Seeds From Friends

Pssshhhh… Jesus Christ, man, I totally forgot that this was a seed run haha. Yeah, those plants/seeds are definitely not gonna take 72 days.


I do have both. It’s tough to decide on one for me. I like them both for different reasons. The high on the bh7 is amazing but the flavor on the church is better imo. I took the church at 65 days this last round and it was the best I’ve had. I mean it gets me blasted every time. I don’t think I’ve nailed the bh7 yet but I’m confident I will soon. I’ve had flower from another grower here of bh7 that blew my mind.

Church is heavier and more narcotic for me.
Bandaid 7 is way more thought provoking and introspective for me. It made my wife a little crazy :rofl::rofl:


Sounds pretty similar to how i interpret church and bh7. Ill add that bh7 has a nice positive outlook vibe for me whereas church is maybe a bit more set and setting dependent. Definitely prefer bh7. going to flower it soon and hopefully i can keep it happy


That’s sounds like it could be interesting. Heard good things about the church I’ve never tried it!


Yeah it’s funny. I roll my wife a joint for the day before I head to work. I know it’s good if I she texts me later asking, “what the fuck was that?” :rofl::grin:


Day 11F
GMO via @Greasy thank you my friend

Blueberry also via Greasy :pray:

Goji x DLA 5 #4 this is from the last seed pop of this cross. They all threw nanners midway through flower, I’m thinking they hate the bright lights or possibly my soil is too nitrogen rich? Either way she had a unique smell and only one nanner, so I’m running her again to see what she does.

Here are the final chop pics from the FJ TK crosses


Lavender Jack

Forgot to take pics of the blueberry :sob:


Nice man, that blueberry cut is really nice. I’m looking forward to testing it out finally… harvesting in a few days.


So I’m human just like everyone else. I also don’t operate a commercial grow or grow for profit so I don’t have a SOP of any kind except watering everyday. I’m also not a breeder. Just a lazy guy who grows for himself.
That being said, I made a mistake. For the FJ TK reversal I had 4 TKs receiving pollen. But just before I got the TKs to reverse I also had a male Rainbow Belts x Baba kush male in there from @iamyou_youareme . So I decided as a backup plan to take pollen from the RBxBK male and hit one of the TK individuals with it. A week later, some of the TKs reversed and I hit the remaining 3 TKs with reversed pollen. I kept my eye on the one hit by rbxbk pollen all the way until harvest. Then I labeled it around the stem with tape and hung them to dry. After a week or so I needed to transfer them to contractor bags to slow down the drying process. That’s where the mistake happened. Somehow labels fell off and I was stuck with 4 TK plants in a bag with no labels :man_facepalming:t2:. Heartbreaking I know. STILL, the RB x BK female I grew tasted so fucking bomb and had a nice stone to her, so there is fire to be found.

But the only way to find the oddball is to grow the seeds. So I shucked and labeled seeds from each of the 4 TK. They’re labeled A-D. I popped 5 to 6 of each and got good germination without stratification. Now they’re in soil and I hope I can figure out the mystery.

If anyone is wanting some of these seeds, let me know. But what I will end up sending is some of each A-D. Otherwise, you can wait until I grow these out.
Just a heads up, I will be charging for shipping.
Also for my Canadian and International friends. I would really like to get these out to everyone so be patient as I figure out how to do that, we can DM about it but for now USA only


Day 15 F

GMO back right, BH7 to her left. Goji x DLA 5 front right

Church left, Blueberry to the right


Aw that sucks on the mixup! Hopefully be easy to pick out the rb cross with those numbers tho :pray: I’ll try and help identify when you get there :sweat_smile:


lol, sounds like something i would do… I bet if you found the right combo though, that TK x RBxBK would be potent and have that mouth coating flavor from the RB. I still have some more RBxBK seeds if you want to look through more too. I’m envious of all your seed popping over here, I can’t wait to get back in the saddle.

What are your plans with the GMO? Have you grown that one before? It’s best at 80 something days, I believe. She make good crosses… the GMO x Black Triangle I grew came out really GMO dominate.

Everything looking great over here, good luck on the hunt!


Sorry for the late reply. Of course I appreciate the offer but I still have more I plan on looking through, you were super generous.

No plans except to grow her a few times and give her away to others. Maybe some S1? I’m in a giving mood this year so who knows what I will do. I hear 80-84 is the sweet spot. I should be able to do that.


Day 24 F and the BH7(left) that was shorter than the GMO is now taller lol

Church(left) is drowning out the Blueberry.

All four (church, blueberry, BH7, GMO)

Almost forgot the Goji x DLA 5 in the front left corner, still not showing intersex , yet


Looks great! The church jumps more than the bandaid 7?


Nice lineup - just finished up the blueberry here… almost done drying. Going to flower bh7 here next alongside some Zap and PCBA5thai for some longflower goodies. BH7 is so nice from what Ive sampled.


The bh#7 should tower over the church. She stretches a bunch! The Church is usually the standard ~2x or so.

It’s honestly been my just-before-bed weed for the last few weeks here, ymmv tho :sweat_smile:


Haha yeah it would keep my up if I did that, its not racey and works fine 2-3hrs before bed, but not right before.


Interesting! I don’t get any racy at all out of either one. I don’t really get any ‘sativa’ effects from either one honestly. They get me a bit debilitated/drunk-like after a couple bowls to the face, that makes it easy to pass the fuck out for me :man_shrugging:


Yeah I think we discussed this before - I get a nice spacey sativa headspace from BH7… nice for walks, bike rides etc. But you’re smoking a lot more of it than me haha… daytime sativas for me are usually just a couple small hits.


yeah definitely ringing some bells here :joy:
Everyone’s different. They’re good smoke for sure.
And I do smoke quite a bit. If I’m awake, I’m pretty medicated :joy: