Seeds From Friends

Damn those are all looking good! They all smelling about the same? It’s hard to pick out the T-1000 leaners, everything looking like KLP.

Here’s the momma:

Screenshot 2023-04-14 at 10.30.51 AM


All very similar in smell. Lemon lime candy with the black licorice in there on 2 of 3.

On another note. Kind of a rant.

I can see why Rollitup went downhill. Once legalization started hitting, an influx of Chaddy, greedy, attention seeking new growers started showing up.
It’s easy to be anyone you want on the internet. Breeder, Master Grower, Kingpin , etc. It’s easy to be short and mean on the internet. Greed has overrun the forums. Seed hoarding is at an all time high. “Elite” cuts are popping up every week it seems. Seed Chuckers sell herm seeds, HLVd infected clones. Know it alls abound, assholes running wild. OG is turning into RIU.

No point to this really. Just make sure you’re questioning everyone’s intentions.



I only browse a couple threads on OG (yours included of course) so I haven’t see any of the issues you’re talking about recently, but those ego/personality issues have been on the forums for decades. Legalization is definitely a double edged sword for sure though. Now that cannabis is socially acceptable, fashionable and so much money is involved it definitely makes me look forward to the end of this tulip mania.

As a simple hobbyist I very much agree with this. Well said.


You know it’s actually crazy having watched this unfold over the last 20 years or so, went from having to buy things at multiple locations ONLY WITH CASH , carry inside in the dead of night in garbage bags etc. And finding good seeds was next to impossible so I went to clones but there were only a few good strains I could ever get. Then I’d say 10-11 years back we started to see things change, and stores were popping up, seeds became SOOO ABUNDANT, yet pricey and medical cards were becoming easy to obtain so I got one. Took care of a few problems but I was still an outlaw in every sense, as legalization approached I was convinced my 15 year legacy had come to an end and the black/grey market would sizzle out in a few years, so I got a bigger storage unit and in went like 8 gs worth of equipment and accessories, after a couple years I saw I was way off and they had no clue (the government) how to do this properly despite being shown the means to do so. I fired back up and for the first time in my cannabis career I took many pics, created profiles on forums and sites and dove back in head over heels and with an all new setup/equipment. Now although I never was on the forum’s officially I was definitely a lurker, especially if ICMAG, RIU and the old OG, I saw this bully trend coming big time and it spread throughout the forums like wild fire, a few caught most and nipped it in the bud, most did not and it completely ruined their forums. Imho there are 2-3 good ones left but since OG is truly a seed junkies heaven , sooo many find their way here with their hand out, truly and it’s sad as organically I’ve acquired sooo many great friendships, an abundance of absolutely fire strains from all over the globe and a new respect for these types of places. Let’s just hope that OG truly doesn’t succumb to this and adapts and overcomes.


Anywhere people congregate you will find blowhards/assholes/fuckery.

That said everyone gets out of line once in awhile, and that’s ok. Being a total jerk though, that’s another.

The mods here do a very good job.

I’m sure my hot tub is at least 10% urine but I’m still going to go in it.


Just so long as it’s only a Baby Ruth bar floating on the water.


Yes I think that would be a deal breaker. Or a way to keep it all to myself :joy:


Either way, hope it doesn’t sneak past the filter basket.


Come on, man, tell us the story. What happened? Haha. I neeeeed to know what happened that made you feel compelled to mention that.

I dunno why, but I relish every,”This fucking dipshit said this on the internet and typed this and is clearly a dickhead,” story. Maybe it’s because I’m a misanthrope and those kinds of stories reinforce and justify my contempt haha (I don’t wanna despise everybody. Like, at all. I’d much rather love everybody, but they make it so easy to hate them haha). Still, though, I’m curious what made you feel the need to type that. Those stories are always funny.

You’re depriving us of a funny story!!! Haha.


I wish there was a funny story to go along with my rant but no. I’m just a concerned lover of this plant who cares a little too much.

What’s really funny is I just said this yesterday to someone. I care about people, doesn’t mean I like people :rofl::green_heart:


I do see what you are talking about but I have a different outlook on it.
Are we here at OG letting loose of what once we’re rare genetics? Yes, without a doubt!
Will some lowlifes take advantage of that fact and prosper financially from it? No doubt in my mind! There will always be those that take advantage of any situation.
But wasn’t our goal to make these strains more available to everyone? To Overgrow the world per se?
How do you achieve this goal without giving access to those who may take advantage?
Yes it would be great if we could magically just distribute to those in medical need.
On a whole I feel most people on this site have good intentions. It’s just not possible to give freely and monitor everyone that is receiving what is freely being given. Like life you take the bad with the good and hope the good outweighs the bad. And I personally feel that most of the time this is achieved.
Am I a bit leary of sending rare genetics to newbies with very few posts that are mostly seen in the free giveaway threads? You bet!
That is why I now give away fewer seeds and try to monitor to some degree who I send these genetics to.
There will always be greed and ego. If this bothers you then just send to people you trust that have a proven track record of caring and will put what you send to good use.
Others will give freely and gain the joy of giving knowing they made others happy or tried to better their situation. If someone that receives that joy turns it into monetary gain than that doesn’t lessen the love and caring of the person that gave them that love.

So to those freely giving away seed to anyone that asks……. May you receive as much as you give!

To those taking advantage of those that give…. May you look at yourself and see that you are damaging your own self worth!

Peace and love ……,. OJ


Very well said my friend :facepunch:t2: much respect @Oldjoints


Well said! You shall now be known to me, as “Wisejoints”.


Big time respect my man.


Day 49 KLP x T-1000

Much shorter structure than the other 2 but she’s frostier and smellier.

Forgot to mention that in a tent of 6 plants. She’s the only one not showing signs of damage. Resistance or just plain old good luck? :eyes:


That one is stacking up more like the T-1000 in my eyes. Maybe a blend between the both, but the way the buds are shaped and how they’re sitting along the stalk remind me of the T-1000. Maybe thrips don’t like Urkle or TK?

T-1000 around 45 days


Remember when we used to get high on the weed we smoked? Remember when it didn’t really matter how cute the buds looked? Lol

Bandaid Haze Ix 3.0 “Church” (Nobody’s)left and Bandaid Haze #7 right

Super Silver Haze F3 #10


But now back to the cute buds :joy::sob:
KLP x T-1000 Day 54F

GSC x Afpak


Nice man - nobodys haze cuts seem so legit. Bet youll get some really nice bud off them!


Agreed. Nobody makes some great selections. But more importantly, he offers the flowers and cuts to the community to smoke and put his selections to the test.
It’s hard to make selections of haze from a small pool, bigger seed pops are needed. Not everyone can do that.