Searching for strain of stuff ill never find for preservation or just to enjoy again. plz add to the list here!

there was a Jack The Ripper repo done recently


Yeah got to snag em when you can. The good seed makers seem to sell out fairly quickly. I was holding off on jumping some F4 Dragons blood hashplant from Bohdi, 3 weeks later and I havenā€™t been able to find it anywhere. Dang family messing with my seed addiction. I donā€™t sweat it too much though, I am sure I will find a lead on it around here.

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Jordan of the Islands still has Dutch Treat, I picked some up recently. I find Silver Haze is a good place to find the weed with the real catpiss smell.


I think thatā€™s where people are messing up looking for cat piss and that nasty stuff. Ive had hazes that were straight dog piss and vomit terps. So nasty I had to double turkey bag it, and no joke couldnā€™t store it in the house. My poor dog got so much flak for that run. Everyone was blaming him, but it was the weed lol


An F2 seed run was done here a few years back. If you ask in the Seed Trading thread, someoneā€™s gotta have it.


have MK Ultra and SAGE and a few more from TH seeds that I just found -must be 10yrs + old -canā€™t wait to run these. Female seeds


Thanks @BudWhisperer! I will pop over there. I have been looking at some of the trade threads. I was looking at the mailing tips the other day. Love Overgrow.


A good guy he is!
He did some great seed work making Bodhiā€™s Black Lotus F2, that is being grown out to F3 to send to 150 members.
Thereā€™s a ton of stuff here that Overgrow has thatā€™s unlike other sites.

@BackyardBoogie420 ā€™s F2 run:


wafflez has super skunk. i have a pack, but havenā€™t popped any yet.

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Next generation has some purple diesel in fems, 2000s era stuff, may or may not be what youā€™re looking for


yo i didnt know much about snow lotus, or black lotus, but after reading learning its afghan ghoo, thats so dope. i definitely want to check that out some time. ive heard of blockhead too, never tried it, but i think that 707 guy was saying he Bxed that strain or something. that was the firest time id ever heard of blockhead. thats a really dope strain, snow lotus and black lotus.


Beahhorder has a wonderful blockhead selections with great photos and descriptions.


snocap was a humboldt thing for some years. Lot of terpinolene like trainwreck but more of a hairy fluffy bud structure and uber productive. I havenā€™t seen it in a decade at least.

Anyone have a good cut of AOTA or some S1 seeds?


Yeah iā€™ve Boogie for years now, heā€™s one of the best growers that has a good eye when it comes to geneticsšŸ™‚


I have noticed that about Overgrow, itā€™s literally the best and goes back! The community is more mature rather then conceded trolls/morons to say the very least.


Iā€™ve heard that the queen kudra cut bodhi used is champagne


@PollenCharlie. I am on a Trainwreck hunt myself and I was chatting with Bodhi about TW he recommended Chris meduser from Woodhorse genetics. I believe that is where Bodhi sourced his TW. Woodhorseā€™s TW is IBL and sourced from the early 00ā€™s.


There was a large lavender preservation done here ,
Mk ultra was great weed , I have old seeds I might try and grow at some point .
The pineapple from back in the day was a pheno found in sagamarthas 60/40.


That grow was 100% the reason I decided to finally join og! Iā€™m new to growing so I was just using og for info, then I saw that :joy: Iā€™ve been trying to find Black Lotus for years, Iā€™d given up on it. Tried it 4 or 5 years ago and never saw it again. Makes me happy to see people keeping niche varieties alive! Itā€™s probably #1 on my list to grow, but Iā€™m still new here & just learning the basics- so I wouldnā€™t want to grow it til Iā€™ve got more experience. Iā€™m only on my first attempt at growing currently, so I wanna be sure I can keep plants alive before trying to grow any strains Iā€™d potentially want to cross or repro in the future lol


Trainwreck is a classic that that was huge i miss. Twenty20 made t tub which is their version of it and crossed it to the Arcada cut which you can buy seeds of.