Seeds From Friends

The efficiency of the T5HOs are quite good as well, not LED but close.



My 3 year old puts in more work than some of these “breeders”.

He cries less too! :rofl::sob:


I absolutely love this post! What a cutie too, definitely a green thumb instilled in that young man. Just awesome!


The days are flying by

Day 30 F
Garmr V1 #5

Spellcaster #10

BH ix 3.0 “Church”


Don’t even get me started haha.

He is such a cutie!! Much respect to you for getting his hands dirty young!

Playing in the soil pile in my diapers haha, taking/plugging cuts and planting seeds when I was a kid really stuck with me more than I ever realized at the time and literally shaped my life into what it is today.

Yeeee! I love the structure on her! Do you still have both (Black Triangle F2) x Dog Patch Garmr V1 cuts or did you narrow it down to just one? I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



I still have both cuts. I’m running the #5 right now while the #4 just finished going through the cloner. I’ve been on a mission to keep moms small, While I sift through these clones. I have some big stuff happening in the next 4 months so I’m not sure I’ll get to flower her out until spring next year. :green_heart:


Day 37 F Spellcaster towers

Church :church:

Garmr V1


Quick Update on the vegging stuff

3x Gifts from @HolyAngel NL5HSS F4

4x Goji OG x DLA 5 F2 ®


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes: that middle one ! Maybe the right one too ! Unsure on the left one :thinking: I think you’re in for a treat, they have me excited just looking at them. Same I felt when I found their mom.


Day 42F
Bandaid Haze ix 3.0 “Church”

Spellcaster 10

Garmr v1 #5


That’s looking fantastic! I can smell it thru the screen. I’m just about to take mine down and can’t wait! She turned into a floppy mess of like 10 tops, prolly cuz of the emergency transplant two weeks into flower, but the smell is so good and she has huge calyxes/bracts. Crazy how she smells completely different, almost unrelated when you sniff a flower vs. a resin rub from a sugar leaf. Much prefer the flower smell here, as it’s a floral orange blossom hippy chick perfume smell, whereas the sugar leaf is hazey moldy basement. What about yours?


After a quick investigative rub down, I can partly agree with you.

The sugar leaf rub is hazy moldy basement

Whereas the flower rub for me is grandma’s make-up /perfume, old dusty coin purse. It’s one of those smells that brings wonderful memories with it. Similar to certain cooking smells.


Everything is looking great! Did you hunt the church or get the clone? How long does she flower for? Thank you


The Church is a Bandaid Haze ix3 clone.


Thank you buddy


I hope that all is well with you and your family!

You can definitely see the Triangle Kush in your (Black Triangle F2) x Dog Patch Garmr V1. Are you getting her more dialed in on this run? I look forward to seeing how she finishes up for you!

This part of your smoke report that you posted in my tester thread really rings true for me with my female cut of Garmr V1 as well. It is like two timeless classics came together to make a new classic. I really hope to see the Garmr V1 and V2 start getting grown in more and more people’s gardens. Positive vibes…



The church was found by @nobodysnursery and passed around.


Family is doing well, Baby Windy turned 1 just a few weeks ago. Would never have known he was born 2 months early, he a tank.

Dialed in? Maybe lol but she’s perfectly healthy and chugging along nicely. She’s next to the tk and I’m getting some similar smells between them.
I can’t wait to smoke her again


Some notes on the 4x Goji x DLA5 as I topped them.
The two taller ones are showing me two different types of side branching. One more like goji, one more like the DLA 5.

The DLA 5 never wanted to have side branching and wanted to grow tight buds along the stem.
Goji was the opposite and had plenty of side branching, maybe too much and it caused a ton of larfy buds to develop.

Here is the one with better branching

And the one without


That is beautiful to hear! I truly appreciate you sharing that! Congratulations again to you and your family, especially Jackson. And happy belated birthday to him as well!

Hell yeah! Always nice when they are healthy and chugging along.

Yeah I keep my cuts of (Black Triangle F2) x Dog Patch Garmr V1 and Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel in rotation for headstash constantly. Positive vibes…
