Seeds From Friends


What’s going on there, @Vagabond_Windy? Are those peat plugs or soil or…? The medium looks all dried-out. I’m not criticizing or anything, I know you know how to grow haha, just curious. Have you ever considered throwing a light layer of mulch on top of your starts? I’ve found that doing that and then just lightly misting a few times a day really helps.


Was wondering this as well, and exact same feelings :facepunch:t2:


Goodness, you’re so judgmental and critical :roll_eyes:
:rofl::rofl: JK

Yes, you’re right. Unfortunately I can only check on my grow once a day. And I realized that that tray was in the path of a fan, no directly, but enough to dry out those first rows. I watered them after this pic and I moved the fan.

One day I’ll live in a legal state and pop a tent in the house. Hopefully then I can have more like 90-95% environmental control, versus the 60-70% I have now in a shed in the woods :man_shrugging:t2:. For now I’ll have to settle for 50% of my seeds being vulnerable to fuck ups like this.


@Vagabond_Windy i can’t recall, did those beans I sent ever land ?


Ancient OG crosses? If so yes they did. I responded to you back in April when they landed :green_heart:


Yezzir, thank you. I thought so. I wasn’t sure and am getting low, especially on straight AOG I noticed your name written but no check beside. Added now. My bad


I know, I know… I’m sorry! Haha.

You’d think that’d be the case, but with the crazy weather we’ve been having lately, I feel like I have zero control over anything. I got mold on some of my drying weed the past couple weeks, never happened before, had to toss some of it. I’ll go to bed and the weather’s how it “should” be this time of year and then wake up in the morning and it’s rained overnight, 75% humidity in the drying tent. I’ve never seen it rain here in September before and it’s happened four times so far this year.

Anyway, maybe think about a light layer of barley mulch or straw or something on those starts. Rice hulls or whatever. The seedlings’ll push through; they wanna grow. Mist it a little heavy when the lights come on since you can’t get to them five times a day like I can haha (believe me, I wish I was so busy that I could only deal with the grow for a few minutes every day) and they shouldn’t dry out so much.


Word. I have plenty of rice hulls. Thank you


Day 7F
4x Spellcaster
1x Ethiopian Flame V2


Day 18 F

Spellcaster have easily almost tripled in height. Gonna be close as I have 8 or so inches of headroom left.
On the left side are 2x church, 1x Garmr #5 and 1x TK staying short lol


Day 24 F and stretch has stopped on these Spellcaster , Church, Ethiopian flame, Garmr and TK.

Everything is good so far. Except for the TK. She’s not as tall as I’d figured she would be. Like no stretch at all. She’s also displaying a variegation.

I’m thinking a pH imbalance of some kind. She’s also in a tent that is lights on for 10.5 hours and off for 13.5 hours. I have another one lined up to start flowering in a couple weeks with a fresh batch of soil being made today so we will see if it’s cut or soil.


Man that’s really weird on the no-stretch tk… and the variegation especially. can’t say I’ve ever seen that on her before :thinking: Where’d that TK come from? The leaves and flowers look pretty on-point from here but the rest sounds strange imo.


My thoughts exactly @HolyAngel very interesting :thinking:


Yeah I think it just didn’t like that batch of soil. Seemed heavy . I’ll just have to see what she does the rest of the way


Got 3 of these to go. I’ll charge it to my error. Don’t mind my sloppy tagging. These were made by @HolyAngel so I just put holy on the tags lol

Here are the DLA 5 x Goji fems.

My cloner went from propagating to vegging lol. Not only is there a lot of new growth, I can see some pistils lol


nice roots! Great work! those things are gonna take off when they hit the dirt. It seems to help them move fast in veg when they have that big established root system. They may be pushing pistils from low lighting?


My thoughts exactly. I use a 50 ish watt t5 above them .


Sounds like you are running 4 foot T5 HO, good choice! :+1:



They are super reliable and get the job done. Sure the LEDs veg way faster ime but the T5s are great for keeping stuff healthy at a slower rate


I agree after switching for my clone/seedling shelf, hard to keep up now. I very much can appreciate that now. I gotta stop giving my old stuff away :man_facepalming:t2:

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