Seeds From Friends

Also, I had such a great experience with the rainbow belts x baba kush from @iamyou_youareme that I decided to pop some of the Irene x Pinesoul fems he graciously gifted me. I got 9 of 11 to go

I have cuts of dream lotus 1-5 at 6 days now and 3 of them already have roots. In 6 days!

I do plan on saving select pollen from the males and also a mix of all of them. I plan on hitting an old blueberry clone with that pollen and also the Santa Cruz Blue Dream clone. Lots going on :green_heart:


I Like Big Leaves And I Can Not Lie.


Some more fun in the flower tent. I was able to save some TK pollen and dust a few ladies. Some are making their final appearance in my tents, others are staying around for a long time. I think the pollination was successful but only time will tell.

Pollinated Irene

Sinsemilla Clusterfunk

Archive Blueberry

Lavender Jack


Some Church (Bandaid Haze IX 3.0)


Looking great! Just to clear up confusion in my head. The church has the incense smell while smoking or growing?


It’s more pronounced in flower for me( very loud). My curing abilities suck, but I’ve had great tasting flower where the smoke is incensy/floral.


Looking healthy, man!


Day 75F TK S1 project

Fading fast but I’ll think they’ll make it darn close to my 84 day finish goal. Smells are incredible and the flop is insane lol


Nice big colas

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Nice buds, man! How’s the aroma?

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Slightly earthy, moist wood, fuely, with something slightly sweet.


Yeah? Hmm… that’s how I would describe the smells I’m getting out of this rarebuyer ‘TK’ cut I have going now :thinking:
Earthy and sweet.

Those aren’t the smells I get out of the original TK I’ve had though. The smells I get out of the original TK cut I’ve had are acetone/nail polish remover, rubber, pine… and my wife says gas lol.

Very interesting!


It’s not as strong as I remember when I flowered her out twice previously. She had way more gassy , poopy , perfume smells. This time I believe because she’s seeded, it may have inhibited her resin/terp production, but I’m no expert.

I will say, I don’t play the speculation game much when it comes to the cuts I hold because in the end I only know what I was told.

I got mine from Nube, who got it from Farmer Joe last spring.
I will never say 100% that this is the true cut of TK because I didn’t get it from Cornbread Ricky. I don’t know where FJ sourced it from or whether he lost it or didn’t.
This cut acted really funny the first time i flowered her and now grows how it should.

I sprayed 15 cuts with Sts and some flipped, some kinda flipped and some didn’t. Of the ones that flipped and kinda flipped , only some sacs opened on their own, but most had to be opened manually.

Nspecta never said it was impossible to flip, just difficult.

I really really like this cut. And to me it’s the best all around kush plant I’ve grown and I’m extremely grateful to have been gifted it :green_heart:


That’s fantastic to hear! It’s all that really matters in the end, unless you’re trying to profit from having the “legit” genetics.


Day 82 F
Chop day for the Triangle Kush*
Buds are rock hard and showing some brown spots where I’ve picked seeds over the past 2 weeks lol silly me.

Dream Lotus OP is going well and males are forming clusters and females are just about done stretching.

Here’s a quick look at them

I’m not the best at identifying genotypes but I see one female in particular who’s fan leaves resemble that of SC blue dream.

While most the others have the tell tale snow lotus razor leaves.


Wow, that could be a dead ringer for the SCBD leaves!

I didn’t realize you were doing a Dream Lotus OP. What’s your male/female numbers? Looks like a pretty even split. Good on ya for preserving them!


Yes I am. Just 1 pack. Got 7 females and 4 males. 3 big tall boys and one shortie. Most every female is tall, a couple show the purple stem trait the SL crosses are known for. The female that is showing bd style leaves also has a green stem

I didn’t announce this much or create a thread for it because I don’t want it to be a big deal, because it isn’t. I’m just doing the best thing for the community with this pack, making more.

Bodhi says there is a keeper in every pack. Some people challenge that, but I say if you F2 that pack then your chances of finding the keeper you want increases.


It could be because Windy grows in soil, too. Pretty much everything I grow has certain smells/flavors present that I know are coming from my mix and not from the genetics themselves. Although this

is what I’ve always read about the TK haha.

Plants look good, Windy! Haha. Pretty stoked to see how the Dream Lotus thing works out for you. I’ve been sitting on a pack of those for a few years now, haven’t planted them yet because I wanna do the same thing you’re doing with them.


Quick photo dump of the Dream lotus OP


I popped 10 seeds of Irene x pinesoul from @iamyou_youareme . I got 7 to survive. 2 of which are awfully runty and slow. Might cull them , might not.

At day 47 F we have some individuals seeded by the TK* pollen.

Blueberry (Thank you @Greasy and IAMYOU)




Happy Sunday! Have you run Clusterfunk before? That’s next on the list for when I pop seeds again. Plants look killer!!