Sannie's Seed Shop

Eskobar seeds are pure gold sure there a some hermie issues in some of his strains but back in those days every seed company had the same problem… Thats why you always stress test a motherplant (or Father) stress your plant for atleast 2 months if they dont herm it will be alright for 99% after that you can pollinate ^^ Eskobar made the most tasty cannabis from Sanniesshop in my opinion back in those days! You just have to pop some seeds and you will find winners in every strain i growed from him


^^ THIS :point_up_2:

esko’s lines were what made the shop interesting to me, tbh.
everything else was just kind of a “bonus”, haha.


Esko’s seeds are pure porn. Once with the oaxacan fems I had a herm and didn’t like it in general. Chucky’s bride kind of the same, great and so stinky but the structure was/is shitty. One of my 3 all time favorites came from a esko freebie which is Santa Maria. I had a perfect cannabis plant, everything was 100%. Man if I had taken clones back then :expressionless: :laughing: I grew several fems after that but never got this pheno again


Yhe Santa Maria has some legendary phenos for sure great strain❤️ totally different question for @Groenevingers you’ve growed Dr Boom x Herat i send you way back, i saw a photo of it… How she smoked, did she taste wel??


wow that was a long time ago. I didn’t know you were the man I got the seeds from. I know she’s a very special one. Very special taste. Definitely try this one.It was also a really good plant to grow with no problems.


@BeachBud sent me some f3 Chucky’s he made while we we were all back on Opengrow, and the only one I grew was stunningly nice. He must have chosen for structure and plain awesomeness because it was beautiful and smelled so nice. :v:


Thanx allot for great info👍 The Herat came from a refugee who worked for me, gave me about 5 seeds got 2 females and 1 male… The females where useless… They wont grow or do anything, on the other hand the male was beautiful very tiny bushy male with sticky stems. Never growed any cross i made with him got to much projects in my head… One day… One day


got some too … x VLC ?
…gonna check


Very Lemon Cindy… I’ll have to check but i think its (C99 x Lemon Thai) x Lemon thai or the other way… But ill have to check… Edit checked “Very Lemon Cindy” is C99F3 (f) x Lemon Thai(fusion seeds) made by @Smilestyle❤️ probably i have send ya Dr. Boom x VLC #4 (got 3 plants in veg right now almost ready to switch)


I was very good friends with maverick, miss him do much. We chatted every day for months before his death. He helped so much with growing this fine weed. Really brought back alot of great memory’s when you mentioned him. RIP maverick


Does anyone know something about the genetic makeup of the shiva99 other than that Cindy was used? I can’t find anything in the interwebs


My guess is c99 x shiva but that’s just a guess :sweat_smile::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: quick search found some photos on the www


(T13’s cut of old sensi seeds) “shiva (skunk”) x c99 f2-male, made by esko :wink:
he send those in as freeebie for sannie’s, cannazon and tsd-shop around 2014/2015.

these pictures are made by @baqualin and were posted at opengrow:

last one shows the phenos really nice in veg.
left “c99”- and right “shiva”-leaning plants :slight_smile:


Thanks guys, I assumed it was the Shiva skunk from sensi lol

Man, I thought I also have the cindy99 f3 but seem to can’t find them in my seed boxes. This was also from esko, a lime pheno if I remember correctly, wasn’t it?


yes :wink: i also have some of those c99 f3.
got pineapple & lime mixed in one baggie.

the lime one was the freebie, i think (:thinking:)


Jup, I received them as freebees. I ordered several times just for the freebees lol

BTW I’ll transplant both of the gelato cuts to their mommy-containers either today or tomorrow. I’m 2-3 weeks I should be able to send you some snips :wink:

When I checked today I noticed that the smell of the ‘pole’ plant is way more intoxicating sweet and em-eukal like than from the branchy one. If it stays like that it will be my favorite.


Thinking of Kinky Cheese x Shiva99 or the other way :heart: that will show some nice phenos for sure


Wow Shiva! I always prefered the orignal one though. I mean, it is the only one I tried and it must have been a special cut running around PR because it never appeared on my radar again but I remember a girl telling me ¨to behave and stop laughing like a little kid¨. I had a huge hysterical laughing fit just after smoking in the parking lot and she was embarassed about me laughing all the way to the line of the pub hahaha

I would hold on tight to a Shiva leaning keeper pheno. It might be the one for when a good laugh is needed.


checked my list: it was VLC x Herat …and maany others


The freebies were the greatest do you remember Maury Povich? By islayharts

I think it was silverfields x Budica

And i remember I liked extreema I think it was a fem