“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

I can’t say no. But I’m taking good care of them and am always here for you all.


Is it a club or a support group? :joy:


I totally got you on this parameter, specially on my own punk-rave period and years round teknivals ^^
Let’s make this winning a good vibe

But at this time i was already burning my money on all Dutch catalogs, strains were like a 5th of an average income and the full tour was quickly made, it was very not a saturated market like now.

Nostalgia, i can listen it as leverage of the anger. No problemo on this and you’re totally right and spot on in this context. But not as a justification to hide the high standard (considering now) we got at this time, it’s a diplomatic move i can’t do without high compromission on personal level.

It’s all about the selection, not the generation. And it’s the biggest problematic to transmit how to handle the mendelian laws the right way = more quantic than binary.

imho, it’s very important to separate the business side (which is purely offering what the demand ask), and the cultural aspect that imply the educational side of the said demand.


I have to agree. I can get pretty good uniformity in 3 generations after 32 years making seeds. Once you know what to look for, creating uniform plants doesn’t take 7 generations. You need only to find the right males.


Thank you, that was a good explanation. Seems this is a polarizing topic… :upside_down_face:


More homogeneous than ever and you’re right. Mostly complainers that won’t do the work but also want it cheap. Without proper financial incentive, innovation can’t happen. So I expect to the complaining and bottlenecking to continue :joy:

A place like OG destroy my pessimism on this matter buddy. Something strong is happening and lasting, the energy here have a torque and is resisting to bible’s sellers like a champ, and like nowhere else. After a bit less than a decade here, my optimism is growing.


The book of overgrow, chapter 1

verse 3 :

“Givith thee fruits of thy labor for free to thee takers who will not doith for themselves. For they are too righteous to do the lords work”


Hybrid vigor is also stackable.

From : Understanding the classics: the unifying concepts of transgressive segregation, inbreeding depression and heterosis and their central relevance for crop breeding.


In theory we could breed for something ludicrously vigorous haha


I tend to agree with you.
In my mid 50’s as well.
When I see some of the comments from members I wonder how long they have been consuming cannabis that they grew themselves. Personally I don’t see any difference in quality of plants, seeds, flavors, effects, duration of effects… all that jaz… I see no difference, just more choices. It has not been difficult for me to seek out quality plants I enjoy growing and I am vry pleased with the results of.
I have a different tolerance now than I did back then , that’s about it.
Did we find keepers in every pack in the 90’s??? No we did not
were all the plants stable and less intersex than todays strains… no , intersex showed up then as often as it did now.

what I like about todays seed market it that everything is out there and cannabis flavors have been isolated and worked to levels that we did not have 20+years ago.
personally , everyone should be rejoicing in the variety of seeds from so many hands at work that we have availlable to us these days. There is something for everyone from the landrace purist to the polyhybrid adventurer. Something for those who want to get high and something for those who just want the medicinal benefits. It’s all out there and we should be thankful for that, not find reasons to hate on it.
There is a shit load of DOGMA in the cannabis community and some folks will never be happy LOL


There is a lot of truth to this! One of the things I’ve realized lately, is that I still feel 25, at least experientially. My body hurts, can’t do the things I used to, the way I used to etc, but I still try. The experience is different now. Still gonna do it, cause I don’t want to get old :smirk_cat:

As it relates to weed however, I’d argue that there is some difference. The weed we smoked in the 70’s > mid 80’s was different on a number of levels. At least in SoCal, we were smoking a lot more landrace type varietals. We had a lot of variety but it was typical for the region. The THC levels weren’t nearly as high, everything was grown outdoors, the growing process was different (most weed was harvested late), distributed as brick weed, and any x breeding was generally naturally occurring or new from a process standpoint.

Much of what I smoke today feels narcotic in nature, perhaps a little too manipulated trying to achieve maximum crystallization/trichome maturity, etc without overdoing it. That and all the breeds I feel like someone that doesn’t know wine going to a nice restaurant being presented with a 4" thick wine list and being asked what I like. UHHHHH I don’t have a fucking clue what I am looking here…LOL


I’m glad it’s you that posted it ^^

We are talking about two differents period of time in two different geographical market and not matured the same way (at this time), but still … i’ve arguments.

I consider the golden age of BC weed as quite similar to the period i lived from the core here, getting some dank stuff from the other side was at this time quite difficult; We got steve in swiss, more ^^

Dutch catalogs were at their apogee both in term of creativity and quality. One pack was enough to last a decade with a motherplant that fitted perfectly the description of the breeder, and a bunch of times … even more. You wasn’t in obligation to fix anything before the use of the genetics. And i’m not even starting to speak about herms …

Now we can speak about the smoke of the SPG and about kids unable to recognize it in the Runtz/Skittles they think as genuine works. We can speak about the best NLs at this time that were canadians by extension, we can speak about the domination of the ISS over the most musky ones … and ending in the pedigree of the most wanted cuts today.

I respect your opinion but the funnel just can’t be ignored like a breeze. It blur the map for those that don’t lived this period of times and that don’t have the right momentum on the classics to recognize them.

And i still bless you everyday to have send the shishka pollen buddy … how ambivalent is this discussion right ? ^^

Add : “i’m perfectly fine with the actual standard” in bonus of your contradiction, and it’s best way to shut my mouth on the subject because it’s totally contextualized on a personal level.

I firmly think now that what is lacking in this big saturated mess is the sane competition that was fueling OG1, and that harvested a few singular gems. Both in term of breeders and strains/cuts. The ground is fertile, money don’t poisoned OG2 and the community have good antibody resistance.

I don’t fucking know how but it’s time to put the buds on the table, at least to stimulate the fresh meat to join the game with decent level of exigence.

Now being never happy is the point to make seeds constantly right ? ^^


There are 10 degrees of black belt. First six are black, then red and white. I think 10 is red but I have never seen or heard of one. Had a sensei that was 9th degree, red and white. He knew stuff that no one would almost never think of.


He didn’t teach you about the secret 13th degree? Or maybe he just wasn’t to that level.


I just made French fries at 450 degrees.



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They turned black but I can’t say to what degree.


Fuel… you raise a point that I don’t consider and I wonder if we all do this in our own ways.
That is that we can only relate in our memories, the experiences we each individually had with cannabis… depending what era we were first exposed to it and in what country, region, city, even neighborhood we experienced cannabis in.

My very earliest recollection … the first time I held cannabis in my hand. I was maybe 15 and had met a friend while working at a summer camp job building trails and stuff. That fall he sent me a letter and inside was a bunch of dried up pot leaves LOL. My sister played flute and she kept a pack of Vogue rolling papers in her flute box… not sure why , i can’t recall but it was flute maintenance related and nothing to do with smoking anything… she was 9.
Anyways… I rode my bike down to a creek I liked to fish at and rolled my first joint. Can’t remember all the details but it tasted good and made me feel funny LOL
I remember some weed in junior high school , 82 to 85 that people had… always in tinfoil, seedy and stemmy and brownish. I never tried it. At 16, christmas eve, my uncle took me out back and we sat on the wood pile and he lit a joint… and I smoked it and got right blitzed LOL… that was the venerable BC Skunk of old. Next time I got high was at the end of grade 12, 1987. I went with some friends to a dealers house down the road… it was all quite new to me at the time as I just wasn’t in circles where I was exposed to it much. I got high before my grade 12 english literature final exam. The weed they called it Elephant Weed and I was just fucked :rofl: … I did however get the 2nd highest marks on the english final exam in the entire province LOL
After high school my circle of friends weren;t tokers , they partied but weed just wasn’t prevalent in our circle. That and in the 80;s the cops went really hard on pot farmers and the farmers were still trying to figure out how to grow stealthy as growing indoors started to take off. So 87 to 89 in my circles, weed was not prolific as it soon came to be by the mid 90s.
For me, getting out of high school… there was Hashish , really good stuff, all imported from afghanistan, pakistan, nepal , morroco , lebanon ect. I had a good 20+dollar an hour job through high school and the years after and I became a hash dealer, buying by the QP and quickly moving up to kilos. Then I discovered LSD… and was getting it right from a university graduate chemist in liquid form. A lot happened in those years but in the latter part of 89 is when my cannabis journey really began as a father of a girl I was dating was a real grower going back to the early 70’s. I experienced a lot during those years , the early indicas like afghani #1 , Purple Indica, Hawaiian Indica, UBC Chemo, Northern Lights, Blueberry, Hashplant … these were the staples plus a plethora of other stuff that never had names like today. A whole lot of genetics swapped hands between Oregon, Washington and BC Lowermainland back in those days. I don’t remember any of those growers and breeders working with Sam’s Skunk or any of today’s known landrace strains. We were commercial croppers and the breeding work was being done to open up lines , make crosses, and then pheno hunt for commercial cash crop strains to reproduce in clone form. That was essentially my job for that group for near a decade. I went thru thousands of seeds of all kinds of pot from all over the place. So this is why I say what I do in my previous posts.
It’s all relative to our own experiences and how and what we were exposed to in each of our regions, cities or neighborhoods. I think I was very fortunate to be born and raised in the BC lowermainland. Just as those who were fortunate enough to be born and raised in Holland or California or any of the traditionally known ‘modern’ Cannabis culture hotspots on the globe.


I wasn’t expecting less from you ^^ I’m very touched by the personal share, sincerely. I almost forgot this fucking pain of the surgery while i was processing it to emphasize your angle. One stone two birds. Thank you.

I’ve to reduce a lot this wall of text, heavy meds make me too talkative fuck this. Two times i’m rewriting it and it’s just not possible to publish this. I’m very sorry it’s unfair, maybe in a better day when i will be able to best manage the necessary holes.

I’m very printed by the late 90’s in Holland. The events, the coffeeshops, the people possible to met there at this time, the innocent ambient. But also the energy at this time. And Ben dronkers, that obviously can’t be replaced. It’s the pope for me.

Today i enjoy my freedom and what i can share openly without hurting my incomes, but i’m sincerely not made for the retirement. I think about to help people to make their labels, to understand the gears of the industry and their spots and off course to aim the moon with their strains. Even helping to make high grade fems to survive, my nemesis, but it’s a reality today to fuel the engine. Next gen stoners like so much to be dependant, it’s killing me.

Well sorry, i don’t give the change but someday i will. It’s touchy, there is also partners behind i want to respect.


I hear ya @Fuel :wink:
Ben Dronkers… I did follow his work for a while… much respect.
I kinda wished I could have experience the holland of those days.

ya the pain meds make us ramble on the internet… or is it the weed? haha
I can relate, been managing severe pain and mobility issues since 97 … waiting for an appointment with yet another neurosurgeon to see if they can “fix” me but none of them have had a solution so far…