Seeds From Friends

Checking back on my previous grows, the church should stop stretching about now, the bh7 is just getting started :sweat_smile:.


Day 62 F for the Dream Lotus OP

Everything is looking 90% done. Maybe a week or so. But some bad news might force me to take them down earlier. I found mold on one of the tops of the #2 plant. Temps are high, humidity is almost uncontrollable at this point. I think at the next sign of mold I will chop completely and decide whether to harvest the seed right away versus drying the whole plants like normal. Any input or suggestions are welcome.


Looks great. Are the seeds done? I’d expect some mold with the vegetative material around seed starting to die


Took down 2 of them today. Would’ve taken them all but I stupidly used a razor blade to cut them down, and while doing so I cut my knuckle down to the white meat.

I’ll chop the rest tomorrow. The seeds look 90% done. Good enough for me. I’d hate to lose seed to mold.


Day 36F Church (left) BH7 (middle) GMO (right)

Goji x DLA #4

Irene x Pinesoul 1-5


Whew! Summer has been crazy. I’ve been busy with work, busy with stress and recently busy with covid lol
Thrips took over the last flower run with only the Irene x Pinesouls hanging on. They come down next week. Of 5 plants there seems to be a nice split. 3 are tall and have that sweet pinesoul OG smell. The other 2 are short and have the musky perfume smells of the Irene. I have clones of each and will rerun anything that stands out after a smoke test.

In the other tent that is bug free are some of the TK crosses I made. The sad reality is it seems I contaminated all the TK plants with Rainbow belt x baba kush pollen. Here are 4 of the 7 that germinated and ended up female. The other 3 were male. Ultimately I believe there will be more TK S1 in the few thousand seeds I collected than contaminated ones :upside_down_face:
Day 41F in 1 gallons


SC Blue Dream day 40F (yesterday)

GMO day 40F


Man… Two months since you last posted here haha. Time is flyyyyyying by.

Did they fuck up the Dream Lotus seed thing? Not that I wanted any of those or anything, just curious if that worked out for you.

Plants look good! haha.


Dream Lotus F2 are done and shucked. Not affected at all by thrips. They got into my head stash Sensi run in the 4x4 tent but not the 2x4 where the seed run was happening.

I wish i had time and resources to send out all of them but the truth is I don’t. I can offer them out a little at a time upon request but I won’t be doing a sign up list or anything.

If anyone asks for some I will send extra and hope they keep passing them out to others. I know I shucked at least a thousand of those seeds, maybe more


I get it. I’ve been very, uh, curious how I’m gonna be lifting seven-gallon pots out of and back into the tent every time I water after I get home at night from work. Not looking forward to it.

Having 18 kids probably doesn’t help you out at all, either haha.

Just kidding.

Good. Weed out the vultures and just send them to the people you like and trust. I know that that’s not the reason why you’re not gonna do a wiki, but I still think that that’s the best course of action.


Grow the crosses out, it might be the ‘happy accident’ that pays big dividends…



I agree. Im actually excited to hunt these. The rainbow belts x baba kush female I tried was nice! Great smell and flavor with a nice body stone.


10x Eureka! Have gotten up potted and are in the middle of a smallish thrip battle. We’re winning this one lol.

Cloning and dunking along with every other day spraying is helping. Sticky traps and nematodes as well. Luckily this is all personal meds so a lost crop or two doesn’t bother me as long as moms survive.

Big thanks to the special people(person actually) who helped me get through this small speed bump.


What’re the Eureka genetics? I just googled it and came up empty.



Shit, man, how’d you find that? Haha. All I found was page after page of Eureka Cannabis Products, which I guess is some company.


Yes that’s it, Lemon G x Lavender lemonade

Hoping to find something, uh, lemony maybe :man_shrugging:t2::rofl:


Bet you will find some lemony goodness! Lemon lotus was excellent - cough mediciney herbal with lots of lemon & citrus hops. The big lemon G pheno had the candelbra structure and yielded a lot of big chunky knobby nugs, it did throw lots of bananas at the end tho so keep your eyes out. Nice daytime adventuring pot.


I just searched Bodhi Eureka. Seedfinder (1st result) listed the genetics as well and JBC was the 2nd result.

Google worked as well

Sounds like a fun cross to explore!


Yeah, I didn’t know it was a Bodhi thing until you posted that, just typed in “Eureka Cannabis Genetics.” I also only ever use the “private browsing” version of my web browser. Or whatever haha. But I guess my iPad didn’t “know” what I was looking for haha…