Share your freakshow hybird

Ya most the crosses I’ve been seeing is on discord

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omg these blurble on silver shots are embarrassing. Sorry

1 of 3 selected to be knocked up- f1 Freakshow X banana daddy auto. She was the fastest to flower short, squat with tight bud stacking.

This one was the most uniform with more slender leaves. i will get a good shot when she is out of quarantine

I have one more that came out of a pure white seed. She is the largest took the longest to flower and has the loosest bud structure.

BX to freak show

BX to Banna Daddy auto

I cant wait to smoke the ones that i did not knock up.


Here’s some of my freakshow flowers just now curing for 2 weeks


have any left to trade? I’m way into it :slightly_smiling_face:


Those freakshow seeds are really cool looking, mine were totally white too. Interested to see how your homeade crosses come out. I have a few left in storage. I bet you might have something unique pop up from those.

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Pretty sure that I can scrape a few together for you.


sure is purty
seems appropriate for the mutant madness thread.
This here is freakshow hybrid thread

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Technically it’s inbred freakshow from a Ukrainian breeder…does that meet your lofty standards? Haha jk

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I would say no. but sure
What does it mean to be lofty?

adjective. of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style. “a noble and lofty concept” synonyms: elevated, exalted, grand, high-flown, high-minded, idealistic, noble-minded, rarefied, rarified, sublime. noble.

are hybrids lofty ? i dunno if that was the right word.

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How many weeks did you let her go ?

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@PsillyRabbit We should hook up and exchange some seeds. I’m coming into this Fern-leaf freakshow stuff from the Pineapple Express side. You’ve got the Banana side of stuff. Would you want some of this pollen?

Ya. my stuff all has the same Pineapple Express male from last summer. all the females going now are x PE (m) crosses. and they got hit with this Cape Goat male. jr mint mac1 x LC x PE. Same stuff I grew a normal looking one over the winter. Stuff’s magic for PTSD and panic attacks. zero anxiety. social daytime stuff.

Ya… seeds for the Jr Mint MAC1 were white, too.

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i am a pollen fiend so it would probably get used within the next 4 months.
i dunno if i want cross the auto genes with anything more than what im working with already.
trade f1s or f2s ?

what auto? yours?

I’ll have seeds from all this current PE Crosses with the freakshow PE male pretty soon. Like… stuff’s probably week 4 of flower right now. probably go 8-10 weeks. Those will be the best chance seeds. and there’s like 6 diff strain mixes.

haha. okay. yeah. your auto stuff.

anyways. I have that Cape Goat male in the yard. I can go fight the bees and snip off stuff into a bag, and vial up some pollen. same stuff mine’s crossed with. should be a good donor.