Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

Unwelcome guest crashed the party…

Deep in the trellis and heavily intangled within it meant the net had to be sacrificed to save the sinsemilla.





Buds look like they are getting heavy, not a bad problem to have. :laughing:

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I had to cut the trellis to get a sneaky male out the mix. I propped it up the best possible to limp to the finish line.


looking good man. are any of those the blueberry diesel?


The last 2. I’ve been busy sorry for the long time between updates. I also have one im doing the solo cup challenge, though I haven’t updated there in even longer.


Happy New Year’s!

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Blueberry Diesel

That is the BBD that is in the Solo Cup Challenge. She is clipped way up in the beast of a plant, a GHAZE/GOJI from Bean’s 4 St. Judes thread.

BBD things are looking good, some of the flowers are looking close. Not too big but beautiful resin cover nuggs. I’ve only used these leds this one time and I see some huge improvement to the quality of the flower of my previous grows. I will get shots of individual plants today. I have pulled a couple huge ladies out this past couple days and the room is open to see what is happening.


Royal Chem
This is my original RC mother cut. I’ve made a RC/TB cross then back-crossed the offspring with the original mum. This is where I am at in what I’ve mean messing around with.


Very nice @NICO . That Royal Chem looks killer!
Best of luck on your back crosses.:v::canada:



My mothers. My plants that have been and should be around for a good long time. Gone. Chopped down, cut up and going back to the ground.

These are cuts i was able to hopefully salvage. They were jammed down into a bucket cut to shit and stomped down on top of one another for 48 hours before taking the cuts.


I’ve seen signs of revegg from time to time, never large-scale or even wntire plants, only a few single blade leaves here and there. I have been going over the room trying to find any light leaks, nothing I can see and no camera or other source of light I cannot see. Sitting here thinking about how I can run an exhaust w/o changing any of the structure already there. The air conditioner vent. It has got to be there, when I do the check the other room is also dark so I wouldn’t be any light at that time. So stupid simple, it was right there the entire time. This has been the rock in my boot. I made it too complicated and overthought it.

The bad part is I checked the room top to bottom for any light, including the outlets and vent. I didn’t once think about maybe flipping on the lights in the other rooms to see if the light then polluted my flower room. I was looking for phantom light when I only needed to look in a much more obvious source. I hope this might help someone out going through a similar problem.



I chopped 2 plants, both clones from the RC/TB cross I made. They were a little early but were looking rough and the room they were occupying was needed. The first one went into jars last night. It was total 146 grams. The other is still drying but I know it won’t be close to the total of the other cut.

Can’t keep a good girl down. This little girl was chopped down before flower, she filled the entire 4×4 canopy. She was a victim of a domestic squabble and I for sure thought she was toast.


That should grow out really well, good save!
What is she?

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