Season 2 SEMO Grown Medicine

I top dressed with Diatomaceous Earth before the last time I watered. Since flipping to 12/12 I watered once with Epsom Salt and now have topped dressed and worked into the soil Diatomaceous Earth. Around week five I will top dress with worm castings and I am going to switch to an 11/13 light cycle.

The Mystery Seed is responding well to having the tops snapped and bent over. I snapped the main stem of the plant that grew outdoors on its own.

Mystery Seed

The outside plant that survived several 28-32F nights


I scored a drip tray for free. I cleaned it with bleach and left it in the sun for a few days.

Day 16 of 12/12, This grow is going amazingly well. The plants are growing well, bud sites are forming and the stretch is nearing the end.

The Purple Flamingo in the five-gallon pot is doing much better than the mother I did a lot of trimming, pruning, and defoliating on. The Night Terrors are still growing better and look better.


Day 19 of 12/12

I watered for the last time with fertilizer tea yesterday. The smell is pretty bad, reminds me of a pig pen in summer.

The Purple Flamingo in the tent continues to yellow at the edges of the leaves. I gave a buddy three of the purple flamingo clones and they are still green. We are using the same soil and water the only difference is they are using three Spider Farmer SF 1000s.

The superior genetics of the Night Terror OG loves as much light as I can push on them. For the last two weeks, I have had to water every other day to keep them happy.

The Purple Flamingo, the two smaller ones outside of the tent are not yellowing as bad as the bigger one in the tent. There is some yellowing on the sides I keep too close to the light for too long.


Two Supafreaks are slowly growing. I moved them into five-gallon fabric pots which slowed them down some. They will take off and start filling out before long.


Week 3 Day 21 of 12/12

The Night Terrors are doing well. They are thirsty plants, I am still watering them every thirty hours. The Purple Flamingo in the tent its leaf edges continue to lighten. The trichomes on the Flamingo are developing faster. The Purple Flamingos trichomes are unusual, they turn pure white early. They then continue to change hues to a silver or blueish tint.

Tent Shots and Night Terror OG

Purple Flamingos, The big one in the tent is aging and developing trichomes faster than the two smaller Purple Flamingos outside the tent.

Mystery Seed, its clones, and the Plant found growing in the backyard. The Mystery seed is the bigger plant with all the tops. Yard Plant has some big fan leaves. The Yard Plant is most likely a Bodhi Spirt Train F3


Week 3 Day 24 of 12/12

This week I have been reducing the light intensity by 5% a day. Sunday 85% to 70% today. I was slowly increasing the light intensity for a few weeks before I started the 12/12 light cycle to 90%. The Night Terrors loved the light, the Purple Flamingo in the tent started giving up its dark green pigment. The two outside the tent are a darker green than ever before.

The Night Terrors are starting to get a hint of purple on some leaf edges. I would like to start seeing more trichome production.

The Purple Flamingo inside and outside the tent. I hope this light doesn’t do this to too many strains.

Any suggestions to boost trichome production?


The two Supafreak are doing well. They have different looks to their leaves. They already have a scent that dank cannabis smell. The Stem rub is mouth-watering to me, pine or pine sol.

I will have fresh tomatoes soon. The cucumber vines are just starting to grow. The airflow this year is backward. We have been getting cool dry air from the north-northeast all year. It should be warm moist air from the south-southwest. The ground is as dry as it would be in the late July-August dry season.


Week 4 Day 1 of 12/12

I have turned the light down to 45%, 395 watts. These mint white are powerful suckers that should be used in a room or a 5x5 or larger tent. It is too much even on a lower setting as the light is 42 inches by 42 inches filling the whole tent with light bars. There is no area in the tent that isn’t under a light bar.

Plants are still doing good. There are some signs here and there of yellowing from the light. The Purple Flamingo had it the worst.

Night Terror OG

Purple Flamingos inside and outside. The outside look healthy you can really tell the light did a number on the Purple Flamingo in the tent.

Mystery Seed is doing great. I have been snapping the tops as they grow up from the edges to get a large canopy. I have plenty of time to try and get a big flat top while waiting on the current run in the flower tent. I took five clones and they are all showing signs of rooting. I only used a solo cup and regular bottle water.

I am limited to 6 clones/seedlings 6 veg and 6 flower. Do I have much chance under those conditions to pheno hunt or breed plants?


The Supafreaks from @middleman are doing good. I have two distinct phenotypes, hollow stem, and solid stem. They also have different leaves and plant structures. Same smell and stem rub smell. Lots of Pinene in the stem rub.

This one had a main top and two side branches that were nearly as tall and solid stalks. I call this the Candelabra Structure. You can see the three tops bent in different directions.

This Pheno has one stalk and it has no pith at all inside. I found out when I went to bend it over and it snapped like a dry twig, I nearly broke it off completely when it snapped. I tapped it back together, it seems to be staying hydrated.

This is not due to any deficiencies in the soil. I have watered them with epsom salt and a couple of times with Diatomaceous Earth. This is a genetic hollow stem trait.

How do I force the hollow Supafreak to make me some seeds? I have never thought of doing this before.


Week 5 Day 5 of Flower. Last week I went to a 11/13 Light Schedule.

The grow is going well. The Purple Flamingo has stopped the yellowing on the edges of the leaves since I turned down the light intensity. One of the Night Terrors leaves has turned yellow in a week. I am not sure if it is from going to an 11/13 light schedule or if they are running out of food. For the last watering, I added Alaska Fish Fertilizer in case they are hungry,

Clones of the Mystery Seed are doing good. I have 3 of five planted and another getting ready to plant. I just used a solo cup and some water.


I had to harvest one of the night terrors. It was the one in the back right of the tent. Two of the biggest colas had the beginnings of bud rot. They had white fuzzy growth on the outside in two small spots. I cut those colas and the surrounding buds and tossed them. I cut the infected parts open and they were green and healthy inside with no foul smell. I salvaged some, it is in the Cannatrol doing a ten-day cure. All other settings are stock settings.

The other plants are mold free and are doing well. The Mystery seed and the outside wild plant from the yard have been transplanted into five-gallon pots. They are waiting their turn for the flower tent in a couple of weeks. The clones of the mystery seed are doing well in the soil. Five of six cutting were rooted in nothing other than a solo cup with water.


I did a thing with the plant from the yard. This plant is a survivor, of multiple touches of frost, dogs peeing on it, left in a solo cup until it turned yellow and the leaves drooped, left in a one-gallon fabric pot until it turned lime green and now I broke all its limbs, took cuttings and cut off and threw away some more.

Before and After


Some Bud shots


Day 55 of Flower

I harvested the two Night Terrors and the big Purple Flamingo. The Purple Flamingo won the Bud Density and Yield awards.

Purple Flamingos

Night Terrors

I still have the two smaller Purple Flamingos in the tent. I will be moving the mystery seed and the random outdoor sprout to the tent in a couple weeks.


Bud shots of the two smaller Purple Flamingos. I cranked the light back up for science.


The two Purple Flamingos are frosting up nicely and getting some color. I will harvest them next week.

The two Supafreaks are growing nicely.


I put 5 Chocolate Funk (Chocolate Thai x Original Haze) seeds by Maha Kala, 4 Drunken Watermelon (Watermelon Gushers X Tiki Rum Cake X Nerdz) seeds by NugLifeFarms420, and two Feminized Evercrip (Apple Fritter X SinMint Cookies) seeds by Sin City Seeds in solo cups the last two days.

Let us hope for a perfect germination rate.


The Supafreaks are growing fast and are always thirsty. Two of the Chocolate Funks are pushing up through the soil. I cut off small slices of an aloe vera plant and put the chocolate funk seeds inside. I then buried several more slices with the seed. I only used the sloe vera on the chocolate funk seeds and they are the only ones to show nay signs of pushing through the soil.


Beautiful garden, well done!

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Thanks! Its been a struggle keeping things watered with the drought.

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