SAN checking in @ OG

They have a 199 .00 dollar special on the equipment right now . And 160 a month unlimited gig package .


hey paps, my man :wink:
i used that forum cut to a few killer queen males.
those KQ were all exactly identical (like a true IBL).

the gsc-leaners will stretch a tiny bit after flip, about 60% of them.
but it’s nothing a few twists and bends can’t manage. the others
stay rather stout, but both yield very good and have that cookie-
funk to them, while the killer queen made it go a bit faster, around
9 weeks in total for most … there’s almost no c99-traits in those.
(reeferman/mota KQ was selected for the hashy-indica g13-traits)


Tropical Freeze Day 61



Damn these San seeds sure are popping - beautiful work broskis!

Made a Lemon Thai crossed to 2 Berry Patches and looking through those atm. One BP was a creepy crawler and made a tapestry of dense buds, easy to clone and nice sour tropical smoke with some chocolates in the back:

Got some Fairy Dusts peakin out of the soil (Black Forrest Gateau x KQ). Gonna jump back in once they’re showing somethin.


combining the lemon thai (LT-F3females X LT-F1male) with the
berry patch (=“santa maria”/chocolate rain X “sm”/sour diesel)
is really a great idea :slight_smile: i am curious how they express. i bet the
LT will be dominant, while the rest combines really good “under-
neath” it.


the “fairy dust” is = black forrest gateau x holy princess, bro :wink:

i have not grown this myself yet. it would be so cool if the holy princess doesn’t
paint too much over the rather stout strawberry kush-type that comes from the
wonderful combo (made by arnold! :muscle: :clap:) of love potion x early erdbeer that
was lovingly called “black forrest gateau” :wink:

here’s some old pics of the BFG-clone:

she is a superior triched-out specimen, the pictures do not do her justice, i fear.
also, i am not so great photographer. i just point and snap, no big photosessions.


Anything with that M-39 is intriguing as hell to me ! That sounds killer too @santero man I’d love to look through some old straight m-39 stuff! I’ve been told there was absolutely rancid stuff in there, just back then no one was looking for poop/vomit/bo/decaying flesh smells that I know of…. Was overlooked for so long I can only imagine what slipped through the hands of time.


oh yes, that’s pure truth, my friend … the very same happened to the “diesel”-type.
nevil bumped into those in the mid-80’s and skipped them, due to him not liking it, lol.


Quick shot of a chunky killer grapes (bright moments x killer queen) going atm

@TopShelfTrees1 I grew out some tahoe og x m39 a few years ago. I was a much worse grower at the time but it was pretty good. I took a screenshot of a few pics from my ig even though they look like they were taken on a potato lol. I recently started some stardawg x m39 for my next grow I’m excited to see how they turn out.

Here in Canada m39 was cash cropped like a mofo and the quality was always crap so it has kinda a notorious reputation but I knew that was just how it was grown not the strain itself. It has the potential to be chunky as hell. For the tahoe x m39 one I got mostly fruity phenos (berry/mixed fruit) that reminded me of some shishkaberry that used to go around here but there were some less common ones that had more stank.

@santero If my fried brain can remember anything correctly you got an old original pack from meduser to repro years ago and made some hybrids with it while you were at it? I think I still have one crossed to shiska too.


exactly right, bro …
woodhorse send me a pack from 1987 and i made it F2 for him :wink:
all those X’s = made with the 2 males i found and used in the repro.


killer grapes is an exciting project for me, not finished yet.
i am taking it to f4 soon :wink: (everyone was shared the f1)


That’s awesome @neogitus i didn’t know this although I do know San has some killer m-39 crosses but that makes it so much more epic now! And respect for doing that @santero :facepunch:t2: I love that stuff, love it!
Tahoe x m-39 sounds like a great cross tbh, any of those spindly super potent OG’s like HAOG, SFV OG would make an epic m-39 cross! Now you have got me brainstorming! Now I must find some! Ha Thank you for the inspiration both of you :raised_hands:t3:


That Killer Grapes looks AWESOME! Even the Tahoe does taken by a :potato: lol ! @neogitus


I stand corrected, Holy Princess indeed!

Was gonna ask about the lineage of the BFG but you just cleared that up - WITH pictures! Very excited to grow these out! If the HP takes over too much I can actually slap her back with some Love Potion pollen lol.


I want to get HAOG and SFV myself, haha


Oh wauw! Did not know she made her way to your hands San, nice to see you do her justice and even take the time to reference me. You’ve not lost your gentleman’s style I see :wink:

I’ve grown about 10 of that cross myself, but did not find anything berrylike, Bubs sure had a nice reflex to clone her out.


ow yeah, bro (!) she’s great smoke and fast to flower too.
our friend bubba gump did send her over few years back,
after i shared the blues, psychosis & cheese his way :wink:

she is a very beautiful trichbomb and she inherits some of that traits
as well, depending on what hit her of course. realy nice gem for sure.


what are you up to these days, bro?
it’s been a tiny bit since he had a chance to chat :slight_smile:


It’s a curious thing that a cross tailored for the outdoors stands its ground in the indoor library too.

I’ve been good, thanks. Got some more indoor space to play in to search for the couchlock stones and the sunny sativa’s. But I stay an outdoor grower by heart. I evolved more towards bigger selections, inbreeding by selfing (twice) and I try to leave out terps and bag appeal when I do my selections. But since that is not easy to resist I give myself the opportunity to select on just that with autoflowers and light sensitive varieties. Getting more mature in this hobby the main focus takes the bigger chunck nowadays: searching the high types I like, inbreeding them, outcrossing them to light sensitive varieties.

Got some reading up to do, nice to see you’ve been well!


Some Strawberry Rhazzmatazz

…with a lecker strawberry aroma,mixed with a subtil sweat/armpit smell…taste is more strawberry gum


:drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


Hey @santero, I thought I’d come by and show the progress of your Lemon Thai crosses. They’re both really attractive. We just started week 5 of bloom on Sunday. I’m super stoked about them so far.

Goji (from @syzygy) x Lemon Thai ix (SAN)

Oaxaca (@Upstate’s-Cryptic Labs) x Lemon Thai ix (SAN)

:sunglasses: :man_farmer: :pray: :v:


haha, they are looking majestic (!)
both have the LT looks for sure :slight_smile:

i love the combos …
i also made a (Oax x LT)-seedline, haha.