Sannie's Seed Shop

You can still get woodhorse seeds. He has herijuana. He’s on Instagram.


How do you get in touch with woodhorse? Via insta?

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Sannies jack f9
Amnesia ibl
Jackberry f4
Killingfields f6
Jillybean/tangie x blueberry ibl
Mad scientist x motherlode

Lost all of it last winter… the seeds are molded.
I always kept my seeds in buckets in the basement… never had problems… maybe a little degrade in germination over years…

but last year i put my whole seedstash in styrofoam boxes.
I had water in the basement because it was a wet winter…
literally lost all my seeds… everything i made myself over the years and a lot of seeds I bought… I think the ones that are in those sealed bags from the breeder are ok… and some in tubes… these small baggies where in a bigger ziplock bag… lost everything :woman_facepalming::sob::sob: the boxes where not even in the water by the way…

I thought these ziplock bags where airtight… i have always wanted to grow the sannies jack and the herijuana what a bummer. If somebody is going to do a repro please hit me up. :pray:


For long term storage, I open any pack, open tubes then vacuum seal. Throw them in the freezer and that’s that


His email is listed in his Instagram or ask for an invite to his discord. I ordered from him recently so I know it’s good to go.

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Thanks mate :pray:


Only the first batch of Herijuana was sucses full from Sannie , one of the members from wietforum. nl bought a pack of 3000 repro or f2/f3???seeds. I dont know the details but the buyer was not so pleased with that batch… Thats all i know from the wietforum. nl days… After that the Herijuana was tested and the forum confirmed that it wasn’t the same deal


The last herijuana I grew came from Indy

It was good weed but not what i remember as far as I can remember lol


Of course! I haven’t grown any of his stuff out yet so I can’t vouch for any of that but he’s a solid guy and he communicates well.

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It never sat very well with me that they highjacked woodhorses work without due credit and I am sure made a ton of cash in the process. I have some from sannies still, strong but not that great for me in terpene profile. I would try get them direct from woodhorse as mentioned he was selling them recently I saw.


Yes I saw that myself there still available

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I agree wasn’t impressed with what I’d grew.

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Did anyone find out sannies Status?
As in is he still breathing ?

Yall, or some of you know I grew hundreds?
Of strains out of the shop, be it sannie or eskos
16 years straight I been running.
Sannies gear is wore out, and many of eskos to.
Not downing these dudes, just time stands still
For no man.
Weed is way better now than 2008.
Way better.
With most of the US going legal the tiger jumped out of the bag.

Cali strains, Canada, Michigan, fuck you name it
All if them burned rubber compared to the old days.

My DEF seeds gelato crosses are blistering
Like just levels above the old stuff.
Most of the strains I run now are like that
Way way better.
Now I still run OG strains to,mindless for Years lol.

A lot of the reason I don’t look back that much
Is new and better adventures and the hunt
For them.

The old way was killer, the old days make me smile
And yet time stands still for no one.
I do think these new and better strains were build
Upon the OG days but there simply imo is no comparison to the work right now going on here
Or in California, or many other states.

Many still go giddy for Columbia gold
Pure rag weed compared to today’s herb.
But I remember buying Oz of it for 30 buck
Screw the scales, give me a 4 finger bag.

Nostalgia…for us who lived it is one thing
But young ones searching the mists of time
Would be better served exploring the 21st
Century and what it has to offer.

Just my opinion


Where is Indy??


What’s up toker how you been No man I couldn’t find out anything about Sannie

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Last I talked to him months ago, he was in OK.

This is of I’m thinking of the same Indy. Sinister Seeds.


@Tracker … Tell him straydog… said hello

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He was living close to me. We got coffee a few time times, but it’s been a minute since I talked to him.


I bought 2 packs 3-4 months ago. And not really up, on any specifics of the person.

I bought 2 packs of the Herijuana, which would have been 22 seeds, and he gave me 38 seeds, which is 16 free seeds. Almost 2x the amount I expected. Ive not grown them out. They were all nice looking seeds.
It did take a bit of time to get the payment/Cash to him. Im in USA/Ky, and it was the first time, Ive ever had anything, go through LA Customs. That also took a bit. NYC-Chicago, more times than I have fingers and toes.
Im also interested in Luck13 Seeds version of Herijuana. They have bred for a pheno called, the Peanut Butter pheno, which, from what I understand, is supposed to be a highly desirable pheno, of Herijuana. Though, I have no other info on it. But Ive had good dealings with Lucky13, and they are seemingly very well regarded. They also have a 1985 Skunk#1 IBL, thats been worked, but sells out so fast, they cant keep it, and arent going to release it again, until next year. Its been tested at 22%. I want that one so badly, I can smell it. They are also in Canada.
I got a heavily worked line of Super Skunk Y2K, a couple months ago from L13. Its just been restocked again. They used seeds from 2000, and the 1990s. Its supposed to be pretty variable, and gave 20 seeds.
They didnt come packaged like this.