Sensibowl Grows Things

2 weeks since flip

Purple Primate

Death Bubba

OG Kush


Those look So Good. Canopy control is StellA. Iconic strain line-up. Props. :sunglasses: :metal: :100: :fire:

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Thanks Cole, feel like I have the light height dialed in this time too. Should be a good crop! :+1:


Looks great my friend, I love the canopy. I have so many different kinds I can’t get a canopy like that. I tried doing that with Apollo ape. Thanks for the show.:peace_symbol:


Cheers, this one was a bit of a dice roll. Luckily the Death Bubba was the only one that stretched a bit, it was a little shorter but caught up with the other two :smile:

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Gave a quick smell test today, Purple Primate is starting to smell like strawberry candy! :strawberry: :candy:


Just over the 3 week mark since flip

Purple Primate

Death Bubba

OG Kush


All caught up. How’s big yote doin?

Also did you get to the bottom of why your plants were dumping leaves? My last grow did the same damn thing. Wasn’t a pH issue. Could only narrow it down to too hot reservoir or too hot room. Neither of which I could fix to figure out what was up.

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Big yote isn’t looking so good, the fungus is ripping through it in multiple spots now. I should probably toss it so it doesn’t spread to the others.

Ah that sucks, so frustrating trying to narrow it down without results. I never did get to the bottom of it either. Tossed the pots outside and started sifting out the pumice to use for other plants :laughing:.

Going try again with a fresh mix and maybe some sips eventually, for now just trying to keep everything on track and build my stash back up. Spent enough time limping along due to all that powdery mildew last year

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I’m making my plants limp across the finish line this Sunday for their insolence. Let this be a lesson to any other plants that want to try and quit on me.

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lmao, need to hang em up in plain sight of the other plants with a sign saying “Ye Be Warned” :skull_and_crossbones:


:joy::joy::joy::heart::heart::heart: you know the routine. Joes got my likes on lock down for a few more minutes. I got all cocky earlier about how I’d been saving them up all day and I was gonna clown all night. That didn’t happen!

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Premo :sunglasses: :metal:


… annnnd it already spread to the others… dammit


Whelp, I’m not messing with cacti for a while. We’ll see how far the San Pedro gets but that’s about it. Just too humid I think :man_shrugging:… way she goes


Sorry to here about your cacti getting a fungus. I was following along with yer cactus and peyote grow too.:peace_symbol:


Thanks Green, it’s pretty disappointing but not a lot I can do at this point. At least the San Pedro is unscathed at the moment though

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Purple primate 27 days


OG Kush


Those are looking Killer man. :fire:

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