Seeds From Friends

Great work my friend.


She is a very pretty thing. If she smokes as well as she looks,
:volcano: :dizzy_face:


6 months ago I popped half a pack of Clusterfunk (chem91JB x 88G13HP). Of the 5 that made it up, only 1 was female. The other 4 were male with one being a herm.
After 65 days here is the lone female.

She’s dense. No mold issues in a tent that got to 65% humidity in its final days :grimacing:
She didn’t double in stretch and stayed pretty squat in veg , slow in veg but not toooo slow.
She reeks of the funkiest rotted food garbage and gas. Some berries and slight citrus in there as well. She needed some support for her fat colas (see comparison pics). I’m hoping she smokes as heavy as she smells. We’ll find out in 2 weeks :sunglasses::green_heart:


Love me some clusterfunk. Stoked to pop my back in the next few months, great job as usual @Vagabond_Windy


Thank you.
Yes pop that pack. There is fire in there :eyes:


Oh, yay! I love seeing people growing B’s Clusterfunk. I think it’s one of his most under-rated crosses.


Day 70V
2x Cheech Wizard F2

Looks a little shadowy but the biggest distinction between these two so far is the #3 on the right has the Snow Lotus purple stem trait and it’s leaves remind me of my Goji cut.

2x Genie (Iraqi Triangle x Cheech Wizard)

The one on the right also displays the snow lotus purple stem trait passed on from the Cheech Wizard with also the same leaves as the Cheech Wizard F2 above. The one on the left has broader leaves I’m assuming were passed from the Iraqi Triangle.

2x Dank Zappa F2

These have remained the shortest of the group and that was expected. I can’t comment on what they remind me of.


Looking good, it looks like topping once and letting them grow out from there is your MO.


The pictures appear to show quite a bit of similarity amongst the three cultivars.


Definitely my go to grow style. Takes a bit longer to veg to the height I like but it’s worth it for my needs.


Ok everyone I need some suggestions on what to do.
Here is the DLA 5 F2 that is holding s1 seeds at day 47 ish. As nice as she looks, she’s cannabalizing herself. I did not want her fading this early but I vegged a week or two too long in this pot and she’s out of nutrition it seems.
I use only organic amendments allowing me to feed using water only throughout entire lifespan of the plant.
Without having to brew any teas, should I add some kelp and ewc and pray? Should I up pot into 5 gallons and pray they don’t get stressed the hell out from roots being ripped out of bags?
Any suggestions are welcomed.
I’d love to be able to get her to day 70-77 to be sure seeds are developed.


She is not ready. I can tell you that. At least another 2 weeks.


Can’t help you with nutrients cuz I’m running bottle nutes.


Yeah man, I’d topdress rather than do a tea. Topdress a teaspoon of kelp and a teaspoon of neem meal, then about a cup of ewc, and work that into the top of the soil with your fingertips. Then put some fresh compost over top of that, a nice even layer with enough room in the sides of the pot that you won’t spill when you water, and then water it all in as normal. That’ll give you another few weeks. These weeds know how to survive and reproduce on little to no food, so you’ll be fine. :slight_smile:

Tip for the next time you make seeds, definitely put them in bigger containers than you typically use, for just this reason. As with most beings when they get pregnant, plants are hungrier and act weird once they get pollinated, and more food usually helps.


Also, the next round is looking pretty good so far! :slight_smile:


I agree with @nube :100: :+1::seedling:


Thank you brother Nube. I figured a top dress would be the least invasive. You’re a troubleshooting master :green_heart:


Sticking with the theme of this thread, here are some more Seeds from Friends

DLA 5 F2 done by Rosinallday
Wolfpack F2 done by @anon60559124


I have used the “up-potting” technique with success while breeding. I kept burning my parent plants adjusting feeds, so my Saipan friend told me about this method. So this is what I do now, and it’s so much easier to make seeds. Transplant your donors to fresh soil before pollination. Set it and forget it.:joy:


The one grow I did in bags turned me against them. When the plants get larger, it’s VERY easy for them to get dry due to the fabric bags wicking moisture continuously. So unless you use a “drip” system, I think it’s very risky and difficult.

IMHO, of course. I know some folks like 'em.


My keeper of Lemon Splash x Monkey Dog from Strayfox at Day 52