Seeds From Pakistan

I got the Tirah Valley special. $50 for 15 seeds. Malakand Mist is looking very interesting. I love the spicy citrus old world flavors.


I wanted to get some tirah valley and quetta queen. I reached out to them about a week ago and still no reply. Might try another message to see if they got it. Here’s what I was looking at


Did you contact them with WhatsApp or Email? WhatsApp works the best. They usually respond right away.


I don’t have WhatsApp so I did email


@Chara I did download the app so I could send them a message. Hopefully I’ll hear back today but I imagine it’s gonna be like $160 or so shipped for both


That sounds about right. You will get 15 seeds of each variety. I’m not sure if people are factoring that in when they compare to other seed banks that have 10 or 12 per pack. I think that’s a good first order for you!


The tirah Garda sounded nice with the coffee terps but the height has me a bit worries being limited to 52 inches to grow in my tents not including a light gap. The quetta queen sounds like the perfect thing for my tendinitis pain I was excited to find it! Figured I’d throw in one of the tirah as well since they were running a special


If you keep up with the Tirah with topping and training. And maybe even a smaller container. I just use bloom fertilizer in veg to control upwards growth and keep the nitrogen low


Yes we respect your interest in the old rare flavors what are very few


Oh ok, I paid more than you I guess… :sweat_smile: For me it was 95$ for 10 seeds (2 strains, 5 pieces each), but he threw in 5 bonus beans from another strain. Maybe it’ll be 6 of each also. I think he is a fair salesman, at least that’s the impression I got so far.
Maybe some of the lesser known strains from remote Pakistani villages and areas are a bit cheaper, I can’t say. But the prices on the beans from e.g. Afghan Seeds Connection or Afghan Collection (both also available via bigger seedbanks) are very similar to the prices for the Paki Landrace seeds.

My order has been delayed, sadly. I was informed by Muhammad that there was a problem with customs and they sent the letter back to him. He said that happens occasionally. The solution is to change the customs declaration on the letter and send it away again. This was a week ago now. I hope that I won’t have to wait for much longer. :roll_eyes: :slightly_frowning_face:


I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure they will sort out the shipping issues and get your package back on its way. One thing to remember when buying exotic seeds from the other side of the world is patience. It’s going to take longer than expected most of the time. The prices depend on what you order and how much. I think you have a good point about comparing prices between the different landrace suppliers. Indian landrace exchange, Afghan Selection and many others are very similar in price. Bringing up three or four varieties from the real seeds company is not a fair comparison. But there’s always going to be someone who isn’t happy no matter what you do. If you’re one of those people just get what makes you happy and don’t complain about something you’re not going to buy anyway.


Brother, unfortunately this happened, now this is a common thing, we have no problem with it
I want these types of our country to reach you as soon as possible
So that you can cultivate the varieties of our different regions
I am sorry bro this happens before but once in many months it is our responsibility
Getting your work done You sit back and trust our work
This is just a minor issue
If they sent your mail back due to a misunderstanding, we will resend it and pay the reshipping fee to get it to you.


Yes I appreciate :pray: and respect for your interest in our country pure landrace
All is About your order is done we have to ship your and also others Envelopes Very soon I’m sort out the all Envelopes this week and make sure you guys I respect your Sppourt we are working for you and also traveling awy from the city so that is the sometimes reason for 1 or 2 days delay but we try to sort out everything soon you people are waiting for our seeds its our pleasure we work on the best lines of the Hindu Kush and other old regions what are known as their cannabis heritage I’m here with you in everything in every question about the traditional way of growing Thank you


Just for clarification the OG member @Pakistanvillages is a business associate of Pakistan Landrace Seeds? Or are they one in the same person?


Great to hear that! I’m in no rush to get the seeds just as long as they arrive intact lol. I’m excited for the quetta queen and really hope it helps my tendinitis pain. If so im gonna pass some around to my friends and tell them about where I got it to help you out


I believe that is the case.
I’d have to read back a little.

@chara might have your answer. :wink:


I’m not going to speak for them because it’s not my place to do that. What I can say is that the crew is traveling on an expedition in the mountains right now looking for new genetics!


Just making an observation @Chara you’ve been speaking for them and on their behalf this entire thread but can’t or won’t answer my simple question.


@Pakistanvillages is the same person everyone is talking to on WhatsApp. I just got news that he has some very interesting new Afghani seeds from across the border. If anyone wants to know more you should message him on WhatsApp.


I wasn’t making any accusation, please don’t get me wrong @Pakistanvillages and @Chara . It was more so a positive feedback that Pakistanvillages was so open and transparent about what happened and didn’t just let me wait without knowing what’s happened. :slight_smile: :+1:t2: I’m sure this wasn’t his fault and absolutely not intended to happen and I’m not surprised that an international letter that has to make its way through probably 10 or more countries takes a while to arrive.
I’ve done business with scammers before, sadly, and I can say the way they mostly operate after receiving a payment is not in any way what Paki Landraces did.
Of course I hope to receive the goods soon and be able to plant them and also report on here, but for now I’m far from being concerned about anything. Hope that prevents any misunderstandings :blush: :v:t2: