Searching for strain of stuff ill never find for preservation or just to enjoy again. plz add to the list here!

I remember being able to get catpiss cheaper than chronic or A grade because it was funky and obnoxious. I stocked up when the catpiss came around. I enjoy the smoke still but it’s missing that bite I hope you find.


if you mean the old northern california cut called pineapple, @Heritagefarms has worked with that one and made some hybrids with it.


I’d definitely be interested. Collectively searching would be a good idea to help cover more ground.

Look forward to hearing how that Snocap hunt turns out for you.


thats crazy i never knew berry white could be blue widow. that makes some sense too. but its a crazy hybrid imo, because it is very unique. i wouldnt have ever guessed it might be blue widow. I could also believe it may be trainwreck x salmon creek. we definitely didnt know exactly what it was, we actually thought it had mendo purps in it because the structure. but my homie who grew it wasnt entirely sure either ill have to ask him again sometime. i really liked that strain too it was damn frosty and outdoor that looked like indoor.

damn this forum is awesome. i didnt even think my post might reach people this well.

CATPISS definitely on my list too - i only tried it once and knew a haze version, that was very foxtailey - definitely some of the best herb ive ever blazed - reeked like cat piss - never had it never seen it again… that was one of the earliest strains i ever tried where i was just dumbfounded by it. minimum ~20 yrs ago. Only seen the indica version that 707seed has now online thats it. Seems to be a strain that definitely fell off. always heard it was a sister plant of chem, and OG. Legendary like Lambs Bread but even more rare.

omg man some of these mentions are unreal. you guys are awesome! i can tell you guys already know about a lot of this stuff too, even more than me.

DAMNN! I totally forgot about Permafrost. i do know it too. That was a dope strian even tho i never really had it my all time favs. it was legit good tree. LIke a hashplant maybe if i remember right.

Thats so cool you guys have heard of a lot of these too, aa lot of the time i ask people they have no idea what they are, and i got a lot of friends that smoke a lot of good stuff.

Ive been reading and browsing, and it does seem we might be able to track down some SNOCAP . that hashy, almost jack, spicy tasting herb with golf ball nugs was really fkn cool.

definitely gotta read and reply in a whole nother way jeez u guys are dope

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Yes man the pineapple i knew wasnt pineapple thai. and it wasnt c99. there is pineapple phenos of c99 but i think this stuff was indeed different. the only way ill ever know is if i find someone who thinks they have that same pineapple and ask them what the hell that was lol. I knew a guy who had it and I may be able to get ahold of the guy and ask him if he has any idea what he grew 20 yrs ago too. BUt man Pineapple was unreal , and tasted like candy pineapple artificial. That had me so insanely ripped it was giving me panic attacks but i liked it so damn much i just wanted more. lmao. i also had an injury at the time, never had panic attacks since so idk. it was crazy tho. my friends mom always thought we were on some kind of drugs after we blazed it hahaha

i remember a lot of stuff being named jack herer and literally every single thing, every single thing was different. the extra names were great, because it actually gave different jack herer phenos some type of reference.

the best jacks i ever had that were my fav were definitely more on the spicy side, very cologney musky, almost odorous . The Dutch Treat was very much like that. The lemon lime was there but not as dominant and not as forward

I really like Jack but if theres too much lemon lime and thats the only profile, in my opinion thats the common jack pheno that is just too plain. there was defintely many many phenos. i do have a pack of rosetta stone from brothers grimm, which is labeled as jack x p75 male i think. gotta pop these soon, but they are real jack, like 12 weeks, gotta make sure im ready to wait for them lol. im in a climate thats terrible for long flowering strains, but a true haze might actually do even better here in humid tropical by the coast weather. its 80 degrees and 70% humidity daily almost.

alot of these genetics we are discussing i think are missing links to new strains that can be made with them too. there is way too much potential for classic oldschools to be regenerated or remade, but the time is now, because genetics are getting super crazy nowdays . would definitely be honored to have or help work with any of these, make new stuff, etc.

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yeah champelli or champagne. thats likely a bay area legendary heirloom plant. we used to be able to blazze it, and it never had the craziest effects, some people used to try to argue it was a CBD strain. but that champagne flavor… jeez… tasted like wine and grapes and sugar. real champagne flavors in it. it might be out there, it was really rare. we never knew anyone growing it and it was hard to get it to smoke and always came from ppl in the city. never seen anything else taste like that. pink pantther too, had sugary pink flavors but was said to probably have been a CBD cuz that was even less of a powerful stone

i had remembered a few more strains last nightht but ill have to come back with them. they slipped my mind again. i could list off 20 strains right now i like too from the same era but they are mostly more available stuff.

a few off top:

MK ULTRA - Some kind of light tasting , extremely buttery unique OG . Only had it in Berkeley from stores. didnt know how good it was til i never saw it again.

Lemon Bubba - really sweet light lemon flavor on bubba nugs. only saw it once. was outdoor but tasted so good it was passable for something better.

Lavender - this actually can be tracked down, saw a few guys on IG and maybe on here that have it. actually more common than i would expect nowdays. Lavender is definitely amazing

Which also reminds me of Mr Nice guy Purps. weird spicy purple. didnt really taste like purp wtf was that?

GDP can be found i think but i completely agree about Kens Cut. thats not what i want either. I was always told that there was 4 phenos of GDP in that original cross, and we mostly only saw one or two phenos everywhere. whatever Kens cut is, is defintely not the same phenos we used to blaze and have. I would be able to recognize them by structure, and Kens Cut was not as dark, and not as bulky in my opinion. we had Kens Cut but we couldnt find the old hardball grapes anymore or GDP.

PURPLE ERKLE - Man i love that plant. if there really was such thing as a purple erkle trainwreck, sign me tf up. I dont want feminizeds but if thats the only form we can get some of these in, i would definitely want to try to get a good plant and still stabilize it further if i could. whatever needs to be done lol. purple erkle is incredible to me , gotta be one of my top 5 all time favs ever, has to be on the list. but ppl do still have it, ive seen quite a few folks who say they got original cut

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i think ive hit my reply limit . 5 replys yes thats too much,. i dont think im repeating myself. but i gett excited about weed.

but yes that damn Blackberry what the heck was that. Whatever I had was from a store, only saw it once, and i asked for years after about it and if anyone could ever tell me anything about it. It tasted like ssome kind of OG , and blackberry terps in it. Honestly to me, blackberry kush never tasted like blackberry, and whenever i gave it to heady pot smoker guys who had crazy shit, they told t was mids and blackberry kush sucked. they were right too,

that original blackberry was fkn n distinct

and yes that Dutch Treat - if we could find that - it was most definitely a good haze plant - what i looked up online about it, is it might be its own unique haze. I thought it was just liike a Jack, but more gingerbread crust flavors. it had a more full profile but was mostly like a jack, but those crusty gingerbread cookie terps were crazy. that shit and Green Ribbon were dope.

Also Green Crack was fun too , seen it renamed Lilikoi a bunch but idk how that could fall off so much when it was so good. compareable to Sour Diesel good and up there with it easily in the ranks .

Catpiss i do remember being ammonia like your saying too just to agree more about that lol

i only had Cherry pez and i dont know what it was. I thought i could travel the world and get rich off these $60 8ths that how good they were. and i wish I had tried original Pez, theres a real story and a real background to it. Apparently the Pez is some legendary dank but is definitely uncommon and rare. coming from Lopez Island and a medical type cultivar from al ong time ago maybe, reading on internet about it.

around this same time i was getting Cheese that wasnt UK Cheese for the same outrageous coca cola prices. half of it was on my hands after trying to roll it up but i kept going back for more just to do it again. . it was this different leafy pheno that was better but looked like absolute garbage weed. it was incredible. it was also crazy to actually smoke good weed from stores back then, but back then, it was oldschool growers who knew what they were doing, who had these crazy strains.
Now everyones got similar stuff and its grown by mom n pop commercially and tastes like a cigarette sometimes. was lucky to try stuff. growing the plant would be even better, thats when you really know it well. but this is all a dream to me of sorts, finding stuff ill never see again lol. i want those mids!!!

Really not trying to ramble so much but maybe if i describe my experience and some of the profile we will be able to agree thats what we tried possibbly too,

You guys are dope i got so excited. Hard to contain it sometimes

one strain me and my buddies really like is KEY LIME PIE. its newer so to speak, but comes from the cookies and sherbert era. i always knew it as green sherb, but everyone calls it key lime pie. i didnt like the purple sherb (Sherbert) i liked the key lime pie. supposedly a sister plant to sherbert but this is all just stuff ppl say. im not crazy on new stuff, but that is one that i really am crazy about.


@lonelyooc damn the name of that, sweet cinammon, sounds awesome, maybe it mightt be a bit like the Dutch treat , which to me reminded me of gingerbread haze. that does sound great. it sounds like they have a unique jack flash male that they used too or something, its regular seeds. that might be a good genetic. never heard of cannapot but their write up sounds original and cool too. im in usa, but i think these strains may exist more throughout europe and in europe too. sometimes that can be a challenge.

super silver jack and jack flash may be the same kind of stuff too im not sure but i think they are both ssh haze / jacks.

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Cannapot is an established and respected site that focus more on the Canna crowd around the German region. They ship all over the world and I’ve never have had any trouble with them. Tbh, I’ve never read about people who have issues with them, but don’t take my word for it and do some research yourself.

Pz :v:t2:

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yesss thankk you i just had to ask bc youre a real person im talking to. thank you my friend! Thats freakin amazing. If you want to chat or talk usa genetic anytime, always down. But im heavily interested in stuff from outside of usa. and that website is a great place to browse and maybe get something when i can too. thanks again.

i got some knowledge to share but its possible you know just as much about usa website or strain.

but knowing if they sprout well is a big benefit, or just trustworthyness in general is great.

Welcome to the rabbit hole @dankisdope. I love the enthusiasm. There’s tons of good people around here who can help in our quest for more plant knowledge. I am constantly learning new stuff around here.


i had to re read that a couple more times, man, that berry white… definitely special. i do want to really find some good afghoo or afghooey especially if its still around, no one ever went too crazy over that stuff, but thats really good original dank and good afghan too. id really like to blaze some afghan goo again. definitely be cool check out that guys story about it too . this all dope info from everyone i knew id get some good response but this is super cool


Afgoo is still around, not really common these days but you may occasionally come by it.Boogie kept telling me i need to use Overgrow and i see why now. The people are more mature and knowledgeable than others.


Socal seed vault has an afgooey I believe. Haven’t run any of it yet but it’s high up on my to get list. Has some other older stuff too. Alcapulco Gold, Rhino, Oaxacan gold, Colombian gold (Reeferman), Original Haze. I have heard mostly good things.
Goey Breeder is Canna Exotics.


I can personally vouch for socal seed vault. Super helpful customer support, really good freebies. Seeds showed up like 48 hours after I ordered lol


Look for seeds of Pineapple Punch by The Flying Dutchman co. Extreme pineapple flavor and happy but very cerebral high, like C99 is. It makes me paranoid.

And Welcome to OG @ThcTattedGenetics !

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I’ve only have heard good things about them. Appreciate if, Boogie got me to join🙂


You are correct!

They are in!

Pz :v:t2:


Man Hope Alter does a restock soon he is almost all sold out on Socal Seed Vault with Almost everything he has,Good sign though but you never know whats going to come back and what gets the shelf