Sannie's Seed Shop

I don’t usually get into stuff like this, but Sannie’s heri has been one of the very few that have grown to description for me.

The parents used in the feminized cross must be stellar.

Brutally harsh potency, and some outdoor resilience that has me using a cross with C99 in some amateur breeding work years later.

I also wonder what people expect from “stabilization” of seed lines. To eliminate all diversity doesn’t seem to be a very good goal either.

How many did you grow out?


your quote needs this part to complete the contextof the precise poste you quoted me on

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Hey thanks, yes I did need that :smile:

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OooooKkkkkk… so that’s why it’s best to not do this on my phone.

I must know more about what you’re saying here, because although I am an admitted lightweight, I could just take one hit of the heri and it smashed me. I gave some to a high tolerance friend and he said it was strong. You could smell the plant growing in my greenhouse from over 100 feet away on the street, it initiated flowering earlier than most photos I have grown here at over 50.5 N, was mold resistant, fought against spider mites (hot dry greenhouse = big problems here) as well as any plant I have grown, had decent yield…

My question again, how many individual plants did you grow out before judging an entire line?
There’s no way you would find reports just like mine saying that it’s one of the most powerful plants they have ever encountered, if the line was junk.

When someone comes out swinging as hard as you are, my BS detector starts going off.

Let’s see some photos of your weak and shitty plants.

I purposely grow all of my plants in meager and stressful conditions regarding temperature swings and especially cold conditions, because that’s what I’m trying to select for. I am trying to make plants herm all the time and never found that with the heri.

It’s one of the few that I made a seed run of, with the intention of returning to it or at least having the option.

My only complaint is that it seems like it is exactly as described and I am not tough enough to handle it to be honest :sweat_smile:

Here’s some photos from October 21st, with no light dep, at 2400’ at 50.5 N = not a friendly grow environment. They may not look all that special (these photos are as honest as it gets), but they have to be something decent or they simply don’t make it at all here:


Went into my notes, to find my last entry on the herijuana from Sannies:

Have discontinued the herijuana for now. Very good plant and exactly as described. The high doesn’t seem to have any euphoria and there is no real ‘massage’ to the heavy body effect. The smoke is a bit on the harsh side and the smell could penetrate a foot of concrete. Made many seeds for future, as it is definitely one of the best I have grown.

The only photo I have from the seed run, is this one of a popcorn bud:


That originated from work horse . Nothing wrong with the heri seed from sannie . It’s legit.


Was no need to waste time with such a long post, you simply should have ask could he grow. :wink:
I also grew and made many beans of Heri, it’s body numbing, no doubt


Actually it’s a good point. Because today it no longer mean anything in the marketing, too used for different scenario. “Stabilized” was something that you dared to write in being 100% sure of the outcome. Or the customers was crushing you by the market within an half year.

There is no specific expectation when you buy a stabilized line. But to have all plants eating the same tank like a charm, the same height, the same maturity in flowering stage … barely “clones in seeds” with some variations in the smoke. Typically what was offering Serious Seeds at its golden age, while the brand was accumulating the cups like crazy.

I’m not saying that a stabilized line is better than an unstable line. It’s all about the quality of the variations. If you want it only in the smoke inside a given standart, or if you just only want a segregation that output fire for each variation.

IMHO, I don’t think that you will find a lot of people saying that the Herijuana is not a potent weed. But the same way, it’s not uncommon to find stoners that are not saying that this strain is the most potent of their life. And yes i’ve grown and crossed enough it to prefer the Sensi Star in the potency department.

Ask the question to another one knowing the twos, he will surely name another one. It’s just a question of receptors and human variation.


I’m not a high tolerance person. I’m a completely tolerant person, meaning it’s extremely hard for me to get high on weed.

IDK if any of you have ever smoked Marley’s Collie? Not a damn thing. Could smoke an entire bag. Could eat 10g in a cake. Don’t work.

It’s a strange thing for sure and it’s led on several occasions to people overindulging in my quarters. Not always their fault, cause it also skews my view of what people can take.


I can grow. I tried 3 different times (well, for heri). All 3 sucked. Not my weed.

It was quality bud if you looked at it. Hard too. Just didn’t feel it.

Don’t think the Heri is in these pics but these are grows by me:

(last one is grown from spores not a growkit)


Very nice looking grow, but too bad it wasn’t for you. Fascinating about your tolerance.
Thanks for your response :+1:

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Yeah there’s one pic there of an awful looking plant but there’s just some strains that end like that no matter what it seems :man_shrugging:

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Sugar Punch is half of Mindless’s
Sugar punch x Maple leaf indica.

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Does anyone know what’s up with Sannie? Website has been down for a few weeks, and his IG disappeared from my following list.


Has anyone heard any news about Sannie?
They always had some nice classic stuff…I hope all is good with Sannie


If your not on the sites , not hawking your warez, no online presence , This is what happens

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I hope it’s not an out of business situation. I will say they were hard to order from but the Herijuana and mad scientist were awesome


gifted a 10reg pack each of the heri ibl and jackberry f4 from a big boy around here who holds cuts of both, i have smoked both and they are legitimate. these seeds were part of the first stock introduced during 1st through 3rd gens and just were never germed. all from sannies stock circa 2014-2016. 3 heri are soaking now. no place to flower or hang them but ive been instructed to inseminate something with them for your pleasure. thinking autoflowers since i have a few i could maybe flower in a tight space. as for the jackberry if im being realistic ill never have a solid perp indoor setup ever again so those are free to a skilled OG preservationist who wants to bring back a strain i have thoroughly enjoyed smoking for nearly a decade.


sannies not dhowing up on google search i know dite was down for maintenance last i checked but now its not showing up
did we loose sannies too??

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That would be a shame. I bought Silverfields, Killingfields, Supar Punch and Blueberry Heaven just before he disappeared. Now it looks like instead of running them for flowers I will have to do repros of each just in case he never comes back.