Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

RGSC- One of them came down today. The other is floating up something serious, the pics don’t do her justice. The one that came down had an accident after these pics were taken. She didn’t make it.


Man these ladies didn’t like nothing I did. They all started to fade early and I ignored it too long. Once the sugar leaves started dying I had to chop. The smell are great, still can’t place ot. I’m going to try to reveg the funky one.


Those Buds look fantastic @nico. I’m stoked you pulled it off. Too bad to hear about an accident.
Thank You for taking the time to grow these Red GSC.
look-out @SativaKid, fresh Buds!!


I’ve only got the single space at the moment so my veg wad lacking, other wise all 3 gave been great. I can’t believe how much resin the one is putting out here st the end, one day 1/4 of the flower site was frosted over. Over the next couple weeks she is frosting over the entire flower. Also they are quite beautiful in the fade.


This is our KiKi. She and a very missed Tom Cat changed our view on cats. I wasn’t a cat person, I’ve had ferrets for 12 or so years now and didn’t like Cats much at all. I’ve been put under the kitty’s spell.


I have some Red growing with 5 weeks to go. But it’s indoors with a minimum temperature of 70f. It needs lower 60’s to start red production. And my Red pictures I posted before were done when I could control temperature to 55f because I had a supply of cool outside air. I believe this strain can grow in cold temperatures and produce very red pictures. It also has a 9 to 10 week flower which is long for an Indica leaning strain. I think this strain is good for Southern Ontario. And the only time I’ve seen it was my neighbor the plant torturer. It was harvested too early but I got to see it stand up to a brief freezing rain.


I’ve still got 2 going and the one that is getting close to finishing didn’t bulk up and frost over until the very last week or 2. If I would’ve pulled it when it looked done I would’ve missed the the bulk of everything I am looking for. I’ve never seen it so obvious before, the bulking up yes but this plant went from minimum frost to just covered. Fat, frosty, and stinking! The one I trimmed tonight smelled of sweet onions that have sat out in the sun all day. Interesting. I will revisit these again as winter gets a bit closer. The fade these had was beautiful, I’d love to see what she does in cold weather. @SativaKid

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The one I harvested just a few days ago and the other that is almost done went 12/12. The last one was planted at the same time but I had planned to veg it out. Not having a dedicated veg space made that a good amount of extra work. If you zoom in hopefully you can see some of the frost. The pics do t do her justice. @SativaKid


Casey Jones ix
@LouDog420 @TopShelfTrees1

The have been quick to flower. The CJ is still trying to get the flower cycle rolling and these are well on their way w/flowers already forming.



I was able to get the Bubblegum plant revegged, cloned, and rooted. I also was able to collect 20-30 seeds from the CJ ix pollen I hit her w/the day before deciding to reveg. I also was able to collect 10 or so seedlings from the pot where the flowers opened and released seeds that fell to the substrate. Thank you for steering me in the right direction.

This was the first pink bubblegum terps I had ever experienced. I was in a panic trying to figure out how to preserve it and not lose it. After revegging the original plant I found, more of the sister plants kept the BG theme going. All of them have looked and smelled almost identical.

The BG comes from hitting my Strawberry Cough w/pollen from Texas Butter male. Taking the offspring from that pairing and using male pollen to go back and hit the SC w/it. This wasn’t what I expected but I’ll take it.


I have two Red Headed Hippies in starter pots now. I enjoy the smoke.


Looks like you enjoyed growing it. It’s a healthy strain with good smoke. And like other good strains, it comes down to if you like the buzz.


When I first started growing the Red GSC I had my mind blown by the colors. I always figured I was screwing up. Then I left the colored on the plant. And soon afterwards that 60 degrees farenheit nighttime was like magic as the color completely changed and was Red. And when I grew one with 50f nighttime temp I got blood red buds that dried black in the bag. Black sticky, stinky strong weed.


Pink Floyd, my favorite band.

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Nice! That’s gonna be killer! Great structure! Awesome work all around


I’m getting excited about it even more now! They will be in the next group of seeds to pop, winter is just a short veg away.

I’m definitely regretting not vegging them out properly. They will get the attention and effort to coax the most out them as I can.

Pink Floyd was my favorite From a very young age.


How are the RedHeadedHippie plants? I may have to drop a few of those as well, I forgot about them.


She has started getting darker colors now that I’ve iced her bucket down a few times. Beautiful!


Are those foxtails in the genetics or did you get overzealous with your lights?

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She loves the cold

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