Seeds From Friends

The Garmr V1 (Black Triangle tk leaner x Dog Patch) was a fire seedpack to run. I got 5 females and kept 2 of them to run again.
The 2 I favored leaned towards the TK side of Black Triangle mom.


After 7 days BH7 and SSH10 showed roots. After 10 days we have roots on Bubba, GSC x Afpak and Giesel.

Here are some side by sides
BH7 and her daughter Spellcaster

TK and her great great granddaughter Garmr. (Tk on the right) I’m
Preferring the Garmr structure so far

Trying to keep an even canopy in the small tent so I had to pinch a few tops. Spellcaster drinks the most.
Ethiopian Flame and church are behind it. With TK and Garmr are needing less watering.


This has been my experience so far too, I’ve been watering her like twice as much as the others I have going. She also seems to eat whatever I’m giving her, but I do have her in a smaller pot for her size. She didn’t quite stretch as much as BH7, but so far smelling similar, that will probably change.


I also have them side by side in flower. Everything you’re saying is on the money :dart:


A little bit of this showed up today, didn’t get a chance to blaze it yet, but I took some big whiffs. It is absolutely legit SSH.

Kinda making me think I should get on the Clone Train… haha. Just kidding.


Choo choo mf :steam_locomotive:


After a failed germination about a month ago, I’m going to try another one seeing as we have some cooler weather coming next week.

Way overdue to pop these.

There were 22 seeds in the pack. I put 11 into the shot glass. I will definitely run the other half if I find something I enjoy
Thanks @HolyAngel and would you mind posting the mom of this cross here? :green_heart:


ooh very nice! Exciting! :fire:

So… the “F2” is a lie, they are in actuallity F4’s.

Here’s the seed plants

The #1 on the front left here was the male, and the #5 on the front right was the female for the pack you’re germinating. If you or anyone also got the '#4" pack, that one uses the girl in the back right :wink:

#1 male

#5 female
From seed

From clone

That’s all the same cut. I still have her now, sad that male is gone though :cry:

Turns out I already posted most of this info in another thread for this line specifically :sweat_smile:

There should be some decent yielders in there but I’ve seen two or three people pull one of these out of that line too:


Oh, SWEET. I was thinking about planting some of those myself next round (although the seeds I have are one generation earlier, I think?), but decided that I’m gonna go with one of Holy’s other crosses instead. I’m stoked, though, definitely can’t wait to see how those turn out for you.

In six months haha…

Whooaaa… That’s some straight-up Dr. Grinspoon-type shit. Crazy…


Same generation :wink: I only reproduced the line the one time. Same male(#1) to both females(#4 and #5).

Both parents(#1 and #5) in that cross are haze leaners. Clear soaring daytime and visual effects with little body. The #4 female was the NL5/SensiStar leaner that was couch lock inducing, drooling on the couch.


I’d still probably toss anything that came out looking like that grinspoon pheno :sweat_smile: but I’d bet it’s :fire:. I’m just sure there’s much better yielding phenos to be had in that line. The mom seriously puts out. Topped or not. Can get huge, 12+ ft outdoors but is also easily managed indoors, don’t even need to crush stems.


Ah, okay. Then it’s the Franco’s cross that I have that was, like, the earlier gen. I remember one of them, I was like,”No, I want the first round of that hybrid, not the more ‘refined’ version,” haha.

I mean, at least for one round it might be fun to grow and smoke. I’m not gonna veg something for sixty+ days and then toss it.


Yeah the francos cross produces more modern looking plants with a shorter flower time, ~(9-11 weeks)

The F4’s there are going to be more like 11-13 week plants with that grinspoon pheno going 14+ weeks


IPM for the flower tent has arrived

Minute Pirate Bugs
Stratiolaelaps Scimitus
And not pictured Nematodes SF


10/11 came up and are in cubes



:fire: :fire: :fire: exciting! Glad the germination rate was good :blush:
Gonna find some big beautiful stable girls in there :wink:


Here is the 2x4 after transplanting and after day 1F

4x Spellcaster #10
1x Ethiopian Flame on the left

2x Church
1x Garmr V1 #5
1x TK


17 days ago

Today after an IPM spraying

The little drop in temps ( from 90s to 80s) has helped vpd a lot and I’m seeing amazing growth these past couple of weeks


Here we are after a couple days with the NL5HSS F4 seeds. at least I have a couple up so far.


Looks like 3 for sure?