Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

The same on another plant. They are both Strawberry Cough. This is #4 the last #2


Jungle of suckered from not cleaning it up and letting her go untouched.


Yep, looks like a jungle.
Mine are all overgrown too…LOL
I am not really lazy, just don’t feel like doin’ that right now…right?
I try to hit em when I transplant.
I will take extra then cause I can see the future. :roll_eyes:

Your grow style seems a bit like mine.
Not real pretty in the pictures, but the end result is worth all the effort.

Have ya ever tried to smoke that stuff?
I find it super oily and really sticky too.
It always tastes kinda crappy though.

The funky leaf curl is most likely from an imbalanced distribution of Auxin or cytokinin.

For example:
When one side gets auxin and the other does not, it can cause the leaf to grow faster on one side than the other.

Kinda like when a plant bends toward the light.
This type of light-oriented growth is called phototropism.
So I feel it is a form of phototropism so to speak, There may be a better term to use.
But I feel that is the skinny on the leaf formation.

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I just looked at it up close, I would tend to agree, especially if you find no little seeds late.
I did not see any pollen in the pic either, but it is just a pic.
Maybe the bananas were not quite ripe, or coulda gotten wet.
I dunno, just throwing shit out there… :upside_down_face:

Probably just not producing pollen/sterile…LOL


The leaf curl is on the flowers i left on the bottom to reveg after harvest. The curled leaf was once a part of the flower. The flowers sort of grow into the single bladed smooth/rounded shape. (Made more than a few people feel strongly that they’d discovered never before seen cannabis virus seeing a revegged plant for the 1st time).

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Sometimes I get ahead of myself and get excited and pop too many seeds or veg a day or 2 too long. Sometimes I need to just clone a cut out a plant that gets too big. This was one of those times. The plant is big and flower room is full until a good bit of time out so I rooted a clone and decided to give her a haircut to see how she handles it. The clone is ready to go so why not see what stressing her out does.


I had a couple days off from work and tried to get as much done as I could but it never seems to be enough, there is always so much still left to do, always. This is a SC#4×RC/TB, super stocky thick little plant. It sits on a no till bucket and so therfore is part of the notill bucket. The worms claimed it so I staked it to the bottom bucket until the roots did the job for me.

The plant on the bottom bucket is RC/TB reveg from last go.

The leaf from the first one we :

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Im just going to post pics. I’ve had a bunch of shit happening and it has things more chaotic than usual but things will get sorted out one day, or not. One plant at a time, overgrow the world.




Did I post the same picture 3 or more times? I failed at internet today, good night.

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The last pic its the bottom right plant is the BBD. I’ve culled 2 males, 2 flowering females. 2 other females ready to be flowered as well. No Blueberry smells at all. Nothing really standing out as of yet, the plants are all showing unique personality.

Sorry I suck at posting pictures I can’t see them when I’m looking for the correct one to post.



The last of the 3 I have left is putting 3 branches at each node, only on one of the branches though.



I was checking on a male BBD to confirm sex and he is Blueberry Gas. My other half said Blueberry w/o me having to clue her into what it’s she is supposed to smell, that isn’t to often of an occurrence. I hope that will be what they all smell like, that Blueberry has me excited for the flowers.


Having topped my plants close to the node this time around I have found it to be less than ideal way of doing it. I have split more plants in half during this grow than all my other grows combined. It looks cleaner but w/o a stump the main stem is just too weak and easily splits w/little force needed for this to occur. Duct tape is your friend.


that’s awesome. at first i was hesitant to call the smell blueberry even though i was pretty sure that’s what it was.


The plants have had no smell besides normal everyday generic plant smells. It was not anything to set anything apart till I disturbed the male looking for balls. It was a relief to say the least. I was hoping for Blueberry and now there is a good chance for the others to have some of that same magic. I will post pics when I’m off work in a few hours. The ones in the flower room are starting to stretch, I will check to see how their noses are developing. I was working on the last BBD in veg and I split her down the middle. I splinted her best I could and cut any tension from training wires to allow her to heal. Next time I’ll leave a stump when topping



Strawberry Cough #4 × RC/TB

I’ve got a plant I’ve been working w/for awhile from the SC#4/TB, im hoping this goes similarly as well.

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The stems on those leaves are wild looking.

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