“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

I am sad to hear about your physical problems but I love to hear your stories about “the old days”. You are my age and I have a lot of good memories of the past. The world now seems foreign to me. :angry:


Another BC fella here, but a bit further inland, Kamloops to be more precise. There was alot of excellent genetics flowing around the interior for many many years and still does today


I have a lot to catch up on today ,
Please bear with me as I have no clue what is going on in convo.
I also feel to be a bad example Lorax type “free the seed and all that’s holy” type…
All the while spending $$$ on seeds and clones and alll that… :joy:
End of that.
Wow I’m all caught up.
This is an awesome thread.

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Shoutouts to stuff I read on this thread today:
(Will be updated all day probs; long thread)

@Topdecker ingenius idea…
True preservation society; here in America ; you genius.
@SWIM_Yenobi redacts his viewpoint based on vibes… glad you’re here
@SHSC-1 you are 100% right upon reading thoroughly
you know what you are talking about
(even with slight bias I do have to agree on every point)
Thank you.
@Foreigner gets a shoutout for being relevant(ish)
Thank you.
@MikeyMeteor hmu as well as a big Thank you.
@VerdantGreen you are 100% right (I like your elusive nature; keep being you!)
@Hashpants would agree (as a godtype entity here , you are)
Thank you for the contribution and keeping us all entertained with good stuff


@LonelyOC what homozygous trait are you referencing exactly?

You and I both are probably not wrong there, no need for hostility :joy:
Albeit thank you for your input and passion!
Power to you on your chucks!
All the best to you on future plant endeavors !
@Mithridate thank you incredibly ; good work; good person!
@SativaKid current situation is the said Metro (no car/no real necessity rn for me)
I like your views.
Thank you.
@Fuel you may very well disagree with me on any point , but alls I gotta say is your input has solidified a lot on my side (as in reaffirmed as well changed my viewpoint) on quite few things so far.
Thank you, and please stay around.
@OriginalDankmaster96 you must be introduced at the FIRST wave of “schwaggy chronic” mentioned earlier…?
(Not putting down, simple observation)
To have that view of the history is my only reasoning there
As well… @Acro … thank you for the input and viewpoints expressed here in complete bias and passion.
Thank you

@funkyfunk thank you glad you are here!
@TopicalWave he is right 100% :joy: :blush: :kissing_closed_eyes:
@JustANobody is the only 13th degree black belt I’ve ever heard of; thank you for sticking around


Fuck it sux when the car start to need maintenance, it equally sux to find the skilled people able to put the hands inside the engine, and it sux the price it cost ^^ Beyond the cliché of my country, it cost a lot here to don’t be butchered. Bimaxillary osteotomy for me, it was Monday. But hell i revive, worth the ride and the recovery. I wish you will find the right person at the right time, it’s very important. Trust your feeling in the meetings, neuro is something …

I’m filled with meds almost able to be used in a zoo lmao Fucking cocktail of tramadol, benzo, cortizone … and i can’t even lift my plants alone, too risky. Elder son with learn a bit cannabis breeding this week end (he don’t give a fuck and don’t even smoke cigarettes) ^^

I bet on your shiska X an ak47 2023 to appease a bit the return to normality, the combo should help i think. Shish have proved high value for PTSD things.


Dude , you are far out! I’m just waiting for you to sling a rock across the Potomac!


Thanks for the encouragement :kissing_heart:
If anyone wants to play with ((White Widow X ak47)X(Original glue X Tripple OG) X (Iron Cindy)) hmu :smile:


Gold right there.


Good eyes there .

He is isn’t he. :heart_eyes::joy:

lol putting us yunguns in our place :joy:

@slain is the shaman here….

@Upstate this is my formal “hit up” for your Oaxaca friends

“I need this vol1 signed and dated”

I won’t be happy til Grinspoon is at my door in one piece,
I then will retire to stoned solitude as an old peaceful rational man.


Thank you.
Not sure if I said it yet.

So much good weed so little time.


Are those hemp?

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No hemp is hemp
I’m talking ganja here


right on… i’m north of you off Hwy 24 :wink: