“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

What ? You don’t like these PGR buds like you don’t like these tasteless chickens grown in gigantic battery in a breeze ? ^^

I’m chocked ^^


It’s pretty much self explanatory, what do you need me to explain to you ?

Explain the skunk (to him) ^^ No way i even try lol

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Thanks for the link. I bookmarked it for later. It does seem that the time honored approach used by most will be the best way, but I’m always open to something different. From a quick glance it appears haze may have been bred using the approach you just posted, and we all know the success of Haze.


I never saw one until growing tropical landraces. Early 90’s the weed was phenomenal. That shit would send you to the moon. Nice, clean, non panic inducing high. No heart palpitations.


I remember vividly the first time I smoked many years ago. Shared like one bowl between a couple friends and I was high as a giraffe for the rest of the day. Legit felt like a low dose acid trip and I didn’t even recognize my backyard. Woke up the next day still feeling high.

There’s no doubt in my mind that was straight mids, probably brick weed from Mexico with more seeds and stems than bud. Also I have no doubt that I’m unable to even find grass that shitty today. Yet it got me higher than the stuff I grow today. Not because it was some magic weed of the days of yore, but because my tolerance for good stuff is now through the roof.


All of those “strains” break down to like 5 cuts in the end. Blueberry, NL5, Haze A, Haze C, and NL2, oh and the Congo. That’s what drf is getting at.


Right, very long lasting too. Sometimes often referred to as 1-2 hitter quitter KB. A bowl would stone 4 people pretty good and not need anything for hours after it. I remember 1/8 lasting 2-3 days by myself , now that’s my average daily consumption :face_with_monocle: In those days you needed significantly less, because trust me when I say this my introduction to “weed” led to everyone feeling I was normal (undiagnosed autism) and at first it was get “stoned” but later it was apparent nobody felt weird around me and I was like this IS my medicine, and I had to fight like hell to keep “medicated” at 16 years old. So I could only afford (mind you I had to take cash stealthily even as a “rich kid”) 1/8 to 1/4 and sometimes 1/2 at most so getting each bag to last as long as possible was important. Could you imagine a 16 yr old asking his grandmother for about 150 bucks to buy a bag of marijuana cause they claim it’s “medicine” to them in the early 90’s of Bush policy “war on drugs” :scream: I definitely know the reaction would’ve been to admit me to rehab immediately, so it was important to me to stretch every bag I could get the money for to as many days as possible, so on a per day basis of grams used YES it was far more potent needing less, even commercial brick lasted awhile.


Grinspoon is a challenge I wish I could pull off. But with my limited space I couldn’t even try.

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I’ve tested and bred my own seed with the vitality that only comes with generations of genetics free from fems. The stress testing reaveals all.


Talking about Homozygosity…
I think one example of this in polyhybrid cannabis is the work of @Tonygreen with the clone only GG4 and the journey to GG4 RIL , which took him 8 years + to reach. A study of this line and tony’s work to reach the RIL state is a lesson many folks would benefit from studying.
The desireable traits of the mother cut like her vigor, branching, resin production, flavors ect have all been preserved through selective breeding and are at the forfront of the RIL. Making it the closest in seed form you will get to the original Josey Wales cut. Tony bred this line for homozygous traits and he has succeeded in a big way.
Most of the journey is found on icmag but it the GG4 RIL is a good case study in breeding cannabis for homozygosity.
I see it in other worked lines as well.


I stoned 12 people with a mini bowl once at a party. Weed was tasty down to the ashes. 1 toke = 1 hr high. 2 tokes =2 hours etc. I don’t know how much different our tolerance could have been back then because we all used to smoke the same weed all day every day. Could be that higher thc levels flood receptors to the point of saturation today, but I think there’s something else going on. Loss of other cannabinoids.

I’ve smoked up everyday smokers that smoke the thirty percent stuff, and without exception every one of them get higher off 1970 Oaxaca, whose thc level tops out at 19% or so, if that.


I was a big minimum wage pot head all through the late 80’s and 90’s and your story sounds very familiar. I never can get over how expensive it was back then, $30 in 1990 was like $100 today. I was very careful with it and doled it out very sparingly lol.


I keep hearing fems are a major cause of hermies. I don’t generally grow them myself.


I understand, but still NOT homogenous by any stretch and no matter how you slice it

I’ve grown my fair share of fems now and I don’t subscribe to the “fems are a major cause of hermies”… from a breeding perspective.
With a GIANT caveat… the hype train in the breeding world when it comes to fems led a whole lot of people to reverse thier favorite clones without testing the plant first. No outcrosses to a regular male to test the proginy for issues… no stress testing the clone itself and no testing of the “S1” proginy… just reverse it and release it… these are the problems with Fem seed.
Say you have a wicked clone… but it pops the odd late nanner or when ran less than standard it pops several nanners.
This plant should never be reversed and shared … not ever. Keep it in your own circles but don’t put the seed out there for others to buy. Go back to the drawing board.
And this is the problem I feel we see today with feminized seed. “breeders” are not stress testing the plants they intend to use and are too quick to release those beans while the hype is alive.
not saying I am right… these are just my thoughts on the subject.


I run a fem seed clone that throws two or three seeds every plant. It’s consistent and i never catch it herrmng only after. science

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That’s right, I couldn’t get over it being twice what an oz of gold was going for, but people paid it cause it was gone FAST and time was always of essence :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Oh yeah I had friends that loved to smoke more than they needed but I quickly learned it got to a point of being a waste, so I became quite stingy on sharing it too​:smirk:

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This is the same for what Tampa Crippy does, it’s always the last ditch effort to propagate itself, which it manages to get a few, most nanners I’ve seen while breaking up the bud are dried whole, so it’s not a full seeding in any plant.

Bunch of old men with bad memories and too much nostalgia in this thread. I’m not excluding myself from this statement. :joy:

Want to know what was best about early 90’s weed? I wasn’t an old miserable man with high tolerance.

I look around at all my friends and they’re mostly stuck in the past. I’m gen x, but I have young kids, stay active, stay current with things like fashion, music, art and work with millennials and gen z. I look around at these sorry excuses for humans with their simple inertia driven minds and I’m disappointed.

The music, weed, coke, food, life, cars, etc. of the past weren’t better, you just don’t like change. It’s ok, you’re human and that’s something most of us struggle with, but let’s try to be a little more open minded.