Sannie's Seed Shop

yeah i have the KF f6 and KK i dont want to flower them and not have a chance to restock


I was hoping maybe they were just transitioning to a seedbank but seems like maybe not

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I’m a long time Sannies seed fan, ten years, and I’m a bit surprised seeing bad comments about Sannie. My experience with him was always exceptional, professional, and easy. I had a few seeds seized by customs and Sannie would immediately resend, no questions asked. In the forums, he was always respected as a super stand up guy. But, who knows? The comments Sannie was all about the money make no sense, his seeds were dirt cheap, in my experience. Oh, well.

I’ve speculated maybe someone’s taking over his operation, reconstituting his seeds, or something, which could take months. But I’m just guessing. Maybe he got old, got sick, got busted? Who knows? Just hoping for some more Sannies Jack seeds someday.


Omg! I forgot I have two regular packs of Silverfields! The only reason I haven’t run them is they scare me! Silverfields, to this day, is some of the dankest smoke I’ve ever run. But it’s sativa heaven, if you enjoy racy, super paranoia inducing, hearing DEA choppers overhead, old school, weed.

We used to judge a strain’s potency by how many DEA choppers you heard over your house once you smoked it, Silverfields is a 4 chopper strain.


With all due respect, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Sannies is one of the most righteous breeders out there, his gear is killer, and his fan base is extremely informed, filled with great growers, and loyal.

It grinds my gears to hear people talking junk about good people. Just sayin’. I have no argument with you, it’s just the truth. There’s no value in running down a breeder who made Jack Herer as stable as Skunk #1, from a 10 pack of Sensi Seeds. Sannies Jack F9 is the one strain you’d want, on a desert island.


Sannie’s gear is actually great tbh
First 2pics blueberry heaven and the rest shackzilla

I pref his stuffs over most of modern hybrids



Maybe we should all hold on to his gear until all this situation clears up and if he is indeed in trouble or unable to continue his work we could organize ourselves to do repros of his cultivars. The Blueberry Heaven was a feminized only release. The solution to that one or at least the one I had thought was to take all the males from a Jack Berry pack (awesome variety by the way) and get all the 5 Blueberry Heaven feminized seeds out of a pack and BX to the females.

The same would have to be done with a Sugar Punch with Silverfields males.


You know, something was going on, before SanniesShop disappeared, what, 7-8 months ago? Can’t recall, time flies. I do recall he had eliminated FastBuds, BreedersChoice, and any other breeders he carried, and it was just his seeds at the end… The other breeders were gone one day from the last version of his website. I’d forgotten about that, but made me wonder, whassup? Sannie have a falling out with folks?

A lot of these great growers are aging, too, many are in their seventies and eighties. The young guns in cannabis are doing some crazy things, “following the science”, but the 30% THC strain craze concerns me. I’m, like, what’s the point? Sure, they’ll be great plants, too, but how did the industry get to the point they’re judged on how totally messed up a strain will make you? And that mentality is endemic in the pot industry. It’s ALL marketing hype, and I think that’s a mistake, on multiple levels. But, what do I know, I’ve only been smoking it for 50 years. I’m just an old fuddy duddy.

Oh! When I was in Colorado dispensaries a few years ago, I asked if they had any Skunk #1. The bud tender asked, “What’s that?” And to this day, I swear he really said, “What’s that, grandpa?”


On this one i follow you, the THC % don’t really mean something. I personally don’t care about a 25% THC strain that can’t last an half hour in my body. All others cannabinoids and their balance play a big role, terps included.

On classics, i can’t agree more. It stay important today to know them, and more than ever imho.


i can vouch for this i remember reading his email telling me that he doubt that it would be stopped this time as if he accepted the customs challenge to snoop the seeds over

indeed he was a crafty dude got my seeds with beads


im in for this i have some killing fields f6 or f7
and a pack of killing kush


I am sure that Killing Kush is less common than Killingfields. I would do a repro of that one first if I had a pack :grin:


First Herijuana I got from Sannie, around 2008 or 09, was excellent smoke, very powerful.
Years later, no so much, less than 1/2 the original potency, for us.
Sometimes to with many irons in the fire, something is going to fall short.


I have to agree on that strain same situation grew the original release then years later grew bunk .


Grew some, it was god awful. Here is a pic and despite it looking great it was awful smoke. Feel like youre lying bout your experience with it. Ive grown at least 20 times, and never had anything nearly as weak, harsh, and one even hermed for no reason and had to chop it.


I tried to run the killing fields but it was garbage genetics. Was super purple and had bag appeal, but was harsh to the point i coughed so much i puked off it. Flush didnt matter at all, and one hermed out for no reason.


How did it go? My exp with killing fields was negative and im no rookie grower.

That’s killing fields.
Loved mine, never has issues.
Not a fan of sannies business
Practices but for me killing fields
Imo was one of the best I have grown.
Just won’t a huge favorite of
Folks, stupids around here think
If it ain’t loud it ain’t good.
Nicely done

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If it was the best you’ve grown then… ouch. Not to be a jerk but ive grown multiple runs and those genetics were god awful. The smoke was super harsh and one hermed for no reason despite optimal conditions haha! The best ive grown is right now actually.

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This makes killing fields look like a droopy eyed armless baby.