Seeds From Friends

I ran half a pack a few years ago ( 6 seeds) and found this one. Shes killer smoke but grows runty. I’ve passed her out here. So I’m hoping to make these seeds and get rid of her. I still have the other half of the F1 pack


Here’s a Clusterfunk grow log from @mtntrogger (what happened to that dude?): BODHI Clusterfunk and SSDD

And here’s my first grow of it, just one plant that I didn’t get to smoke because I fucked up the drying process:

Here’s the second time I grew it, only one plant again, but I actually did smoke that one haha and liked it a lot:

I mean, if you’re interested… haha. I think that that Clusterfunk is definitely one of Bodhi’s most underrated hybrids, not too sure why that one never caught on.

Why’d you put that asterisk there? Is this pollen from one of those suspect TK’s or something?


Thanks @minitiger for the links!! Appreciated!


Just from a seed making perspective, I can’t be 100% that this is the TK cut. I can’t get a straight answer on whether or not FJ has the real deal.

From a smoker and hobbyist perspective, I can care less if it’s the real deal because it’s a really good kush cut.

As someone who is not connected to any of the circles that hold it from a trusted source, I will never be able to say for sure it is tk, therefore the asterisk


He has the real deal. FJ → Xochi → Ricky.

Now, the supposed “TK” cut you have is different than his TK. Judging by the looks and your description of it, I’m 99% sure your buddy received a mislabeled Chem91 as TK.


Now that you mention it :face_with_monocle: yeah :eyes: I think it looks so damn close to the Chem91 I ran. Like exactly. With those leaves and everything. Mine looked a bit worse and wasn’t seeded, but leaves on-point.

Would explain the smell difference too and what you described would perfectly fit how I’d describe the 91.

The 91 also looks damn close to the TK. Forget a label and it’d be so incredibly easy to mistake one for the other, so that would explain the mix up too.


Chem 91 and TK are so different, but similar.
I have never held the TK cut, but they are different from smoking the flowers and growing a ton of crosses.

TK is better! :grin:

Just because the CSI sales pitch says you cannot S1 TK without Cobalt doesn’t mean that with the right amount of STS and Rodelization you can’t get viable bananners on her.


I’m almost positive this is not the case. We received the TK and 91 in the same order.

What I have is not chem91




I guess Ive reversed the Chem 91 then :man_shrugging:t2::rofl:


I’ve held, grown, and smoked both and they are so similar that I think they share a parent. Put both side by side in veg with no labels and you’d be seriously hard pressed to tell them apart unless you know their nuances. And even then…

The 91 has a more narcotic or heavier effect compared to the TK but still similar imo, and the potency is right there with her. I personally like the TK better but some like the 91 better. Just depends what you’re after really ^^


In my search to find out some stuff. I asked about this cut on IG. I was told in the DM by a prominent “breeder” who I thought I could trust, that Joe doesn’t have the TK. That TK doesn’t throw colors.

But then there is this pick by Xochi

Did he not have the real deal?

This industry is so shifty


Yeah I’ve seen this before. HigherThought mentioned it too and for the most part that is correct, she is ~99% green regardless of anything but with the LED’s you can get a little color in there, not the calyx’s really but the leaves for sure. Could just be the lighting in the pic too. Same bud, different angle:

Looks purplish in the first pic, and totally green in the second.

I think it’s same cut. I’ve just not grown her that dialed in.


They may look similar and are indeed related.

I’m confident you know what you are talking about, but I don’t think the lines are so close to easily confuse them with one another.
Chemdawg and TK have different qualities.

TK is uber OGK in characteristics with tight OG crowns
While Chemdawg is Chemmy and a looser runnier structure.


I would bet that I could easily get any plant of the non purpleing green variety to display the same colors that
XOCHI shows in that photo.

It’s a basic fade easily attainable through leaching and low nutrient levels.


Oh I know that. Most of my plants fade, very rarely do I have dark green leaves past week 7-8, unless I topdress.

I think the point that most people are missing, no matter what their opinions are on the cut, is that if you didn’t get a cut passed to you by Ricky himself then its not verified, period.

I don’t know anyone in this thread who has been growing verified TK since the 90s, so I take it all with a grain of salt. Most of the banter and opinions come off as a fairy tale, a LARP, make believe :man_shrugging:t2:


TK will throw “colors” when stressed. I don’t know what the fuck dipshit Matt is talking about.


Here are some of the first pictures of TK that were posted online. The cut in the pic is 100% legit.

She will stay green when dialed in.


Matt who? I’m lost


Pretty sure he’s thinking of Matt riot.
Beautiful flowers everyone


Whoops! I meant his Legend OG, not Chem91.