Seeds From Friends

I need to start a worm bin lol

It probably weighs like 200 lbs


Did you use one of those tumbler things to make the compost? I’m sooooo ready to make my own, pretty sick of buying it, but I have no idea where I’d actually put whatever container-type thing I’d use to make it.


I have lots of backyard space so I built 3 bins made of Pallets. I manually turned the piles with a pitchfork.
It was fun watching that pile breakdown and turn into black gold :sunglasses:


That 70 day comes with that narcotica as well (I think you might have mentioned this already). It’s like JJs African Haze or the African Silks I grew…The NL5/Hz really comes through, but then again JJ picked faster flower (70-80 days). For example, the 2 phenos I pulled from the African Silk were 65% sativa at best. Too much smoke starts getting heavy. Lol… I got a F2 mom with OHz males to take it up some

In my head…if you’re selecting for fast flower time, you’re def cutting out that heady trippy energetic SATIVA high. But that’s no secret.

Great pics BTW


I have one of the larger tumblers (80 GAL) that I bought just to hide smelly canna trash from my neighbors. I was able to get the bin to heat up for about a week with a lot of effort when I tried to make compost with it, including mixing by hand (just rotating isn’t sufficient) and spraying with water to rehydrate (necessary). After about a week though it still fizzled out. I think a cubic yard is the recommended minimum volume for a thermophilic compost pile and probably a good rule of thumb. For smaller scale stuff worm bins are easier and produce higher quality compost in my opinion, but your results may vary. The standard 40 GAL tumblers seem like they would be pretty challenging to me.

Now that Cannabis is legal here I’ll probably use my tumbler to either mix and store new soil or re-amend and store used soil.


Yeah, I don’t really have a place where I could put two-hundred gallons of anything haha. I mean, I could probably build something, but I’d be worried about rats getting into it etc. I haven’t seen one in a while, pretty sure the rat that got into our garage is gone (or dead, hopefully), but I don’t wanna attract them, either.

Good to know that those tumbler things don’t really work, though. I’ve been considering buying one of those things for years, but I guess I’ll skip it.

And just continue to buy compost :joy::weary::joy::weary: haha.


That’s what I was told as well. Chickens get the canna leaves. Compost bin (4’x4’x4’) gets chicken wastes, straw, leaves, and food scraps. I have 3 total bins for perpetual composting. I’m going to work on the worms this summer. Biggest challenge will be keeping them cool in summer yet warm in winter. I’m trying to do a big bin/table that should provide more ewc than I’ll need. I love sharing


Day 44 @HolyAngel NL5HSS

This one in particular is standing out.
Resin production and stacking is more pronounced. The smells on her are sweet purple(you know that purp smell) and leather. The other 2 have non descript smells that I can really pinpoint.

Dragon Hammer

Smell on this one is dank soapy sour kush. It’s odor is kinda taking over the tent lol

Overall this round isn’t my best. Temps are consistently in the 50s and they don’t like it. But they’re doing good considering.


You should see my veg area…lol I killed all kind of seedlings…that’s why I put the bigger light in the smaller tent and flipped. I gotta re evaluate the space and make some upgrades…it’s time to be on point to get a good jump on spring as to what I’ll be running probably the whole hot weather season… been thinking about finally opening the mr nice spice or some ol school stuff from shanti…ash, afghan hz, shit, ortega f2, pink floyd…ect or I just got an :bulb:idea…pop nordle and these super sk f4/5 and see if it is indeed the same as shanti says…whatever it is it gonna have to subtropic endure. Then there’s shit I made I haven’t even looked at yet​:man_facepalming:t5::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. Here’s the tent this morning

those fans on that goji/dla5 are bullys…lol they do what they want. I’m trying not to defoilate


Ah, that’s why she’s purple! Normally she’s pretty bright green but can’t say I’ve ran her that cold yet. That resin production is serious tho! They all look great from here despite any cold :blush:


General question and not necessarily about this cross…
I’ve seen the purple tones come in with cold but would that same purple color come with the classic grape ish purple smell we find in cultivars that are naturally purple?


Yeah it definitely should. The purple smell and color comes from the anthocyanins.


Pretty positive it does as the anthocyanins also help to produce those unique terp profiles


See the thing is, I’ve been scouring the internet and I can’t find any actual research that says anthocyanins provide that smell. Everything I’m finding says odorless.


We don’t need scientists to tell us that purple strains have that “purple” smell.


Anthocyanins are flavonoids and are, in fact, odorless. I have looked into it myself quite a bit before though and I kept running into articles that said that flavonoids and terpenes work in synergy to create smells. I can’t find any scientifically accredited articles at the moment that substantiate that though, but I would appreciate reading them if anyone else does. I always prefer science over well… most everything haha.

I hope that all is well with you and your family!

Oh and:

Positive vibes…



Might it also be then, not a smell from the purple, but a distinct smell from the lack of something else we are used to smelling in herb, due to the plant focusing on anthocyanin production :thinking:


dunno why i hadnt looked around here more often… some really impressive plants. the dragon hammer, the bandaid church, tk… damn. lots to see.


Day 68F
NL5HSS on the right and bottom
Garmr 4 and 5 on top left and middle

Close ups of each NL5HSS

Garmrs Looking gorgeous and needing a couple weeks still
The 5 smell’s unmistakably like TK

The 4 is more chem dominant in smell

Dragon Hammer 3 was taken down on day 65

Irene and Bubba taken down day 63


I felt like Garmr 5 needed another post
Day 69