Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict


I’ve always wanted to do a single plant grow but never had the confidence to put all my eggs in one basket. I have this over-vegged monster that was too big to flower in my usual room and it was either this or cut and compost. My heart hurt thinking about cutting down all this growth, I have clones but still would rather flower whenever possible.

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Blueberry Diesel


looking good. seems to be a stretcher.


Got halfway through cleaning up the re-vegged plants before I thought to take pics, still getting used to sharing what I do w/anyone besides my animals. Strawberry Cough #4

These next ones are Strawberry Cough #2

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The last 2 pics are of a plant topped and trained but I broke it in-half. The skin healed onto the other side and I stood this part up instead of the out it was originally trained to go.

The white cup is on top of the pot holding this clone before she lost half her identity

Sorry im high I got the pics mixed up. The small clone is the plant filling the 4×4. That pic was taken 10/23 or around there, the 4×4 trellis went up just yesterday or the day before so it is new.




This was my very 1st and only auto I’ve grown. My SC2 throws nanners in late flower if anything is not to her liking. I found 4 seeds the 1st time I grew her out. I grew all 4, 2 made it to fruition. 1 was photo and smelled and looked exactly like mom, the other was auto and smelled and looked and tasted just like mom/dad. This is something I’d like to explore a bit. Im not to fond of the terms but the flowers are fat and greasy. She smells like diesel fuel and chemicals. If I didn’t grow her organically I’d never believe there wasn’t some kind of chemical in the bud.

I wasn’t aware of the plant being an auto. When she begun to flower i thought she was a mutant or something showing sex in 3 weeks from seed. By the time I snapped to her being auto she was already good and stunted from being neglected to keep them small until I had space to flower them out, 12/12.

7 grams dried


Sounds like the first auto I ever did, same as result about 1/4 oz.:peace_symbol:

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Exactly what I got. I don’t usually weigh anything, ever, but I weighed this and it was 7g’s exactly.

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Very nice!

The title caught my eye, only a true pink floyd fan would know that track lol


The 3rd one is female and I have up-potted her to a 5-gal bucket. She has really made herself right at home and in the next week she will be put on 12/12. (BH×PTG)

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The final BBD in veg. The stalk split in half while training. I wired it closed and released all tension hiding her down and let her just sit and grow out of all her training. Actually I cleaned her up before leaving for work and she cleaned up quite nice. I’ll snap a few shots of her when I’m off in a few more hours. @anonymous4289


She looks really healthy, nice work so far.
I hope she turns into a stunner for ya. :astonished:
I really like both, the Bubblehead and the Pine Tar Gush.

Thanks again for growing some of these.



I don’t know how I missed this, my bad. The funny looking twisting leaves in the pic were once upon a time part of the flower formation. They would start when the flower would lose structure and loosen up. The buds would unfold into a shit ton of these deformed funky twisting unfurling leaf material.

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