Seeds From Pakistan

I found a great place to buy authentic Pakistani seeds. Thanks to a recommendation from a member here I decided to take a chance and get some seeds. I’ve been looking for Chitrali landrace because it’s one of my all time favorites. I just love how strong but not devastating it is. A great working strain that helps with pain but doesn’t make you feel tired. They have a huge selection of regional landrace varieties to choose from. I ended up getting two types of Chitral and a Tirah Valley. I also got something called Ghanm Shaw Village. It’s a Afghani grown in Pakistan. They regularly make trips to remote villages to find genetics. Their next trip will be to Hopar valley and Shimshal Harmosh Valley. These guys have a lot of selection and shipping was sent with tracking. I was surprised it only took two weeks! I hope this helps us save some rare genetics before they are gone forever. This is their website


I myself have received a couple orders from this person. A pleasure to deal with and it gives us access to a bunch of new cultivars.


Nice thanks for sharing !


Thanks for creating the new own topic @Chara :slight_smile:

I was a bit sceptical at first because scammers are everywhere on the web and people had negative experiences with the former business partner (Taden from Afghan and Paki Landraces) of Muhammad (owner of the new shop Paki Landraces), but the recommendations and positive reports here in the forum gave me confidence to try it out myself!

I was very sad when I heard that the orders from Taden didn’t make it to the customers because he had so much unique and invaluable stuff that is basically nowhere else available for western people.
My dream would be to travel to middle and south Asia one day and collect genetics directly from the source. I have an afghani friend who was born in Iran, he wants do do this with me one day. Sadly there are some problems that keep us from doing that for at least a couple of months. Until then this seems the best solution to getting seeds that are as pure and authentic as possible. :grin: I am thankful to the Forum members that tried ordering there so that all can see that it’s legit and safe :slight_smile:

I ordered Pishin Black and Chilas Cherry, one afghan-pakistani hybrid Indica and a pure pakistani Indica. Hopefully I can also give feedback soon about it! But I can already say that the shop owner is very kind and talkative and he didn’t hesitate to answer the questions I had. He also seems to know and really love what he’s doing. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to reading more reports from you too, have a nice day! :wave:


I would love to go on one of those expeditions someday. Kevin Jodrey just went on one a few months ago to Pakistan and has nothing but good things to say about his trip. I find most of the time when you go to places that have a bad name in the west. That it’s completely different when you get there and realize it’s just not true. Most places in the world are friendly if you have a good attitude. There is a lot more fake seed websites in the west. There’s threads here detailing at least 30 going on right now. Just think Crop king or Mitten with the sick dog crap. Scams are unfortunately something we have to worry about whenever we buy something online. But if we have recommendations from people who took a chance and had success then you increase your odds of success.


Sure hope things workout - be nice to find a good landrance/heirloom site - Hope things work out !! (for all of us)


Very cool link thanks for sharing @Chara! I’ve been looking more into landrace seeds and it’s definitely peaking my interest! Looks like another tab to leave open until next payday haha


Muhammad contacted me agan this morning to confirm what I wanted to order. He packed it now and sent away my order! :slight_smile:

I also got the picture that I kindly asked him for.

(Pixeled my adress of course)

He also put 5 free seeds of their newest best Hindu Kush strain in my letter. That’s really fair I guess! :green_heart:

Let’s see when it arrives, he’ll also send me a tracking number for the letter later today :slight_smile:




I’m thinking about making another order but they have so many things. They’re going on another expedition soon so I’ll probably wait to see what they find. Would love to tag along sometime. They sent me this picture the other day. :joy:


@CocoaCoir what was the point of posting this currency conversion?Just curious. Also hey @Chara I emailed them the other day about something to my liking and they got back with me the very next day in the morning! I asked about 2 strains one for pain relief and one for color but both trying to avoid any earthy terps and have some flavor like skunk or berries


There’s about a 10 hour difference in time zone over there. They surprise me by how much they know about the strains. It seems like they really pay attention to the plants that they find. I can only imagine how hard it must be to get everyone just what they’re looking for.

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I’m trying to show that it is a significant amount of purchasing power there. Hopefully the farmers are being compensated and it isn’t just one person making bank.


If I can get a pound of hash, a nice dinner and a room for under $10. I’ll book the next flight over :grin:


If you’re really concerned about that. You can always message them and ask how much they pay for seeds?


That’s not really something I want to ask someone in any business. I hope all is well with this. I am skeptical.

They charge 3-10x as much as Real Seed Company for instance and say they don’t charge much.

Not the best translation I am guessing. “some” of the moneys will go maybe so who knows? Oh ok some of the money we spend in poor villages, so they will be able to use the profits you give them to buy stuff they need. Great sounds like regular stuff everyone does.


I’m sure the farmers are happy you’re concerned about their well being. It’s nice to hear you’re such a humanitarian. We need more people like you in the world :+1:


Of course I am concerned. I am concerned about someone coming in and taking advantage of communities under the guise of helping local communities. It happens all the time. All I can do is wait it out and see what happens, same with something like Zomia.


Maybe we can suggest they have some kind of donation area on the website so we can add a tip for the farmers. I would be willing to do that with my order. Especially knowing how much the currency transfer would be. Even an extra $5 would make a big difference to them


This guy does actually give back to the farmers… I know that for a fact.