Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict



Thanks everyone for looking at it. I had found what I thought were maul parts lower on the plant a few days before and called it him. Then a couple days goes by and I see pistils and the male parts looked shriveled and dead. I just scraped what I was unsure of off and will keep it under close observation.

Thanks @shag @Lady.Zandra63 @TopShelfTrees1 and anyone else I may have missed.


I had made water soluble calcium using eggshells and vinegar. I do not like to use the amount of vinegar needed in my grow, it makes the flowers taste like vinegar imo. I put the calcium/vinegar mixture into my crock pot and just left it until it was dry. I then mixed this up to a fine powder in my grinder.

Is there any reason this wouldn’t work the same as it did w/the vinegar? It dissolves in water and sprays through a mister. Is this not a good way to get calcium to the plants?

Thanks anyone who may be able to answers this. @shag @TopShelfTrees1, anyone who is running knf style grow.


Honestly I can’t answer this for you definitively but I can’t see why not, it’s actually wise. Ya screw vinegar buds, that’ll ruin mild terps for sure. (Should) work but definitely don’t take my word as gospel.


There were 150k out-of-town folks here just to view the eclipse. My better half got the “ring of fire” pics I can’t hold the phone steady enough to take pics like that. It is amazing the the pic was taken w/a phone. Crazy days we live in. @TopShelfTrees1


It really is, people are using them for movies , like REAL MOVIES and everything! I was stoked to see those, was showing my wife too. Great job

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I broke out the BH/PTG today. It was weeks early, remember, so I had little hope for it. The perfume like terps remained, potent as they were on the living plant. They come through in the taste and I was giggling high. I’ve not been high like that for some time, everything has kind of just run together in the same stoned feeling lately but this flower tasted great and made me smile like a little kid in a candy store. I’ve got some issues going on that have my seed popping halted for the time being, but these are definitely on the radar for when I start up again.


I know if you still smell vinegar after about 20 days that means you didn’t have enough egg shells to vinegar ratio or did not let it sit long enough. Add more egg shells and let sit for a bit longer and it should go away. You don’t want to use your calcium when it’s vinegary as it will definitely mess with ph. The way you did it should be perfect tho honestly. I’m on my first batch tho so haven’t used any yet and by all means no expert but, I believe @HeadyBearAdventures may know more on that.

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Misunderstood. Hang on


Okay, so you made an anhydrous Calcium supplement…I have no idea. It shouldn’t be any different once its rehydrated, but I don’t know.
Per my previous post though, at the standard dilution rate really shouldn’t change flavors at all.


It smells like Italian bread to me. I may have spilt something somewhere or even touched something w/o washing my hands. I still would like to know if dehydrating the calcium to a fine powder would still work.

Before I did the entire batch I did just a tbsp to get a weight of how much calcium was in each tblsp. That way I can just weigh out dry powder instead of storing the liquid.

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Thank you. I may have cross contaminated things when working w/the vinegar. I’m not working in a big space so it is likely. I still would like to work with the powder that spraying it from diluted liquid.

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Give it a shot!
Quick research indicates that, if the reaction was complete with the vinegar and shells, you should have Calcium Acetate monohydrate… which should remain stable, and bioavailable to the plants when rehydrated.


Nice report there brother.
Thanks it is appreciated.

Much love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Violeta f2
Beans4St Judes



CaseyJones ix

CaseyJones ix


HawiianSnow/ Tent

WhiteCherryTruffles fems


More Casey jones ix

@Kasper0909 @Ottafish @TopShelfTrees1 @LouDog420 @shag


Crushin it over here bro! Very very nice! So many epic strains I’m dying to pop! I absolutely love it!


I don’t remember is that the Odisha x BS or Oaxaca x BS. Has it been under 12/12 the whole time? Everything looks awesome!!


I believe it is Odisha/BS. You had 3 and one flowered early? I believe? I had thought one of them was male but he was a she so she lived. So 2of 3 female.


Nice she looks really good. My baby Odisha volunteer female looks really nice, actually going to re veg her as she was outside and check out her full potential. Definitely has good bud structure. Super frosty early too.

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KiKi takes care of the males for us. She even takes care of the lowers of any plant she comes across, as well as the uppers, and middles of any she thinks she can sneak a quick bite off of. She can be heard from across the house crunching on fans.

SugarBelts f2

SugarBelts f2

Mystery volunteer

Lambsbread/ BlueMountain
Sensitive and finicky, I burned her w/compost from my worm bin.