Seasonal S.A.D. is a good thing to waste

So, this stepfather guy. He makes all the rules and threatens you that he’ll kick you out. But how does he treat your mom? Sounds like he’s the one practicing schadenfreude. I don’t want to stir that pot man. No pun intended. But…I have to say it…I think for all our sakes. What the hells wrong with this guy? All of us are saying don’t be drastic, but I think I am seeing the picture much clearer now. And I see what your feeling is very real. I will pray for your family.


What’s a box elder bug and how does that tell you the veg condition is good?


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Your text wall was good. No offence it felt like I was reading a good book, parts of it I can relate to as I bet others can to.
I couldn’t put up with being made to feel the way you do living there though.
I personally would of took off a long time ago.

You might end up in trouble for kicking the shit out of your step dad in the future, as that sounds like it is past due.

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You are unfortunately correct there. She doesn’t talk about if he hits her, but I do know she’s talked to me about leaving him for years now. So far 14 years on and off she’s been trying to leave him, but stays with him for my little sister most likely.

When he’s in a bad mood we all just avoid him. I usually head to Salem or a friend’s house if possible when I see he’s in a mood.

I don’t want to risk that mood turning on me, so I don’t stick around if I see him.

Now I just have to hope when the day comes he’s not carrying. I’m just mostly surprised I’m capable of kicking his ass at all. When I get so angry my strength limiters turn off is the only times I’ve ever been able to do anything to him as a kid. He’s a muscular guy and I’m a very skinny guy. It makes no sense to me that I can even use that much strength without horrible pain afterwards.
I just really hope he gets a medical card ASAP. He needs his gun license revoked. People like him are at risk of snapping and killing people in a shootout.

Am I an awful person for wishing he’d just use it on himself?

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Oh it’s a pest, but it loves spring conditions most. I was at 80f/80% Rh and it was crawling around the pot. They dig, so I grabbed it and put it in a jar. Added eugenol in olive oil, water, and tartaric acid. Once the acid went in it died instantly.

They overwinter in houses. Warm light and humid conditions are best for attracting them. Not sure what tree they’re coming from, but it’s probably the Japanese maple out front.

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It’s awful people that make people think that way.

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I just looked them up, the look rather similar to froghoppers well to me they do anyways :sweat_smile:

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They love box elder trees and maples. From what I see if they have to anything that’s not a evergreen tree is fair game for them. They cause cosmetic damage on trees, bit that cosmetic damage can be deadly to a auto. It’s a true bug with sucking parts for getting through tissue. They don’t bite people at least.

Don’t squish them. They smell like rotten cilantro if you do and it attracts more to the area. I’m honestly wondering if my cilantro brought it in too? It was all over those, but once it landed on the auto I caught it and once I finished look it up I killed it chemically and flushed it.

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Hey I’m I need of some seeds I live in Florida I’m a gorilla grower. Outdoors only so if you can help me I would really appreciate it. Its sad I live in central Florida Ocala and no one has any dam seeds. How do I give you my info for mailing I’m new to all this electronics stuff.


Dawn dish soap is the only thing I know of to kill box elders. My family owns a pestcontrol company and ever year they come out of the tree and swarm the house.


I have the antibacterial kind just below platinum in grade rn. It was the only one though. Just a straggler from outside that came through the crack in the hole in the wall that my AC is in.

I’m just glad I’m currently feeling better rn. I have to take care of Daisey now. She’s showing signs it’s her last day sadly. I’m going to give her the best day possible and spoil the shit out of her before I call the vet in the morning. :disappointed_relieved: She’s in pain now though and stopped eating. I don’t want to keep her suffering if she’s in pain.

Even cannabis doesn’t appear to help much now.

I broke down and gave her one of my gummy bears.

I made it to be 10mg THC, but effects feel closer to 2mg. I’d wager a guess I didn’t decarb properly.

At least I had added multiple sources of oil to the mix on top of the bud used. It has CBC, CBG, CBD, THC, CBN, and if it’s partially decarbed THC-A also.

She’s currently knocked out from it. Once she wakes up let’s see how she feels.

It was the most awful heart wrenching pain to watch her struggle to walk this morning in a squat walk. She’s completely passive today. She’s usually aggressive if I pick her up. I moved her to the bed to make it easier to keep her comfortable and so I could cuddle with her. If she doesn’t improve from this morning it’s officially her time and I want to make the most of what I have left with her😥


Cbd is really good for dogs.


That I know. I wish I had some isolate left. She’s having trouble eating. She keeps puking all day before the gummy. I’m hoping it’s just that she got sick and it’s making her other issues worse.

I originally made plans to leave today to a craft fair, but I’m staying home instead to look after her. She’s had issues before, but this is the first time it’s been to the point I’m not sure she’ll come back from. The droopy dog moment was one thing, but she had just looked depressed. Now she’s in pain and suffering. She drinks plenty of water at least, but she isn’t eating food yet.


Damnit. She has late stage kidney failure. I got some omeprazole 20mg. She feels like she’s closer to 50lbs today. She used to weigh 90-120lbs. She’s always been a lean dog, but now she’s wasting away :disappointed_relieved:


Sounds like you need to get on that mushroom project my brother. I have PTSD and Major Depression. Nothing has ever worked like a daily micro dose of mushrooms in the morning. Just a half to 1 gram. Miracles!


I’ll get on it once I can have up. Should be easier as sad as it is once Daisey passes


stick around OG a while & you’ll have a bunch of seeds.

:sunglasses: :wave:



@OniTenshu I watched my dog Timmy puke every meal for a year before I said goodbye. And I shouldn’t have (waited so long) but all of us here know how it is and can be. Putting him down was so hard for me. Afterward I left the clinic & found a big redwood tree & screamed into gritted teeth for a few. Later my dad would say the vet told him they’d never seen anyone take it that rough in 30 years. Yeah well they don’t know my whole story, right. :unamused: :cry:

I can’t offer any great wisdom on this one, buddy, but I am there with ya.





My brother. Have you tried meditation? An old hippie told me once that if I took 5 minutes each day to stop and count the blessings in my life that it would change it. It did. That shit worked. Be well. Take time to be still and quiet. It’s like a cool drink of water. Much love and respect. :cowboy_hat_face: