Seeds From Friends

Bag Appeal : Despite my horrendous photography, this pheno is almost as rock hard dense as the second one. Purple fan and some sugar leaves but no purple buds. Stickiness rivals #2 as well.

Smell : rubber, earthy, mango(?), gas. The rubber is a tennis shoe rubber with the mango being very overripe. Gas comes in at the end. I like the mango but not necessarily the rubber. Still very nice and very Dank

Taste : earth mango on the inhale, mango gas on the exhale . Deep and hashy, very heavy smoke. Makes me cough a good amount. 8/10

Effects: Instant ping behind the eyes. Heavy eyed, warm face, droopy shoulders. I want to curl up on the couch with some Oreos and milk and take a nap. Sleepy weed, munchie weed. I ate way too many desserts. Didn’t finish the joint, too heavy for me :sunglasses::sweat_smile: 9/10

Overall : This is the perfect nightcap weed. You won’t be able to watch a movie or play video games. A friend of mine tried it and said he literally couldn’t move from his seat for half an hour :joy:. Great if you have trouble eating. Also a very photogenic plant 9/10