Seeds From Pakistan

I am very interested and responsible for this. I am deeply inspired by their way of life. These people, even in today’s world, are living life the way they did thousands of years ago. They have immense strength in their work and are very hardworking farmers. They are happy when we tell them about the advancements in the cannabis world. They are fascinated and pleased by the progress in America, and they regret that Pakistan has not made them advanced in cannabis. They are forced into this situation primarily because they are kept away from all kinds of development. Today, they struggle to provide food for their children and are considering giving up making hashish from their pure crops because the government has imposed very strict laws on them.I feel saddened by this situation. These people are in need. They are interested in providing their best genetics to American people. I am a simple man, living a life far removed from worldly desires. My aim is to honestly help these farmers come out of their difficult old ways and give them development so they can feed their children well and educate them, enabling them to understand the true value of cannabis. These people, like their cannabis strains, are still pure and excellent.All my life is dedicated to them, believe me. If you feel their life, you will realize how difficult it is to live in the mountains with no government support and to sustain your family.


Farmers of Pakistan’s Mountains: Exemplars of Hospitality and ServiceNestled within the towering peaks of Pakistan’s majestic mountains, the farmers of this region embody a lifestyle deeply intertwined with nature and tradition. Their lives, marked by arduous work and resilience, are equally distinguished by their extraordinary hospitality and unwavering commitment to service.1. Warm Hospitality:In the rugged terrains of the Himalayas, Karakoram, and Hindu Kush ranges, visitors often encounter a warmth that is as refreshing as the mountain air. The farmers in these areas welcome guests with open arms, often inviting them into their humble homes without a second thought. The tradition of “mehmaan-nawazi” (hospitality) is deeply ingrained in their culture. Guests are treated to traditional meals, often prepared with locally sourced ingredients such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. The simplicity of their lifestyle is juxtaposed with the richness of their generosity.2. Sharing of Bounty:Despite the challenges of farming in mountainous regions, these farmers are always willing to share their harvest. It is common for them to offer fruits like apples, apricots, and cherries from their orchards to visitors and neighbors alike. This practice is not just a sign of goodwill but also a reflection of a community-centric way of life where resources, no matter how scarce, are shared freely.3. Exemplary Service:The service-oriented mindset of these farmers is another remarkable trait. They are always ready to assist, whether it involves guiding a lost traveler, offering a place to rest, or sharing farming techniques and knowledge with newcomers. Their expertise in terrace farming, which prevents soil erosion and maximizes arable land in the mountainous terrain, is often shared generously with anyone willing to learn.4. Cultural Ambassadors:Farmers in these regions often serve as cultural ambassadors, preserving and promoting the rich traditions of their heritage. They engage visitors with stories of their ancestors, local folklore, and traditional music and dance. By doing so, they ensure that the cultural tapestry of the region remains vibrant and appreciated by outsiders.5. Resilience and Adaptability:The farmers’ resilience in the face of natural adversities is commendable. They have adapted to the challenging environment by developing innovative farming techniques and relying on community support. Their ability to thrive in such conditions while maintaining a hospitable and service-oriented approach is a testament to their strength and character.6. Education and Empowerment:Many farmers are now actively involved in educational initiatives aimed at empowering the next generation. They support local schools and encourage children to pursue education alongside traditional farming practices. This dual approach ensures that the youth are well-equipped to handle the modern challenges of agriculture and sustainability.In conclusion, the farmers of Pakistan’s mountainous regions are paragons of hospitality and service. Their welcoming nature, coupled with their dedication to community welfare and cultural preservation, sets them apart as true custodians of their land and traditions. Their way of life is not only a lesson in resilience and adaptability but also a beautiful demonstration of how generosity and service can flourish even in the most challenging environments.


Thank you for the information. I see what you mean that they want this to live on and continue and spread the good energy that was put into it.


Thank you for that inspirational message from the mountains of Pakistan. We need to keep the communication open between our two areas of the world. We both have a lot to offer each other. If there is anything a western person can do to help encourage more friendly cannabis laws in Pakistan please let us know. It is just another unnecessary burden your people have to bear. We should all celebrate the opening of trade between our peoples as a positive development. I am honored to support the proud mountain communities who keep the ancient traditions alive.


1: Ghanam shah Village

This farm is located in the Ghanam shah area he grows short season variety. Broad leaf type. We collected more then 300 seeds from this cultivator spice fruity smell of his plants. Height of the plant 3 feet. His Verity famous for the hash Quality and its has a different effect and taste so our community consider him as a premium farm. Indica Afghan Variety From the Forest of Nuristan National Park He grow in his village Ghanam Shah


This one is interesting to me. Also the other Nuristan cultivars. 3 feet tall!


The park is in Afghanistan and the village is in Pakistan. So it’s originally an Afghan variety. That’s why I decided to get that one to try. The seeds are really big with lightning stripes


Very nice ! I’ve reached out to them, we’ll see what happens ! Thanks ,Chubby


Hello, I just wanted to make a suggestion in order to help them better. The price of $100 US dollars for 10 seeds is too high. You won’t get the sales because people can get some of the same genetics for much less. Except for a rare few, the price is going to be too high for most people. If you reduced prices across all the lines by 50% sales would pick up alot. Just come here and promote them every once and a while with information about specific varieties. Just with this website alone, you would get a lot more sales! See links below for example of what people are paying for similar genetics.


For someone like me who already has every type of seeds TRSC has offered for the past 5 years. This is a chance to get different versions of those varieties.

Even if something is from the same region it doesn’t mean it’s exactly the same seeds. TRSC has different batches every few years. The Chitrali from this year is different from 3 years ago and so on. I welcome every source we can possibly get for country of origin seeds.

These seeds from Pakistan are unique to each individual source and are not the same as other seed banks. They also have a very different selection besides those 3 varieties of the same name. If we want diversity we should encourage everyone to find their own price point that makes sense to their situation.


Although I was initially skeptical, I can appreciate the effort it takes to get some of these seeds and maintaining good relationships with the farmers for long term. Some of these places are high up in the mountains with literally no roads. You’d have to take a mule and a lot of time to get to these areas let alone get the trust of the farmers.

It is much easier to burn all the bridges once you have crossed them then it is to go back and try to cross that bridge again.


I agree 100 percent with both of you. Having said that, I also believe in helping them long term. The prices of $100 US dollars won’t net them a lot of sales. However, if they reduced their prices 50 percent I belive their sales would really take off. It’s simple economics, if one can get the same or similar for much cheaper, most will. Sure, I might do a charity buy like others, but those don’t last as a business. They have some nice genetics, but I believe they can make more money at the price point I mentioned. We have to ask, if that is not possible, is the Real seed company lowballing their sources? I believe they still get seeds sourced from location; at least some of them.


Real seeds buys in bulk from regional distributors. Most are from in country but some are reproductions. These guys from Pakistan specialize in genetics from their local area and don’t sell seeds from around the world. I don’t think it’s a good comparison between the two. I’m sure they are well aware of the other sellers and how much they charge. Assuming they haven’t considered all the pricing options is most likely incorrect.


I don’t see this as a charity at all. If anything they are doing charity work for us. They offer more than 20 unique cultivars that mostly are unavailable anywhere else. They seem to have a first hand account of all their different varieties and can help customize the order to fit specific needs. I’ve never dealt with anyone in country as available and knowledgeable about their genetics as them. (With the exception of East Africa Genes)

It’s the type of business that every few months when you get some extra money you buy one or two. We are just not connected to genetics in that area of the world though any other way. So it’s very special to me and I don’t mind not being able to afford everything at once like some other places.


Supernice info.
Love me good landrace :sunglasses:


I respect your opinion, and do see some points you made. They do have good selections and a lot more than rsc, but rsc still has quite a few of these types too. I don’t think that most people will buy them due to the prices, because as mentioned Rsc has a few of them for a lot less. Sure, here and there they will sell, but nothing like if they lowered their prices. Those plants can give a ton of seeds, so much they probable won’t sell even half of them. It would be better to get less money per sale, and a lot more sales, than a lot less at higher prices. Just my opinion.
Either way the discussion has brought some interest to this thread, which is a positive.


You make valid points about the pricing. But we don’t know their business model. For instance they were only able to get 300 seeds of the Ghanam Shah Village. They aren’t growers so they have to pay for travel. And purchase what they can find that’s available.
Hopefully they can stay in business for a long time!


I hope they can stay in business too. I am impressed by their selection.
For anyone just reading their website is:



I appreciate your thoughts on price but a company can’t lower their price, especially by 50%, just to please some people who can’t afford the item. I like Porsche but I don’t ask them to lower the price to fit my budget. There are plenty of seed packs out there for way over $100 per pack. And they are selling just fine. I have lost money trying to buy landrace seeds from around the globe but I keep trying… you know why? I got stuff no one else has… Terpenes you don’t find in these normal North American strains. I collect old school and feel it’s our fresh start after we are done with our soon to be 24 way unstable clone only crosses…


I guess you don’t see many Porsche in the street :roll_eyes:, our motto is Overgrow the world, seeds all around…

I will keep buying half price on RSC because I don’t think a pricey seed should be better, it’s the company by being reliable and reputed the one that makes that strain worth to have … Pirata|nullxnull