Seeds From Friends

Here are some pics of the Nitro Monkey phenos that are standing out to me.
The #1

This one is leaning towards the Nitro Cookies. The second pic is of a lower flower that screams NC. Can’t see it well in the pic but She will probably turn some purple.

** I didn’t see any purple in my Space Monkeys**

The #6

This one is leaning towards the space monkey. You can see it’s flower structure is similar to the Space Monkey females. It also seems to be the frostiest at just 39 days in flower.

The # 2

This one is another SM leaner in structure but it also has some bud structure and color that is reminiscent of the NC mom.


Your garden is looking great, as always! :slight_smile: You got a green thumb! :+1:

What’s old kmog up to? Last I heard, somebody said he was trying to become a cannabis influencer in SoCal? @Torontoke ran his Road Kill Unicorn F2/F3 (fruity) and his Grand Master Tahoe crosses. I ended up running a single pheno of that same Kmog Nitro Cookies x @Strayfox’s Chemblazzin (chucked by doniawon) and it reminded me of cookies spears.

I see a lot of similarities to your plants.


I haven’t had a conversation with him in a while but he pops his head in a group chat every once in a while. Seems to be doing well and still growing as far as I know.

Doni had given me some of that Chemblazin bud and it was delicious so I can only imagine.
I can see similarities as well :green_heart:


Looking good as always brother, that nitro cookies is very intriguing. Keep up the great work


Random Day 50 F shots of some Nitro Monkey

And my TKI F2 cut. I truly believe she could come down at day 56 if I wanted to.


Random Nitro Monkey pics Day 55F coming down in a week or so

A little color coming in on that one

Then this one. It’s at day 48, and showing no signs of slowing down trichome production.

My pics don’t do it any justice lol


Found another male Cheech Wizard F2 preflowering. He will get the chop and that leaves 3 potential females.

Edit: 3 confirmed females :partying_face:


3x Cheech Wizard F2 Females
#1 & #2



Outs likes but looks great @Vagabond_Windy excited to see what you find in the those cheech wizards :mage:‍♂ from the smoke reports and grows I’ve seen there’s some real gems in those genetics


Some phenos of Nitro Monkey finishing up


Looks awesome :clap:


Always fun unboxing and setting up a new AC Infinity fan

Nitro Monkey #6

day 60


Update : Been struggling with Aphids in the veg area lately. Doing my best to knock them back using a water hose and blasting them off, and alternating between that and essential oils/neem oil.
I believe they were the cause of death to all my recently cut clones that died of a moldy substance in just a matter of days. It was my first attempt at root riot cubes in a few years. I cleaned out my cloner really well and now I’m going to take fresh cuts, inspect them really well and isolate them from the veg space. Once they root, I will get rid of the big mother plants and start fresh.

Meanwhile, unharmed so far are the Hawaiian Sativa x OMG from Bodhi (left) and the Black Energy x Nepali Watermelon HP from Doc(right)


Not an immediate fix but i swear by this citrus ferment in my ipm it does numbers on soft body insects and eggs of them it’s similar to a dr zymes citric acid/yeast based ferment


Since theyre in veg you could consider spinosad - that definitely knocks out aphids. For my food crops Id always just smush em when I see em.
Nice to see youre runnin eternal sunshine!


Screenshoted and going to work on this recipe now. I’ve heard good things about this kind of treatment. Thank you for your help

I’d consider Spinosad if I was in a sealed environment but I’m in a unique situation with my grow space and I’ve heard that stuff is bad for bees. And I kind of like bees lol

Hell yeah! Might do a small OP? It’s going to be tough to decide on what to open pollinate this year because I’m only planning on one.

If I’m being honest with myself, I’d like to do more feminized stuff. I really like the idea of popping 10 seeds and hunting through 10 females. Being able to see those females and what they produce, makes it easier to make good selections if you have a goal.

I would like to do more preservation work than anything but im in a situation where space is limited and there is pretty much nothing I can do about it.


Also to get the maximum extraction you are going to want to leave the peels fermenting till they start to brown it may take a bit longer then 2.5 weeks depending on temperature you ferment at I made it over the winter and went closer to 3.5 weeks before straining also to note this is is to be sprayed at lights off or will burn the plants it can be photo toxic hope you get a handle on those fuckers! and I feel you about the fem seeds it’s real convenient to not have to sift through males to have larger numbers to hunt through @Vagabond_Windy


Yeah I hear that - bees are the good guys.
Eternal sunshine would be cool to f2 due to it being a “true f1” with two heirloom/landrace parents. So f2 should bring tons of variety.


I use hydrogen peroxide to kill soft body pest. Straight 3% full strength.
Then target any new ones. Like every 3 days hit it then rinse it off a few hours later. Within a week to 2 weeks all should be gone forever.
(Pic) Crippler/Outback Haze x Cherry Bomb.
Swami Organic Seeds


Do you grow organic? Like, water-only? I’m having an issue with aphids right now (I think; haven’t seen any yet, but the leaves are showing tell-tale signs). I’m curious how detrimental to the soil having a bunch of hydrogen peroxide dripping down into it every three days might be.