SAN checking in @ OG

just combine your favorite lines and work with the plants you like from them.
it’s no rocket science and NO one needs to be able to command rocketships
to make stuff, others greatly enjoy (and use … even if no one noticed yet, lol.)

the sanfune is proof that someone without ANY breeding skills
can indeed create an appealing variety that (after some “playing
around” with males & females from different generations) breeds
true and is very reliable. sanfune overpaints most it is crossed to.

i am NOT a breeder (and never will be able to call myself that) and still …
“sanfune” might be still worked more, than some actual breeders offerings.

the name of the variety does not come from me, btw …
a friend called her that, due to my avatar being “toshiro mifune:wink:


and again … as always:
if anyone wants to try anyting with sanfune in it = be my guest !!


Aww, and your humble too! :blush: Not trying to toot your horn over here lol but if making IBL’s isn’t breeding, idk what is :eyes: And IMO, compared to the modern seed industry you’re a better breeder than most out there bro. Even “pollen chucking”, you have an eye for selection that most, IMO, do not :wink:

You and @SamwellBB and a few others here, I’d grow damn near anything you guys make :yum:


100% AGREE !! :boom: humble


Would you be interested in donating a prize pack to the WMBK contest?


@santero dude I have a fruit collision that at day like 37 and looks better than almost anything I’ve grown at full term! Everything I’ve grown from you has been a banger. You’re a breeder in my book right up there with the best. I’d be happy to give your gear time in my tents again in the future.


absolutely ! please send me your addy via pm, brother.
i’d very much like to donate something for the contest.
i got some of those BNP and POG crosses ready to fly.

BNP = berry nice plants (2.0) = “santa maria” bx2 and the POG
is pot of gold IBL from the 90’s (just made a repro for woodhorse).


aw, that’s so humbling to read.
thank you so much, ey.
hit me up anytime for more :wink:
there’s always something cooking.


you are one to talk, haha (one of the most inspiring persons here!)
i have been gazing at your creations since a while and your thumbs
get the most out of those amazing ladies in your cabs. that bubba
looks so nice *njom * … ssdd f2bx x brog = “i wanna go to there” :star_struck:


Thanks for the info!
It was a tough choice between SanFune and Dead Whabbits.
Should have just gotten both, but I had already overspent w/full cart. You know how it goes…
I really appreciate your affordable prices!


you don’t need to miss out, brother. i really love to share my creations.
please hit me with your addy and i’ll send you a pack of dead whabbits.

that’s so cool, that you have interest in my work.
thank you for supporting my little humble endevaours :slight_smile:


Can’t go wrong with the sanfune. You’ll have to grab the dead whabbits when you can :crazy_face: I posted some pics here at some point. Some of the phenos of that were the smell up the room from a tiny nug kind of weed. Even had some with a rose/fuel smell.

Sanfune from awhile ago, fucked em up and still came out pretty good. Phenos I had ranged from tropical to berry and everything in between .

Like everyone else already said @santero You make a lot of interesting stuff. Making shit with shit that you like is a good way of doing things :stuck_out_tongue: I have yet to be disappointed with anything I grow from ya (even when I majorly fuck up which is often). With my crackhead collection of seeds I still go to your stuff mostly. Guess ya have good taste haha.


haha, there is a sanfune line called “trichome pelt”-pheno.
( i think it was one of the F2xF3-lines from around 2015. )


That is so incredibly OG of you. If you could please contact @GEMI-CONNECT616 he is looking after the donors list. Anything you submit, I will make sure you get full mention and credit for. You Raggae.
If you ever want to run any of my gear, I have a few things in the old tickle trunk. Anytime they are yours.


Wow this entire last few messages could warm your heart with wealth in love and knowledge

Some great strains being produced here. I can only wish to be like you guys all are on here someday

The generosity and fellowship with the cannabis world is incredible and very humbling for me

I can only wish to be giants like y’all are in OG


Buddy, you’re in this group. You are looking after the donors list for a pretty big contest. I am glad not everybody can just donate beans. Your time donated for this, to me, is just as important, as that is something that I cannot do. You Raggae
Together, we all make this place Raggae.


Everyone pitches in…that what makes this place great. Heck, I can’t give away seeds like some of these guys… “cough, THCeed, cough”, so I send them stamps once in awhile. Makes me feel like I’m part of it, even if it’s just a small part. You’re doing your share by helping to organize. It all works out in the end.


That is exactly what I was getting at, we all have our little part that makes this thing a whole. I have another member that is sending me some more bean pucks. I have no idea how to make these and yet everybody here will benefit from it, because I know how to fill them and because @CanuckistanPete sent me some stamps, you guys will get to empty them.


my wife was bored and bought these air-layer-cloners at amazon :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

trying them out on one of the strawberry boujee, maybe it works, lol.
it’s just for playing around, haha. (i am happy with my usual cloning.)

loaded one up with moist coco.coir and wrapped it around a prepared stem.

but the thing was drooping, haha.
so … i just taped it to the tent :rofl:


experimenting or having fun huhu? Probably both :smiley:

It’s been reported to work: Air layering - success


I have recently done some tests with air-layering with these and with a plastic cup… all worked BUT:
-Try to not have it very wet, because when open the roots will break…
-I used it to take big clones…I put it near the bifurcation of big branches and have support there.
The plastic cup worked also… but I fucked it all when I try to replant it… fragile roots. :sweat_smile:


SanFune is on the router!


Hello Santero,
It is a long time since I have been on a forum. I recognised your name and went and looked into my fridge into one of my old bean boxes. Do you remember zoid fume? To quote Bob Ross “I had a happy accident” a few years ago and it wasnt in my pants. Lots of baby zoid fumes and their cousins banana zoids.
I hope time has treated you well. It has me as I still reside upon this planet. I just joined here today.