Seeds From Friends

Sup’ figure I’d update. So I took the p2000 light and stuck it in the 2×2 with 4 plants for the first day of flower yesterday. Top left goji×dla , top right chemd ×white runtz, bottom are both bag seed from a homie. The p1000 that’s really for the 2×2 is now the veg light, and figured the p2000 for the 3×3 should suit well in the 2×2 to offset the slight cooler environment. Looks to be working…they look Hella better.


A friend with seed is a friend indeed, a friend with weed is better.


Looking nice. I’m dealing with cold temps myself. Here is a Dragon Hammer cut found by Nobody’s Nursery at day 39F(ish)

And Bandaid Haze 7 at 94F


Love that bandaid haze 7 look like little towers :star_struck:


Yeah that bandaid haze is looking really good. I just wanna pluck off that little bud and smoke it!!


How do you think Bandaid would do 12/12 from seed? I need to get cracking on some subtropical gear to find a volunteer fir outdoors this yr.


I haven’t grown enough bandaid haze to give you advice on that one. I ran her 10.5/13.5 this time and she should be done in a week. What I’ve heard some people do is cut a clone from the seed plant, let it root, and then run the clone 11/13 to trigger flowering.


Killing it brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope you have a great weekend!


I think the bag seed top left wants to live…idk😆


Dang she’s got the drive to survive!!


And that’s the flowering tent…shit I might should try rooting these chemd/white runtz clippings in there…the bag seed I call Rico been in two days…:eyes::thinking::face_with_monocle::seedling: nature low key scares me​:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@Vagabond_Windy have you also run the bandaid haze church pheno? If yes how similar or different is it to the 7?


I know you weren’t asking me, but from what I’ve read the Church takes like 30 days less than the #7. Or maybe it’s the other way around haha. I’m pretty sure it’s the #7 that takes longer, though.

I’ve smoked both and I like the Church more than the #7, although, again, from what I’ve read right here on OG, it seems like the people who’s grows I’m following like the #7 more. The #7 wasn’t as conducive to socializing as the Church was; it made me pretty spaced-out, but I only noticed that when I’d be hanging out with people. When I blazed it alone, at home, that aspect of the high wasn’t as noticeable. Probably because I was alone haha.

The biggest difference between the two (for me) is that the Church pheno totally curbs my pretty much never-ending desire to drink heavily 24/7, the same way the BAH’s that I grew from seed did, which is a good thing in my book. The #7 didn’t have that effect on me at all, still drank a lot after blazing her haha.

I think both are very good, though.


I have run the church.

It’s similar in growth pattern and structure. But it’s a 70 day cut vs 110 days for the BH7. Below is a good pic showing the similarities with the 7 in front and the church behind it

The effects are a bit different as well, with the Church being a bit more narcotic than the 7 .

I noticed this too.

All in all. Theyre both Dutch nl5 hazes but The 7 is head stash and the church is for production.


Why do you say that? Just because of the shorter flowering time? Or because the Church also yields better?

Like I said, I dig the Church BAH more than the #7, for a variety of reasons, the main one being that I just like the high more. I’m also not sure that either of those cuts are “better” than anything somebody can find in the BAH seeds, if they have them. I liked three of the four BAH’s I grew more than the #7 nugs I sampled and just as much as the Church nugs.


If I were a commercial producer, I’d want a 70 day plant vs 110 days


Absolutely a selling point 70 days before 110. The ones I did outside this past year definitely did not have the expected high. Everyone loves smoking it, all agree with Bodhi description for the line when I tell them.


I haven’t tried the 7, but I definitely found the church to be fairly narcotic too. Heavy a5 and NL type of effects to me, not much Haze there imo. She definitely lasts awhile tho, I’ll give her that.


Gonna nerd out a bit and show off my first big return on my compost bin. I collected almost 40 gallons of good looking compost after almost 2 years.
Got some mycelium action


I need to start making some compost been having a worm bin but would love to have some Thermophilic compost to use too instead of getting like some bu’s blend hell yeah 40 lbs (gallons whoops) is a nice haul!