Seeds From Friends

I’m not currently growing organic soil.
It’s Walmart pro mix. It’s labeled as organic but not a top of the line organic soil. I get great results using it and it’s cheap.
Rain water contains small traces of hydrogen peroxide. There is no damage 3% hydrogen peroxide can cause. It’s healthy for the entire plant. The by product is water and oxygen when it breaks down. 100% safe to use.


Currently finish up my trim jail sentence. Just have the final Nitro Monkey to trim but it needs a few more days at least.

Dehumidifier has been a godsend in the room. Keeping the rh at about 55% in the room, using a hose to drip constantly out of the room.

Aphid battle continues. Waiting on some sulfur from BAS to add another weapon to the fight. Going to alternate between that, alcohol, and dr bronners soap. Wish me luck.


Alcohol? Like Isopropyl?


Yes. According to Mr Bob Hemphill, 1oz per gallon of water is effective. He uses in in combination with micronized sulfur as part of his IPM regiment.
You can listen to his most recent Potcast episode for more details.

I believe it’s to kill larvae. But don’t take my word for it. Still doing research for myself


Yeah, one of my mentors suggested alcohol years back. I don’t remember why we were talking about it, it definitely wasn’t because of pest control (back then, I never got pests), but she said it was fine to use on plants, to a degree. And she had decades of growing experience, knew more than I’ll probably ever know, so I think it’s fine to use. I never have before, but I think it’s okay.


Day 64 F Harvest day for Iraqi Red Skunk from @Strayfox

Not skunky but definitely acrid af! :nauseated_face:


Beautiful!! Thanks for sharing. Looks a lot like the Iraqi


Looking good! At least the aphids didn’t fuck with the flowers, I guess.

I’m gonna foliar with bamboo wood vinegar tonight, picked some up from this kinda wacky dude who I bought some biochar from a few months ago. I hadn’t ever heard of it, but once I got home and started researching it, it sounds like it might be effective. I’ll let you know how it does. Praying I see results haha. Because the IPM isn’t cutting it.

And if anybody sees this who has experience with wood vinegar wants to chime in, please let me know your thoughts before I foliar tonight haha. I’m not sure I really trust the dude I bought it from. He was a character, for sure.


Yeah this sucks. I’m seeing almost no results with my Neem and soap treatments.
I’m seeing them in my flower tents now but not like the veg space.

I probably won’t be flowering anything else anytime soon.

Next in line are some DLA F2 from Rosinallday followed by some Doc and Bodhi stuff but I need to uppot and get them nice and clean before I try and flower them.

Good thing is aphids aren’t the worst pest to have I guess. But the fuckers jump and fly and attach to anything.

I’d like anyone and everyone who has dealt with defeated aphids of any kind to chime in with your experiences and strategies


Haven’t had to deal with aphids on my indoor plants but had some outdoors in small numbers green lacewings eat the shit out of them if you can get your hands on them hoping you get a handle on them best wishes too you!


I’ve seen tons of vegetable aphid issues throughout the years. The best control that I’ve seen has been Aphidius spp. wasps. Indoors in a tent that may be tricky + I’m sure they would get stuck in buds eventually as fungus gnats do. In my opinion neem has zero effect on them, but perhaps different species of aphids are more sensitive than others. Someone who works with biologicals and does consulting professionally told me a few years ago that the entomopathogenic fungi “Beauveria bassiana” aka BotaniGard WP 22 is gaining in popularity a lot for aphids. I’m not entirely comfortable with it after reading the wiki myself.

The fungus rarely infects humans or other animals, so it is generally considered safe as an insecticide. However, at least one case of human infection by B. bassiana has been reported in a person with a suppressed immune system.[17] Additionally, the spores may exacerbate breathing difficulties. Wagner and Lewis reported the ability of B. bassiana to grow as an endophyte in corn.[18]

Lacewing larvae similarly would get stuck on trichomes I’d imagine, and harvested ladybugs are not only a joke but an environmental hazard. My best guess would be to deal with them in veg and then do your best with pruning and environmental controls to avoid them coming back… Good luck!

Edit yt link + mummified aphid picture :


No luck with the isopropyl either? I’ve gone pretty high on the mixture of alcohol to water and have not seen too many negative effects. I’ve never really dealt with aphids on cannabis though, only on ornamentals. Do you think you’re getting reinfected, or you just haven’t cleared the original infestation yet? Pretty sure you don’t wanna use any chemical pesticides, correct?


I use homemade cayenne pepper spray if neem and soap mix fails. Fresh or dried cayennes boiled and strained. mix with soap and hit them hard. Something about the chems in the spice that eats at the aphids, whatyever it is they dont like it.


Agreed @Cartwright I use a hot pepper pray in my ipm work great to keep things at bay

Hot Pepper Pesticide

2 tbsp Crushed Garlic
2 tbsp Cayenne Pepper (I did not have Cayenne so I replaced with fresh diced Habanero, 1/2 c worth)
2 tbsp Red Pepper Flakes or Crushed Red Pepper
1 L of Chlorine free water (I used 56oz of Water as I wanted more of a concentrate to store and for later use)
1 tsp Olive oil

Add all ingredients to a pot with the water and bring to a boil to break some bonds and release the capsaicin. Let cool to room temp then put in a container to steep over night. Strain off solids and store in a cool dark location in a sealed bottle.

I dilute 2oz to 1/2 gal for application.

WARNING: Wear gloves, goggles and a mask when preparing/applying the Hot Pepper spray. If the capsaicin gets on you and you touch a sensitive area (eyes, nose, mouth, genitals) you will regret it for a long time🤣


Great sounds stuff peeps!

I haven’t started the alcohol. I wasn’t sure if it would react with the oils so the past 2 days have been straight water spray with a hose.

My infestation was noticed about a month ago and I blew it off as dust :man_facepalming:t2: (Literally thought bugs were just dust!) and even then I didn’t do anything other than my normal preventative oil sprays. Didn’t work.

I might have to do so on any clones I want to keep if I want to start clean again. But my situation is unique in that I’m not growing outdoors but I might as well be so I’d like to be careful and not do any damage to nature


Thank you for this recipe. Please feel free to expound on your IPM and schedule, so much info :memo:


This is like one of those fancy food recipe videos haha. Yes please, more IPM recipes if you have the time, I love how your broke it down for dummies like me :upside_down_face:


Will do!I’ll get a write up of my ipm schedule/recipes all in one post a bit later when I have a minute :grin:


Yeah, I’m not sure either. I know sulfur and the oils can react, so probably best to avoid that. You’re probably good after spraying them off with water to treat with something else though, as long as they have enough time to dry out. I’d definitely try the alcohol though, especially on the ones you can see.

Haha I can believe it. The first time I got spider mites, I was thinking I had spilled something on my plants, lol :sweat_smile:

Yeah, worst case scenario you can bust out something heavy and nuke 'em. I’d be more concerned about environmental impact if you were outdoors or had some massive indoor op… but still, its good to not support those pesticide companies unless you absolutely have to. The strongest stuff I’ve ever used is spinosad, which I think would be ok in a small indoor grow. Does that work on aphids?


I’ve heard that is doesn’t :man_shrugging:t2: