SAN checking in @ OG

IMO, this is why it’s important to track stem rubs on the same feed. Least it could get you in the ballpark if you’re familiar with the predecessors.


out of likes :cry: :cry: :cry:


No, I’ve never actually met the guy when I’ve been to dam. It’s mostly been hanging around friends and trying to toke as much different varieties as possible :laughing:

Pz :v:t2:

1 Like

ok i see pretty understandable! i only stopt by his shop twice. but worth it ! was a good sweet afternoon.

had anyone done F2 of his amesia here on OG? :thinking: :thinking:


I’ll take a visit to his shop this November and check it out for sure!

I’ve not seen a lot of Amnesia Haze on this board at all. Seems that most north americans(trying not to generalize) have a hard time keeping it apart from Amnesia and “cannabis historians” like notso and riot also list it as “just another SSH”, so it’s quite understandable that the knowledge of the plant is centered around Europe where you can find awesome Amnesia Haze bud to smoke. I truly hope now when people start to get an interest in long flowering plants, Amnesia Haze will get the recognition it deserves.

Pz :v:t2:


that sounds great ! amsterdam in november is lovely!!! yeah maybe really a europe thing!

i should visit amsterdam more often. by car 2 1/2 hour or so. this kind of trips where comen for me when i was a little younger :slight_smile:

so you think it wold be a good idea to do a Soma Amnesia seed run to spread some Soma love?
Have been playing with the idea for a while. but Iḿ not sure if people would like that!


Yeah the Amnesia that gets over here, the Core cut, has always been an SSH pheno. Amnesia has a particular scent to it though that I don’t find in normal SSH things. I’ve also not grown it myself but have smoked a ton of it. Could pick it out of a lineup on scent alone that’s for sure. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen any “Amnesia Haze” here in the states that wasn’t just that core cut.


That’s a great idea brother you know I’ll follow along



ok then itś decided! in oktober Iĺl get some soma amnesia seeds directly from his shop!

so no problems of the origin! :innocent:

i hope it was not a projekt @LonelyOC what you wanted to do? i don´t want to fetch away something


i bet you would love somas stuff man!


@HolyAngel I really hope you get to try the real deal some day, it’s a huge difference from the core cut.

@m0sirys I would love to help spreading the Amnesia Haze to Overgrow the world, but the OG seed runs are of depricated cultivars, which Amnesia Haze is not.

Pz :v:t2:


If it’s not for approval of the co op for distribution , you can do whatever you like
: )


ok so iĺl do it! i wanted to grow some haze anyway! i think some is not a bad choice !!

thats fine than. if some people like the seeds its fine if not its also fine!
just want to do something for the community :slight_smile:

btw sorry @santero for hifhjacking you thread!


Yeah, I know. But I’m not sure how sustainable it is to distribute that amount of seeds, maybe some alternative route could be achieved with other members. I’ve only experience in sending some seed letters now and then.

Yeah, I’m sorry too, didn’t mean to derail your thread :sweat_smile:

Pz :v:t2:


we will see when times come! i`m sure there will be a few options for the shipping by then :wink:


I’ve seen people proposing to help with stamps costs here. Don’t know how widespread and easy it is. Could try to help with that myself too if you go on this this project.


You can’t have money involved at all in a project like a reproduction run. It ruins everything and if it’s not like a system OG have, it’s way too complicated to get set up properly.

So I’m against all runs where people have to pay for stamp. Something like this has to be distributed by enthusiasm for the seeds distributed, regardless if it cost you a bunch or not.

I would be willing to distribute quite a few by my own, but that would have to be over a period of time.

Pz :v:t2:


best to make the run first and then talk the talk
about who gets what and how it gets to them :wink:


a long flo amnees would be impractical and would have not got the attention
as the clone did in the beginning. mate, it was hyped BECUASE is grew “fast
like an indica and hit like a satty” :wink:

= this clone is not long flowering. sorry, long flowering AH is something else.
whatever soma did to make seeds is also a mystery. must be at least 50%
something else (same as hypro, btw.) … the cupwinner is not a pure satty.

please check what esko said about the clone.
he did explain this a few times over at opengrow.

imho, just grow the seeds and enjoy.
all that fancy talk is just … talk :slight_smile:

and so far i must say that people in EU are same as clueless
over the lineage/origin as anywhere else … it’s sad, but true.


mate, i am not sure what is in those seeds, lol.

the clone is from the 90’s, 30 years old and since then …
pfff, who knows what they even use today to create the seeds.
soma does not make anything since long time anyhow. it’s his
family that runs the biz and the seeds get made in spain in mass
production by again others (for smaller labels too, like many do over
there ka-ching maybe TMI, lol … but who cares, really, ey.)

i am not saying you won’t find something nice, but
i just believe it won’t compare well to the clone in “?”


That’s cool and all but talkin at least 60 cents per stamp. $1.50+ for international, 150 people sign up is $100-300 for shipping depending on where members are.


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:I even learned how to use emojis for this. This all day!!