Season 2 SEMO Grown Medicine

I screwed up with mixing the hypochlorous acid and made it a bit too strong. I have spots and burnt leaves all over the place.

Panama Spice is holding up well

Cap Junky shoot up and bushed out during the flower stretch.

Wookie Banger (Wookie7 x Headbanger) You can see the burnt spots on the leaves.

The seedling veg tent was hit the hardest by the too strong hypochlorous acid.

Unkown Bag seed from a friend was harvested today. It gave off a Lemon Floral Smell when cutting.

The Chem91 S1 The two plants I vegged a couple weeks longer did not stretch near as much as the three I vegged for a shorter time. The older taller plants were turning fugly before I sprayed.


I mixed up some powdered dolomite lime with some of my soil. I used the mix to top dress the three tall Chem91 S1s. I havent used dolomite lime as an amendment during a grow before this run. I mixed 2 tea spoons with a gallon of soil for the top dress.