legal and easy to buy stateside and abroad. Buttons are just as easy if you know where to look.

If those sources don’t work out for you, I can connect you with some seeds. I can connect people to most psychedelic plants or seeds, usually. Before this, I was very involved in the entheogenic plant and seed sharing and trading community and am still a part of different growers associations for specific plants (I haven’t been drawing my quarterly Brugmansia and datura seeds from the international growers association, if anyone wants them).


An easy way to purify it and get rid of stomach issues all together is to peel and boil it in as large of a pot as you can get on a very low simmer. Refill it with plain water at the end of each day and let it keep simmering for at least 3 days. On the 3rd day the liquid will start turning much browner. It should be ready by the 4th day. Let it simmer down to where you can fit it in an old glass bottle. It can be strained/drinken at this point. Or if you seal it and store it in the fridge for 6 months (pour it in hot and seal it while hot) it will turn into like an IPA kinda flavor. Really good actually. I came up with this method because Mesculine is very stable while multiple days of heat will breakdown less desirable alkaloids. It worked and the tea had a much cleaner effect with no stomach issues like I would get through quicker methods. Only downside is your whole house will smell like cacti the whole time you’re simmering. Hope that helps. Oh yeah almost forgot. Use a stainless steel pot.


That’s just as bad as the fresh cactus tea… I actually don’t know which is worse. Haha

In all seriousness, those longer cook times are often how a lot of this stuff was prepared for entheogenic ceremonies. It kills me when I see people try and make tea with a two hour cook. I’ve never actually exceeded a 12-14 hour cook time, I don’t think. The next time I do it, I’ll do a 24 hour cook with a very large amount of cactus. I’d like to arrange a group ceremony at some point.


Datura is the only entheongen that scares me. I know its in a lot of shamanic brews all over South America, hell, I think I’d try Iboga first.

How close to Michigan are you?


Holy shit! Great responses and descriptions. Psychedelic experiences have such depth that words generally don’t do them justice, but you have done a great job here. Just had to give ya props there


How do you feed your cactus?


I actually have not fertilized mine at all. I’ve just let them take from the soil. I do know they don’t like much N.


I feel ya there, Datura has always seemed scary to me. Just seems like it carries a very distinct possibility of being stuck in that strange world permanently. Like more so than any other psychedelic. There’s been a number of times I was sure that I’d really gone to far and wasn’t coming back, but seems like it could actually be a reality with that one


Back in the day a friend of mine went to an after party with some biker type people he met at the bar. They’re chilling at buddies house and he lays out a big like 2 ft long line on the table and tells my buddy to help himself.

Thinking it was uhhh something else he takes a giant gakker off this thing, and the guy goes ‘WHOA take it easy man…thats MESCALINE!!’

He said it was like a movie, all of the sudden everything starts breathing and changing colors. He said the guy had some weird little bumper pool game they were playing and my buddy just zoned in on it and was amazing at it. He kept beating the guy over and over and the dude started to lose it so he walked home to his parents house tripping balls at like 6 in the morning hahaha

That friend always had a remarkable ability to control psychedelics. Once a bunch of us were tripping on acid out in a field all day. All the sudden this guy stands up and is like ‘well I gotta go’, we’re all shocked and confused like where the hell are you going?? ‘I gotta go to work’…WTF. he went and worked a full shift and said he enjoyed it. We were all really upset and more scared than him haha

I used to love psychedelics but the world has destroyed my soul to the point where I just find them frightening now. I sometimes do like .5 of mushrooms with a few beers and I’ll mildly trip off that. If i take a gram + I’ll trip very hard, I’ve always been super sensitive to psychs.

I remember doing acid and my friends would all go to bed after like 6-8 hours and I would sit up alone and trip in silence for like 8-10 more hours. Horrifying lol


willy said he was done with lophophora… I don’t know exactly if that means done for ever or what. you probably got to get seeds from somewhere else though.



That’s so sad :frowning: he was the best state stateside vendor. I’ll keep an eye out for other viable stateside vendors.


Damnit! I feel like I really missed out! It never occurred to us to cure them. We didn’t make tea either we just ate it. Same thing with shrooms. While picking them early in the morning while the dew was still on, we just knocked the cow shit off and ate em! Filled our sacks and were tripping our ass off by the time we got home. Ahhh memories!




Ok, amazing topic which I know nothing about, but the description tells me that I want some. So the links provided have waaaaaay too many options. Can someone let me know which specific one to try with a link where I can’t confuse one for another? Sorry for the handholding, but you sound knowledgeable OP.


Was given a dmt cart a while back. I leave it in my cup holder when I get my truck valeted. Interesting that I rarely ever see the same valet when I go to retrieve my truck…


Honestly I got most of mine on ebay and reddit.

Search trichocerus bridgesii, trichocereus Peruvianus, and trichocerus pachanoi (non pc)


Whoop! There it is!



I have a Peruvian , a San Pedro trying to root, a penis cactus, a bolivian , a golden torch also have seeds for several different torches and some other more rare spineless ones I’ll be trying to germ in the near future. I’m Looking for a four winds Bolivian torch but there very hard to find.


those guys are the real deal. They are still around, but they sure do value their privacy.

They live in the Bay Area now in 1.2 million dollar houses they bought for cheap. The drive Priuses with Bernie bumper stickers, but they pay a thousand dollars a month just for their parking space, and routinely vote against any socially progressive program because it will hurt their property values. Affordable housing? Not in my back yard.

Yes. those people are the reason I was gentrified out of the italian / irish / latin neighborhood I grew up in. and the techies are even worse.

I’m sorry I sound so… bitter, but there are few things that bother me as much as the hypocrisy I see on the California coast

you’re not the only one.

That fucking facebook guy moved in to my neighborhood in 2012, I personally have a grudge against him, and his fucking private security. I won’t go into this but they fucking crossed some lines, and because of his wealth and power I couldn’t do shit about it.