Seeds From Friends

Keep trying, we have the legend too, and it’s different :rofl::sweat_smile:


There’s nothing else much I can say other than keep the * :rofl:


Does anyone have solid info on the JB cut of the 91? My clusterfunk cut didn’t reverse and neither did Irene


This is something that Bodhi posted on icmag a whiiiiiile ago:

“a few years ago i obtained the chem 91 cut from jb’s (chemfather) crew, it was the only verified cut at that time, it was even verified as the chem 91 skunk va by chemdawg himself. i made some different crosses and some were released. when skunk va (the person) came back online and posted pics of his original chem 91 it looked a lot more og-ish, a few deep heads also chimed in with there views and pics. i now have both chem 91 skunk va’s and have been growing them side by side and they look to be of the same family but definitely different, the old one is more skunk sour d, and the real one is more og skunky. they are both amazing, but i respect the insight and knowledge on the subject by my peers, and have to agree the og one is the VA. i will continue to work with both, but the old one will be now known as chem 91 jb and i will change future listings to reflect that fact. it just goes to show you, you never really know your genetics unless you pop the seeds yourself, i really thought it was verified to the bone, but here i am eating my words. it will be interesting to see how they do as remixes of the same line. ill take photos of them together so you can see the difference soon…”

He doesn’t mention anything about how easy it was to reverse or anything and I wouldn’t expect him to, since he doesn’t do stuff like that haha. I couldn’t find his original post just now, had to find it on a different thread where people were asking questions about all that JB/Real Chem stuff. If you can find the original post (I’m pretty sure Bodhi’s original post was its own thread; his was the very first post), there may be more information on it. I haven’t read it in years, but I’ve always kept that one filed away in the ol’ memory bank.



Day 54F everything pollinated by the TK* (FJ)




And my first time harvesting Squash


Day 60F another 10-14 before I chop these.




Day 33 Dream Lotus OP


Man, I really love how NLD-looking those Dream Lotus plants are, very exciting! I’m stoked for you. And it’s making me think that I should pop that pack sooner rather than later haha.


Those final weeks can make all the difference. Keep us posted on the harvest.

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After a year of fighting it, I finally snagged the Blue Dream clone that’s been floating around. I did it mostly to be able to source it for some good friends who wanted it for various reasons. But now that I have it. I figure I might as well do some greater good with it at the same time since I won’t be keeping it for long unless something changes that.

Anyway, here she is. And in the near future I hope to do an S1 of her to give away for free. Along with some limited fem crosses with other cuts i have. Anyway here she is and I should’ve taken a side by side with the Dream Lotus 7 clone I have, they’re almost identical and I’m hoping that could be a fun feminized Backcross.


Also I love this time of year because I don’t have to use the cloner and that’s a big pain to clean thoroughly after every use. But in the warmer months I can use just plain old root riot cubes and some 5$ cloning powder from Home Depot, tray and dome and it’s almost set and forget. No fancy techniques, just cleaning the domes daily of the moisture while allowing a fresh air exchange, and not allowing the cubes to dry out. Here’s the Bandaid Haze 7 on the morning of day 6


Nice man that would be a cool s1 bx! Are you planning to include the BD clone with your dream lotus f2s as well for a bx? Thats one I was thinking of doing with BD… either bx with dream lotus or blue sunshine. I think dream lotus would keep the BD high more intact as a chill sativa… blue sunshine might skew it towards an evening high… at least the one blue sunshine I grew was too heavy to be a daytime smoke.


I don’t think including the blue dream is in the cards. I had a difficult time timing everything. I had to go out of town for a few days a couple weeks ago and I wasnt able to collect pollen. Also the clone wasn’t big enough to take cuts from yet. Thats a big reason why I want to do the s1 of the blue dream. Doing the s1 would be a better way to preserve it. And if someone else want to work the line further they can use the seeds


Yeah I hear you there its an art timing it all right… not easy at all haha.


That’s exactly what I was considering doing whenever I get around to planting those Dream Lotus seeds, is getting that Blue Dream cut and including it in a seed run with the Dream Lotus plants. I have no idea when I’m actually gonna plant those them, though haha.


Here are some side by side fan leaf shots of the Dream Lotus F1 clones I kept. # 3, 5 and 7 in order

And finally the blue dream clone


Some of you that follow this thread take excellent pictures. I do not lol

Day 44 Dream Lotus OP
Frosty plants, some smell like blueberries some smell like that chalky berry from the snow lotus. Some are getting a purple tint to them (not temperature related), most are not. Most of the nugs are small but the #6 is the outlier in that regard.

#6 best structure most vigorous (should’ve cloned)

#5 purple tints, frosty

#7 wispy buds, frosty, blueberry smells


#1 burnt the tops on the lamps :sweat_smile:

#2 leafy mess, kinda frosty

#4 ugly


Those pics will suffice haha.

That #6 does look good. How much longer are you thinking? 30 days?


Actually I’m seeing fully developed seeds already ! But I won’t let it fool me. Look closely at the bottom of this pic of the #5


Looks great @Vagabond_Windy

If memory is correct you have bandaid #7 and the church. Do you have any preference?